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  1. joesandy1822

    Bumblefoot on toes only?

    Thank you. I will do what I can. She is heavy, and nearing 3 years old. I’m sure there is at least some arthritis from what I’ve read about heavy breeds of ducks. My main problem is that we have a goldfish pond about 16x30 feet. There is no way I can keep her out that is practical. I spent all...
  2. joesandy1822

    Bumblefoot on toes only?

    I have a pekin that’s almost 3 years old. I got her when she was a year old in the spring of 2022, and she came with a severe case of bumblefoot on both feet. She had surgery at a vet clinic, but the vet didn’t really remove all of it. So between myself, my adult son, my husband, and the...
  3. joesandy1822

    Help please, curled toes on quail

    I ended up assisting the chick out. It would have never hatched. It was completely shrink wrapped. The membrane was dry. There was no blood whatsoever. I doubt it will survive. Perhaps if I had intervened sooner, but it is so weak. The toes are completely curled, and it’s as if it’s having a...
  4. joesandy1822

    Help please, curled toes on quail

    Thank you so much! Out of 31 shipped eggs, so far I have 17 chicks. I moved all but one (not all the way dry) to the brooder late yesterday afternoon. This morning they seem to be doing very well. I have a concern. One egg has pipped but is not zipping. I noticed it after I moved the babies to...
  5. joesandy1822

    Help please, curled toes on quail

    Thank you so much for your reply! As far as I can tell, they DID straighten out on their own. They’re jumping around so much, it’s hard to see individual toes at this point. If I find they’re still curled once I remove them from the incubator, I’ll tape them. Being my first hatch, I’m a bit...
  6. joesandy1822

    Help please, curled toes on quail

    This is my first hatch, and I’m just a bit panicked. The quail chicks started hatching this morning, and the first chick is perfectly fine, but the second two seem to have curled toes. I’m assuming somehow my temp was too low in the incubator, although I do have a Govee in there that tells me...
  7. joesandy1822

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    I meant MY ducks are not reliable in the winter. I am very happy for you! 😉
  8. joesandy1822

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    Got my first duck egg of the season today…yippee! And 3 quail eggs. With supplemental light, they’ve laid clear through the winter. I’m incubating 30 eggs in hopes of increasing my quail hens for more eggs. The ducks aren’t always reliable.
  9. joesandy1822

    Quail chicks! Help its an emergency!

    I know this post is several months old, but in case you don’t know, Myshire Quail Farm just recently announced they are now shipping to Canada! No left arm necessary! 😘
  10. joesandy1822

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    Thank you! One thing that has always perplexed me since I got these girls a couple years ago….I have ALWAYS provided crushed oyster shells for them. I have NEVER ONCE seen them eating them or even going anywhere near them. I even change them out on occasion. They are in a separate bowl right...
  11. joesandy1822

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    They are both about 2 years old. The mid January laying is what is most confusing. The Muscovy did that last year also, but she laid for several weeks before going on strike again. This January was only 1 week.
  12. joesandy1822

    How many duck eggs did you get today?

    I have two ducks, a pekin and a muscovy. They stopped laying clear back in late September. Then mid January, the muscovy gave me 5 eggs (which all froze solid during the -20 temps). Then she stopped and I haven’t gotten any since then. Is this normal? I am really missing my eggs. I don’t...
  13. joesandy1822

    Urgent, egg binding?

    Still no egg. She is acting pretty much normal. Is it possible that she just had a hard time laying the one egg that morning and it left her sore? Can they pump their tails and become “depressed” or kind of lethargic from passing a difficult egg? She does have me stumped. She usually lays daily...
  14. joesandy1822

    Urgent, egg binding?

    It’s 5:30. No change. Would you give her another milliliter, or would you just let her go until morning and see if she passes it?
  15. joesandy1822

    Urgent, egg binding?

    Yes. I cooped her up for a couple hours, hoping the quiet would help. She is still not laying. She just continues to be a little lethargic, or should I say, just less than her normal, active self. Her tail is still pumping, not furiously, but you can see it. I gave her another dose of the...
  16. joesandy1822

    Urgent, egg binding?

    Thank you. I’ll keep my eyes on her. Is there any way to give too much? I found a chart here on BYC this morning, and the dose I gave her was more than 1 ml.
  17. joesandy1822

    Urgent, egg binding?

    I have two ducks, a muscovy and a pekin. The muscovy can be off and on with her laying because she goes broody a lot, but the pekin lays pretty much every day. Yesterday the muscovy decided not to lay in the nest box and go somewhere and hide and lay, which I feel put the pekin’s laying off, so...
  18. joesandy1822

    Keeping daily duck food dry

    Ya, strangely, if I add MORE water to the rained on food, they will eat it (if I sit there and hold the bowl). 🤣 Crazy ducks!
  19. joesandy1822

    Keeping daily duck food dry

    Thank you! Wish I could afford the grandpa’s one; it looks great. But I’m going to make one of the 5-gallon bucket ones. I think it will do just fine! ☺️
  20. joesandy1822

    Keeping daily duck food dry

    I usually just put my duck food in a bowl, but when it rains, it gets wasted because then they won’t eat it. Which seems strange considering they love deliberately getting it wet themselves. Also, the wild birds eat some of it. Anybody know of a feeder hack that would prevent it getting rained...
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