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  1. momofdrew

    Comment by 'momofdrew' in article 'Chickens Loosing Feathers? Managing Your Flock's Molt'

    none of my birds have ever had a hard molt...the only way I know they may be molting is that there are a few extra feathers in the coop...I have silkies and cochin mixes
  2. momofdrew

    strange behavior

    we put it out of her misery...she was getting weaker and weaker...didn't want her to suffer any more I will keep the 11 on the antibiotic for 7 days just incase it was a bacteria hope none of the others get sick...
  3. momofdrew

    strange behavior

    she has stopped eating but I have forced her to take water I went to Blue Seal Feeds and picked up an antibiotic...and started that this afternoon...she seems tired...but cant get any rest with her bobbing her head up and down with each breath... The other 11 chicks seem fine... I hope it...
  4. momofdrew

    strange behavior

    I have a 3 week old chick who seems to be in some distress in breathing...she moves her head up on the inhale and tweets on the exhale putting her head down ... she is not communicating like the other chicks...I have never seen this in any other bird... could she have a cold? she is still eating...
  5. momofdrew

    question about wyandott roo and silkie girls

    Hi all, I havent been on here for a long time but have a question that I know someone here can answer.... Is a wyandott roo too big for my silkie girls...a friend gave me one of her silver streak wyandott roos... my concern is will the chicks that may develop be too big for the egg shell of a...
  6. momofdrew

    swollen waddles

    unfortunately he died... dont know what it was hope it isnt catchy have 10 other silkies if any one has a guess I'd appreciate it...
  7. momofdrew

    swollen waddles

    does anyone know what is wrong with my young roo? this side is the most swollen but the other side is enlarge also we have started an antibiotic for the all the birds hopefully it isnt very serious....
  8. Default


  9. momofdrew

    Hello from Nashua NH! :)

    Quote: I am in Rochester and been addicted to chickens now for over 2 years....I have silkies...
  10. momofdrew

    He is gobbling!

    No Minniechick He is really gobbling his call for food is different...
  11. momofdrew

    Feeding Chickens Bananas??

    Quote: Mine too!
  12. momofdrew

    He is gobbling!

    I have a Rooster that has started to make gobbling sounds...he still crows but every so often he sounds like a turkey... is this normal? it really is disconcerting to hear him...
  13. momofdrew

    My wife found this in the middle of the road...poor thing! STILL ALIVE

    I hope he/she is doing ok again today...???
  14. momofdrew

    All People With Blue Eyes..

    Actually we are all related some where down the line... I have blue eyes blond [was when I was a kid] curly hair... where did the curly hair come from?? Africa edit to add I am English Irish Scottish French with a touch of German some how...and native American
  15. momofdrew

    NY Gay Pride Weekend

    I'll be there only in spirit but my prayers are with who ever goes to any of them around the country... Equality should be for EVERYONE...
  16. momofdrew

    How many here are actual backyarders vs. Farmers?

    backyarder with a farmers soul...
  17. momofdrew

    Help broody hen killed baby

    almost lost the third one , when I went out there this AM it was out of the nest and cold but when I picked it up it opened its eye so I rubbed it till it peeped then put it in with it's sibbling in the barn... nice strong peeps now...I like hand raising chicks it makes them more tame...
  18. momofdrew

    Help broody hen killed baby

    I saved the second baby and she is still setting on one egg... would it hatch if I put it in the brooder box???? will the baby servive all by its self...
  19. momofdrew

    JUNE 7TH Hatch date ~ looking for hatch buddies

    the good news is they piped earlier then I expected 2 hatchs out of 3 unfortunately this momma killed the first hatched and I caught her pecking at the 2nd one so we are now raising that one in a box with the light...hope the third one hatches tomorrow and I get it before that momma kills it...
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