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  1. The Big Dog

    The beauty of a Game Camera! Heres My Latest Predator.

    Hey all, Yeah well, I read all this subject post and I have to say.............."Shoot the dog" . As livestock owners we all have a responsibility to make sure our animals/birds are safe. As long as your property is well fenced I think you have every right to kill any predator inside your...
  2. The Big Dog

    Relocated a raccoon 10 miles away, that should do it.

    That, I am led to believe, is a very cruel thing to do. He was a baby, he was dumped where there are lots of others. Pretty sure he would now be dead, or still hiding from the others who will most certainly kill him. If you trap predators, at least do the right thing and euthanize them humanly...
  3. The Big Dog

    Neighbours dog keeps breaking into our yard-what do?

    Hey Halo, Two things, If your place is not properly fenced then you should not be freeranging anything. You have to be a little responsible for you and yours. 2nd thing......Predator comes onto you property, KILL IT. Cheers........The Dog GIVE BLOOD.....tease my Boerboel.
  4. The Big Dog

    Just saw a black cat chasing my chickens!

    Can never get my head around the fact that some people still think its ok to let their cats wonder off their property. All my animals on my well fenced property are my pets .........Anybody else,s animal on my property is a predator and will be treated as such, and no, I don't care who owns...
  5. The Big Dog

    I keep getting told that I'm a bad parent.

    Yeah well I guess I am a bit out of my element here, but I will say this............any 2, 4 or even 5 year old child wandering away from their house by themselves and...........The Authorities will be called. I am not saying thats right or wrong, just the way it is now. Times HAVE changed...
  6. The Big Dog

    Do You Have An Opinion On Killing Predators?

    Gday trefoil, maybe things are different over there but I doubt it, I also suppose it would depend what type of "Farm" one was working. I am recently retired off 20,000 acres and to say lets not kill any predators this year.........well, i may as well just toss many thousands of dollars in...
  7. The Big Dog

    Do You Have An Opinion On Killing Predators?

    Gday, yeah, not a bad post. But I still cant get used to the idea of........"you cant kill that, 'cause the law says you cant". Well, Im master of MY domain, and I make the Laws in MY domain. Cheers.........The Bog
  8. The Big Dog

    Neighborhood Bird Invasion

    Gday chickensr, Yeah, those little birds can drive you "Batty". I think you know they are only there since they discovered an easy food source. My suggestion would be....... 1)... cover the feed while your birds are freeranging. 2)...Shut the coop up while you birds are freeranging, in my...
  9. The Big Dog

    What can I do to scare away a hawk?

    Oh Shucks Ted, ............I like you too. Cheers.......The Dog
  10. The Big Dog

    What dog is best for guarding chickens?

    Gday Renee, what your asking is an impossible to answer question. Dogs are all individuals and what works for one may not necessarily work for another. I live in the country and a chap down the rd has a little Jack Russel....God help any cat, fox or dog that enters that property. I, on the...
  11. The Big Dog

    Cats and kittiens

    Gday Michelle, MMmm, thats fine, and of course if they were "pets" then they would be kept home where they belong eh ?, so they would never end up in my trap. Cheers..... The Dog
  12. The Big Dog

    Cats and kittiens

    I only say this because you mentioned not been able to use a gun. Use a live cat/possum trap, when you have caught a cat, throw a tarpaulin over the trap, connect hose to car exhaust and slip it under the tarp. 10 mins later, turn off the car, put cat in plastic bag and drop it in the bin...
  13. The Big Dog

    Screams in the Night

    We only need a couple more weeks before all these birds will be in the freezer! Wow, you put Owls in the freezer ? Cheers.....The Dog
  14. The Big Dog


    Yeah, if you can shoot them on the quiet, well and good. Nobody should have to put up with other peoples animals coming onto their property. But...... I also believe that we have an obligation to make our properties pest and predator proof. Cheers...........The Dog
  15. The Big Dog

    snakes-- how do you deal with them, and how do you kill them?

    Good on yu Jimy, great pictures, brings back memories. Hey I would not recommend chasing snakes around with a flat shovel (if they are venomous) . Thanks for sharing. Cheers.........The Dog
  16. The Big Dog

    What can I do to scare away a hawk?

    Yeah well I dont understand.........every animal that is native to Australia is protected by federal law. Even snakes and hawks are protected......All snakes. I kill snakes, I kill hawks and if I find anybody snooping around my property they could be in trouble to. Some of you people sound...
  17. The Big Dog

    snakes-- how do you deal with them, and how do you kill them?

    Gday, when I was living in WA......(western Australia) I also had a big snake problem. I had 10acres with lots of fish ponds, waterfalls and streams, consequently, lots of frogs. I have no Idea why God put snakes on earth. Someone said, "they kill rats and mice", well so does rat poison...
  18. The Big Dog

    help! big snake in the nest box!

    Try chopping the head off one of our Queensland scrub pythons...........He'll eat yu.
  19. The Big Dog

    Colorado Shooting - How horrible!

    Gday Minchi, Just a couple of things............Our gun laws are very strict, we had a massacre similar to Colorao in '96.... 35 killed. As a kneejerk reaction our Govt banned all auto and semi auto's, including pump action. There was a massive "Guns Buyback" whereby all "Legally owned"...
  20. The Big Dog

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi Guys......Recently moved down from Innisfail, was supposed to be a "Grey Nomad" but everywhere we go the Mrs sees a house "She must have". Originally from WA. Cheers........The Dog
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