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  1. clfehler

    Review by '' on item 'Naked Neck-turken'

    These are the best layers in my flock, and have the best personality as well!
  2. clfehler

    Review by '' on item 'Easter Eggers'

    IN my entire flock, my EE are the only ones who fly over the fence to eat my garden. I'm to the point of planting my garden in the front yard. More efficient than a lawn anyway!
  3. clfehler

    Lost a hen today - not sure why?

    Thank you all for your replies. Looking back, and reading other posts about egg bound hens, I remembered that Saturday night when I put all my hens to bed (I go in and do a head count and bed check LOL) she had her back end toward me on the roosting bar and she was pumping her tail (and maybe...
  4. clfehler

    Lost a hen today - not sure why?

    And I'm at a loss as to why. I'm pretty sure she hasn't laid the last few days,(She's my only white egg layer) and yesterday she stayed in the nest box all day. Today she seemed to want to do the same, but I took her out and put her on a nice fluffy towel with food and water in the sunshine...
  5. clfehler

    Kicking myself

    The Greyhound mix is the biggest culprit! LOL!! The Retriever mix learns much faster!
  6. clfehler

    Kicking myself

    Major tragedy over here - a lesson learned very painfully. I lost SEVEN of my 13 chickens to my own dogs. My dogs spend the days in the house lately because it's been so blessed hot and humid here in Southern California, but are usually kenneled during the day. My ladies put themselves to...
  7. clfehler

    How To Train Your Dog Not To Kill Chickens

    My mother-in-law did that to the Great Dane my husband had when he was a kid and it worked like a charm. She was raised on a farm in Wisconsin so I don't question her methods! I'm going to have to do this myself, I think.
  8. clfehler

    Naked Necks laying Double Yolks!

    What really amazes me is that there are TWO yolks in these eggs, yet they are so small! Like by supermarket standards they aren't even a "medium!" I'm a dork, too, so I will probably be taking pictures when I make breakfast tomorrow! But I wasn't expecting this at 530 am - now I'm prepared!
  9. clfehler

    Naked Necks laying Double Yolks!

    My girls just started laying last week. The very fist egg was pretty big, but the rest have been what I would call a "Small" egg by supermarket standards. I've just finished using up my store bought eggs and brought my treasures out to make waffles for the kids for breakfast this morning. I...
  10. clfehler

    FIRST EGG!!!

    As hot as it's been around here (106 yesterday) I really thought they'd start laying late, but this morning when I went out to let the girls out to roam I found our fist egg!!! HAPPY DANCE!!! They are about 18 weeks old now, so I guess that's about right??
  11. clfehler

    What treat did your chickies get today?

    Today was a few cucumbers and some zucchini. Later today they will get watermelon. I purposely planted extra cucumbers and squash in my garden for my girls so they get that plus other goodies nearly every day. Also, the only one in my house who likes tomatoes is my youngest daughter, but I...
  12. clfehler


    Mine is about 11 weeks too. Well....not going to get any blue/green eggs I guess.
  13. clfehler


    Does this help at all???
  14. clfehler


    I was pretty sure the one on the right was a Barred Rock....but they said Black Minorca. As they grew and feathered out I knew something wasn't right.. I won't be buying from a feed store anymore. (I know that hatcheries sometimes aren't either.) I was told that the one on the left is an...
  15. clfehler


    I'm almost positive this is a rooster, (Araucauna??) but I'd like some other opinions....whadaya think? I've got another one that's almost identical to it - just a little lighter in color, and both were supposed to be hens. Also....the little one next to "him" was supposed to be a Black...
  16. clfehler

    Shed kits

    Good to hear it went so well for you! I like to tease Boy Scouts a lot, though, since I'm a Lifetime Girl Scout! hehe We laid (layed??) a cinderblock foundation yesterday. (Oh my aching back!) I wish I had thought about railroad ties, but my husband seems to want this thing to withstand a...
  17. clfehler

    Funny Chicken!

    We have a Rhode Island Red that is completely imprinted to my 8 year old daughter. It is about 2.5 weeks old and still in a brooder box in the dining room. The box doesn't have a top, but it's about 18" deep. "Little Red" has started to jump out of the box and walk around the house chirping...
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