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  1. MyLittleRedCoop

    All but one died. :(

    I found 4 chicks locally on craigslist from a breeder. I'm not even sure what breeds they are... at this point I am not going to be picky! ;) (Lol, my luck I picked all roos!!!:lol:) But they were about the same age and size (and appeared healthy... normally I would quarantine, but I guess...
  2. MyLittleRedCoop

    All but one died. :(

    I live in the Twin Cities metro area of Mn. I just received my chick order today and all but one died. Is there anyone (preferably on the east side) that can spare a day old chick or two so the surviving little one has a friend?
  3. MyLittleRedCoop

    Blue Orpington and Black Copper Marans sexing - 12 weeks

    Lol, clearly I should have looked closer before answering. :rolleyes: Tips are black, base is red/pink. Sorry!! However, I was just thinking about this over the summer and marveling that she still had black in them, and it looks like she has even less now. The picture of her in the nest box...
  4. MyLittleRedCoop

    Blue Orpington and Black Copper Marans sexing - 12 weeks

    Hi, StephensonC, I still have her and she's huge! Much bigger overall than my buff orps. And a great layer. Her comb is still very small/short. It's pinkish on the tips, but the base is still dark grey. Her combs are also short with pinkish red on the lowest dangly parts, but greyish up by...
  5. MyLittleRedCoop

    Which temp/humidity level is right?

    I have a question about the salt method for the hygrometer calibration... Testing calls for 1/2 c salt and 1/4 c water. It says the salt should look like wet sand and not dissolve. When I added the water to the salt, I did not get a "wet sand" look, even after I stirred it. There is about...
  6. MyLittleRedCoop

    Which temp/humidity level is right?

    I haven't calibrated the hygrometer (Lol, I've been spelling it wrong!) But I'll do the salt test today. Is there a way to do the same for the thermometers? I compared them to a glass one in the brinsea, but figured they were off due to location differences in the dome. I will...
  7. MyLittleRedCoop

    Which temp/humidity level is right?

    Thanks for your input! So you think stay the course, temp and humidity wise, as I did before, for day 1-18, (since a good number of them made it to day 18, with only typical cracked eggs due to shipping and a few clears as my losses) and then reduce the temp by a degree when I lock down? I...
  8. MyLittleRedCoop


    Always have a back-up plan... I waited for my gal to go broody. Then I moved her to a safe location, so none of the other gals would get their eggs mixed up with the "real ones" she was setting on. It's kind of a make-it or break-it moment, as moving her can either go as planned or can break...
  9. MyLittleRedCoop

    Which temp/humidity level is right?

    I just had the worst. hatch. EVER. I need to do one last batch before the season is over (since I got way less than I was hoping to hatch), but I really want to make good and sure I have this issue set before I try again, because I can't take another incubator full of dead-in-the-shell...
  10. MyLittleRedCoop

    Eggs in incubator, humidty levels ok?

    My brain is obviously on overflow. I've been staring at these numbers and can't get them to make sense. It's my first time with a "bigger" incubator. I had a little Brinsea eco mini, that was kind of dummy proof. (Put water here, then put more water here. Done.) This one has to be...
  11. MyLittleRedCoop

    Day 22 and nothing

    When I did it, it was 23 days, so 2 days past "due". I had 2 eggs that weren't progressing. I also did the peck and scratch test, lightly tapping the egg (like the mama would) to see if the chick peeps. I could hear one chick peep through the egg shell, so I didn't do the test on that egg...
  12. MyLittleRedCoop

    Day 22 and nothing

    I found this link helpful. It's pretty easy to do.
  13. MyLittleRedCoop

    Shipped eggs, resting and setting question

    I am super egg-cited! I have fertile eggs arriving TODAY! Yay! I have a question about the process... I had bad luck with shipped eggs in the past and I am wanting to do things to the letter to get better results. I usually number and candle my own or local eggs before sticking them...
  14. MyLittleRedCoop

    kitty litter boxes as nest boxes?

    Sorry, I just remembered one random thing about using these that I thought you'd find helpful... Just wanted to add that they can also FLIP, not just tip. One of my hens -- and I'll be honest, she's one of my "sweet stinkers" who are exceptionally curious and prone to mischief -- got stuck...
  15. MyLittleRedCoop

    kitty litter boxes as nest boxes?

    Thes work out just fine, size wise. The hen pictured is an Australorp. But my Marans (who's even bigger) likes them, too. As do my Orpingtons. One actually hatched a batch of chicks in one of these nest boxes, too. There is plenty of room for them to get in and out, but still feel snug...
  16. MyLittleRedCoop

    Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

    I have to leave my hens "crop bra" on all the time or she gets squishy again. I check her every night to make sure it's in place. As long as it's on her, she does fine. The only other thing I would keep in mind for the future is that, from everything I've read, a lot of the time, the...
  17. MyLittleRedCoop


    That would be so much fun! And summer would be the perfect time to do it!
  18. MyLittleRedCoop

    Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

    I would maybe divide it into 6 pcs instead of 3. So, basically halve the dosage. Or maybe even smaller pieces, like 8, if your little roo is tiny...? That should be fine. When my gal didn't respond to one 1/3 "pill" piece, I actually gave her 1/2 of the "pill". She didn't have any trouble...
  19. MyLittleRedCoop

    Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

    I had to use a combination of the monistat, the crop bra, and impacted crop instructions to get my girl Trudy back to normal, but we have regular poop again and she is bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and itching to go outside. It's the start of spring, so hoping to get some eggs again, soon, too. I...
  20. MyLittleRedCoop

    Sour Crop CURED with Monistat

    Trudy was still very full and squishy this am. So I vomited her again and gave her more of the scrambled egg, yogurt and monostat. I got quite a bit of it out of her, but wasn't able to get her fully empty. It feels like there might be some solids in there? Not like a hard ball, more...
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