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  1. jdennysgirl

    4 month old RIR. It's a hen, right?

    Fantastic! Thank you!
  2. jdennysgirl

    4 month old RIR. It's a hen, right?

    4 month old RIR. It's a hen, right?
  3. jdennysgirl

    Help with chick id please

    Probably still not old enough to tell what breed they are, but any thoughts are welcome. I'm guessing they are around 4 weeks now. 🤔
  4. jdennysgirl

    Help with chick id please

    Thank you both so much for you get replies! I'll post again in a few weeks.
  5. jdennysgirl

    Help with chick id please

    Here are the updated pictures without the red light. They were purchased at Rural King not TSC as I said in the original post. They were supposed to be Light Brahmas but when I got there the person that was working there wasn't sure. In these photos they are approximately 3 weeks old I am...
  6. jdennysgirl

    Help with chick id please

    I'll try to get better photos without the red light. I got them at Rural King not TSC.
  7. jdennysgirl

    Help with chick id please

    I got these at tractor supply approximately 2 weeks ago and they were supposed to be Light Brahmas but the person that was selling them didn't have a clue. Do you guys have any idea?
  8. jdennysgirl

    Putting chicks in with lone quinea

    Thanks for the ones that replied to my question. I guess I thought more people would have gone through this before and I could get some suggestions. The older guinea seems to be healed as it is walking and running now on its leg and is always about 6 feet up on the roosting post in the evening...
  9. jdennysgirl

    Putting chicks in with lone quinea

    Anyone at all, any ideas?
  10. jdennysgirl

    Putting chicks in with lone quinea

    Anyone have any ideas on this subject?
  11. jdennysgirl

    Putting chicks in with lone quinea

    Hi, I have one quinea that is 8 weeks old. He, or she, whichever it is, was injured by a dog and cannot fly. It is walking fine and eating and drinking fine. I have 3 Buff Orpington day old chicks and 6 day old guineas coming in around 10 days. As of right now the guinea has the whole...
  12. jdennysgirl

    Soft eggs

    My RIR's just laid 2 of their first eggs today. I was excited till I got a look at them. They are pretty soft on one end and it looks like they are not formed properly. Also, it looks like they may have pecked on the shells. Not sure though. I have 2 hens, and 2 eggs that were side by side in...
  13. jdennysgirl

    Fun Stuff For Baby Chickens

    Ok, update on the corn cob. We went away for a few hours and came home and every kernel was gone on one side!! I turned it over for them and they came running immediately to finish it off! I guess I just didn't wait long enough. I can't believe they just danced all around that corn cob for...
  14. jdennysgirl

    Fun Stuff For Baby Chickens

    Great ideas everyone!! I willl try all of them. It just seems kinda boring just pecking and pecking at the ground all day long! Of course, I'm not a chicken so how would I know! I am finding the chicks don't seem to like too much in the way of snacks. I threw in an ear of sweetcorn this morning...
  15. jdennysgirl

    Fun Stuff For Baby Chickens

    My RIR chicks are a month old now and in their coop and run. I have 2 of them. (Lost 1 at around 2 weeks old for no apparent reason.) Right now they get the starter feed and about once a day I give them a few bread crumbs or sometimes a few grains of oats. Their run is 8X8X4. I am sure there is...
  16. jdennysgirl

    Food Grade DE

    I am going to Indianapolis, Indiana tomorrow, on the northwest side. Does anyone know of any place to buy the food grade DE anywhere close to there? Thanks beforehand.
  17. jdennysgirl

    Food grade DE

    Not sure where to post this so you can move it if you wish. I am trying to purchase DE for my chicks before I move them to the coop. I live in North Central Indiana approx. 70 miles north of Indianapolis. Does anyone live around that area that knows where to buy food grade DE? I know I can order...
  18. jdennysgirl

    Lost a baby

    Thanks everyone. I don't think it was pasty butt, it was of a soft consistency not hard. It was very little and wiped right off. I will stop feeding them the oats then, till they are older. I went to check on the other 2 this morning afraid as to what I may find, but they seem fine. Wish me luck.
  19. jdennysgirl

    Lost a baby

    I had 3 RIR chicks. They were 2 weeks old yeserday. The temp here has been in the high 80's so I have been putting them out in the run for about a half hour the last 3 days. They were all doing fine. Then yesterday I brought them back inside and put them in their brooder, (the temp in there is...
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