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  1. baileybrood

    Using your chickens as compost workers

    Thank you for your advice!
  2. baileybrood

    Using your chickens as compost workers

    Okay. Thanks for the advice!
  3. baileybrood

    Using your chickens as compost workers

    Yes, I think I"ll just leave out the onion skins, etc.... I use a lot of onion! I can't imagine very small pieces of cooked onion will hurt them, right?
  4. baileybrood

    Using your chickens as compost workers

    My compost pile is actually going to be in an old raised bed that sits on a hill. I was going to take out the lower rails so I can get into it easier to turn, if needed. I figure the chickens can only scratch as far as the sides then!
  5. baileybrood

    Using your chickens as compost workers

    I am considering adding a compost pile close to my chickens. I've read a lot about letting them forage in it to turn the pile. I also want to add their manure and shavings to the pile. My only concern is in regards to the kitchen scraps I put in. If I put onions and other kitchen scraps...
  6. baileybrood

    7 day old chick chirping a lot, closing eyes often and smaller than rest of chicks

    thank you! That sounds about right. Someone mentioned putting some corn syrup in their water to give her energy. What do you all think of that? How do you make a chick drink? I've tipped her beak in..... Maybe I need to use a dropper to make sure she's getting enough?
  7. baileybrood

    7 day old chick chirping a lot, closing eyes often and smaller than rest of chicks

    I have 3 new baby chicks - 7 days old. The 2 Wyndottes are healthy, active chicks. My little Welsummer is not quite as big as they are and seems to chirp a lot. I noticed she closes her eyes often, too. The other two will be off running around in the brooder and she'll just stay to herself...
  8. baileybrood

    2 year old hen stumbling - any ideas?

    Crop was not very full last night. No discharge near vent. Have not seen any mites. She has been molting lately along with one other barred rock. The other br has flushed out with new feathers already though. I'll stop the Epsom salt and try getting her to eat more. I'll bring her inside...
  9. baileybrood

    2 year old hen stumbling - any ideas?

    My 2 year old barred rock started stumbling as if drunk yesterday morning. It started as soon as she came out of the coop in the morning. We have had a lot of extreme cold and snow here in the south lately and my flock has not been venturing out of their pen. Theyve been staying in their...
  10. baileybrood

    Help! Just came home to an injured hen - closed eye and swollen waddles (pic attached)

    Thank you all for your thoughts. Yes, it was a bite and I bet it was a snake or possibly bee/wasp. I believe she died from anaphylactic shock. It happened so quickly. I imagine there is not anything that can be done for a hen that's been bitten?
  11. baileybrood

    Help! Just came home to an injured hen - closed eye and swollen waddles (pic attached)

    Unfortunately, she died during the night. I wish I knew what happened to her. I feel so bad.
  12. baileybrood

    Help! Just came home to an injured hen - closed eye and swollen waddles (pic attached)

    Sourland, her beak is intact. I checked that first when I was giving her the nutridrench. Chickenfever - they have "free" range by means of a 80 x 100 foot fenced area to roam. Plenty of room for 6 chickens. I did notice a stray dog on the other side of the fence when I got home. I...
  13. baileybrood

    Help! Just came home to an injured hen - closed eye and swollen waddles (pic attached)

    I just came home to find my favorite chicken injured. Her right eye is swollen and shut along with swollen waddles on both sides of her face. Her left eye is fine. I found a small amount of blood but other than that, I can't figure out what happened to her. She's 5 months old. I'm assuming...
  14. baileybrood

    Layed first egg and now sick! Is it coccidiosis??

    UPDATE: this morning my chicken is acting perfectly normal! Thank you so much for your advice. It must have been the stress of laying her first egg. I hope her next one isn't as traumatic I am constantly learning more and more about these wonderful birds. I hope this isn't a sign of...
  15. baileybrood

    Layed first egg and now sick! Is it coccidiosis??

    Really! Oh, the would be so good. She was fine this morning when I fed before work. Since the new egg looks just like my older Australorp's eggs (except a little smaller), I assume it was her. Maybe I can do a search on stress and first egg laying. I feel so bad that one of them is sick.
  16. baileybrood

    Layed first egg and now sick! Is it coccidiosis??

    My 5 mo old astralorp layer her first egg sometime today. I'm pretty sure it's hers because it's the same color as my adult astralorp. When I got home tonight I found her lethargic and not eating. Her crop is empty. I saw her have a yellowish diarrhea as well. I've confined her but not sure...
  17. baileybrood

    Average low temps that are ok for 8 week olds

    I started my second batch of chicks a bit early this year. They are now 8 weeks old and really need to get outside! I have a small coop and run set up for them outside within the big girls pen. Our temps are still getting down around 30 at night here. I put them outside today for a few hours...
  18. baileybrood

    What is killing my chickens? I thought I had Fort Knox!

    Yesterday's incident was with my BIG rooster. He would be too big for anything to take too far, I would imagine. The fact that there were no feathers anywhere inside their fenced area makes me think bird of prey. It probably didn't get too far because my dogs would hear the commotion and...
  19. baileybrood

    What is killing my chickens? I thought I had Fort Knox!

    I'm think the missing head incident might have been a bird of prey. This happened before installing the fishing line. I heard a commotion outside and when I ran out there, I found the hen on the other side her fenced area. My dogs ran out with me which probably scared it away. Both incidents...
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