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  1. KimKimWilliamso

    Think it's too cold for your chickens? Think again...

    Im not sure about all this. Winter is making me pull my hair out. The mentality of the original poster is the same Ive heard over and over and over in the months leading up to winter and I felt confident that my coop set up would be fine based on that info. It seems that a small coop (ours...
  2. KimKimWilliamso

    The Pullets' First Encounter with Snow!

    Cute photos! Thanks to a fast arriving and angry storm we had here in Alberta, my pulletts were intorduced to snow in a much more severe way. It went from green grassy run to Hip High on a Human snow drifts in their run OVERNIGHT! After I shoveled out a path and pecking area for them, I opened...
  3. KimKimWilliamso

    Comment by 'KimKimWilliamso' in article 'Fishers Flock'

    I wish my Mille Fleur Rooster was that friendly! When we brought our first batch of 2 day old chicks home I was really hoping my Mille would be a hen...such a cute chick and the sweetest calmest one of them all. Turns out he was a roo, and when the girls started laying he became nasty. By no...
  4. KimKimWilliamso

    some of my birds (pics)

    OMG I love your birds! I am a HUGE bird fan of all kinds, but Pheasants are some of my favs and yours are gorgeous!!!! Thanks so much for the pics!
  5. KimKimWilliamso

    Sometimes being a "little" chicken helps you find unconventional hiding places!

    Just found you on Facebook! Looking forward to everything you have to share, as we are trying to make the switch to green living. We have a five year plan, LOL Hopefully by the end we will supply most of our food sans additives and steroids and all that junk and we will be off grid and totally...
  6. KimKimWilliamso

    Guinea Fowl and Roosters?

    Do you think that my rooster would go after guinea hens?
  7. KimKimWilliamso

    thinking about Guinea Fowl...Need Advice~ Questions?

    THANK YOU for posting this thread OP! My scenario is exactly the same! This spring was our first time with chickens (headed into our first winter with chickens, and a little ervous! LOL) and I am seriously considering getting some guinea fowl next spring instead of a new batch of chickens. (We...
  8. KimKimWilliamso

    Starting to Winterize, have some Questions!

    We were thinking of just rigging the heat source up so it would keep the coop from dropping below zero. We shall see if we can make that work.
  9. KimKimWilliamso

    What Color Eggs Are Your EEs Laying?

    I am a first time chicken owner, and so when my EE started laying on the 3rd of August, I was so pleased to see a beautiful Mint Green egg each day after lunch. But then on the fourth day, I started seeing 1 additional egg in the nestbox which was a pinkish/beige color. I thought maybe it was...
  10. KimKimWilliamso

    My Girls have learned to "go to bed" at night!

    YAY!!!! I remember how excited I was the first time my girls did this too!!! When you are a first timer, you read so much online and in books about what SHOULD or COULD work, or even what ABSOLUTELY works for seasoned farmers, but until you actually try and succeed, you really dont know if it...
  11. KimKimWilliamso

    Starting to Winterize, have some Questions!

    Thank You so much for your advice! I hadnt thought of strips of metal for keeping drafts out of the door cracks, I have some tin lyin around, might try to rig something up with that. I will also see if I can build some sort of covered area before the snow comes, and put the food out there...
  12. KimKimWilliamso

    Starting to Winterize, have some Questions!

    If you would like to see pictures of my set up, please click on this link, which will lead you to a public album where I have posted some pics. My rurally located satellite internet does not load pics onto this website very well...
  13. KimKimWilliamso

    Starting to Winterize, have some Questions!

    In an effort to winterize our chicken coop/run for our first winter with chickens, I have a few questions, and hope that the more experienced poultry keepers will take the time to answer my questions, even if you feel like your beating a dead horse and repeating yourselves! :) I HAVE 1 BUFF...
  14. KimKimWilliamso

    Feeding chickens for cheap

    I feed my flock a commercial pellet (though I would switch to an organic feed if I could bloody well find it in my area, LOL) and I have 20 less Chickens than you do, so there arent many similarities to our scenarios. But I did just want to add that I notice I lose A F**K LOAD of feed to wild...
  15. KimKimWilliamso

    Organic Non GMO Wholesome Feed?

    Im betting most of you would enjoy this documentary my family and I watched the other day - talks alot about the GMO Soy beans in the US, but also has some other wonderful subjects to consider. (Click the link) If I could find somewhere to buy but not...
  16. KimKimWilliamso

    Ideas for free chicken food

    My chickens also will not eat Carrots or their peels for some reason! But they go Ape-S**t for strawberrys! I alternate daily between dumping my daily kitchen scraps in the compost heap, or in the chicken run, and often times I will give them the left overs from the parrots dinner (we have...
  17. KimKimWilliamso

    Frustrated and confused :(

    Im fairly new to chickens, but from the tons of research I have done up until this point, and the small amount of experience I have gained since acquiring my flock, some helpful things I have learned to help keep the flock healthy are: - Make sure your coop is large enough to take on the...
  18. KimKimWilliamso

    dirty butt

    My Rooster and one of my four pullets have developed a runny poop in the last four days. Otherwise, they are eating well, look bright and healthy, and the one that lays is laying normally. Their eyes/nose/ears are clear of any discharge. Other than the poo, they seem normal. The development...
  19. KimKimWilliamso

    Whats the weirdest thing your chickens have eaten or tried to eat??

    The craziest thing Ive seen them try to eat is my toes when they are all done up with toe nail polish. I learnt the hard way not to wear flip flops into the run area, LOL Also Ive seen them pick at and attempt to eat a long piece of duct tape, but I put a stop to that as soon as it started. In...
  20. KimKimWilliamso

    So, what do we all do with our first eggs?

    I wanted to keep my first egg, blow it out and keep it because Im sentimental that way. Its still sitting in the fridge, LOL But then my second and third egg I fed to my parrots after scrambling, and then since then we have eaten all of them, and they are still on the small side.
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