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  1. TiffanyFalter

    Ended Contest #3 Cutest Baby Fowl - 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatchalong

    ACK, I need to withdraw, leaving my pic cause it IS cute, just not taken within the time limit, Sorry! So hard to pick a favorite picture :-)
  2. TiffanyFalter

    My First Flock

    My whole flock were newborn babies that came from the same place. We already had 5 adult peafowl that wander our property. We don't plan on adding any adults to the flock, so no new birds to bring diseases with them. When the turkeys are old enough they will be allowed to free roam and we will...
  3. TiffanyFalter

    My First Flock

    These pictures were taken only two weeks after the last few I posted, its amazing how much they have grown!
  4. TiffanyFalter

    My First Flock

    I took these June 1, it may be a little late, but I'm going to post them regardless lol. fk The flash made him blue... would be an interesting color for chickens if it was real ;) Its so hard to choose just a few to share :)
  5. TiffanyFalter

    My First Flock

    Yesterday I came home to find some lovely "fancy" additions to my flock! My husband picked up some Polish, Turken and Cochins for his birthday They are so little compared to the buffs now, its amazing how fast these chicks grow. Our biggest buff (possibly a rooster judging from the size of...
  6. TiffanyFalter

    My First Flock

    My first flock ever ;) Had to post some pictures of them. My new babies are strait run and include 15 Buff's 2-3 weeks old, 4 White turkeys, with 6 guinea babes coming in on Thursday. As soon as my peahens bring their youngster to the house, I'm going to be adding them to the mix as well...
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