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  1. Glorias Page

    Glorias Page

    This is our coop! We started out with chickens one day when my hubby told his friend we would like to have some chickens someday. Later that day we found 3 White Leghorns in a cage in the middle of our driveway!! Not a bad drive-by, right? And so the addiction began.... Now we have 7...
  2. Gloria

    How to train ducks not to attack and bite

    Thanks for all the help everyone. I knew someone at BYC would have the same problem. I'm off to sit on my drake now. I hope no one is looking! LOL!!
  3. Gloria

    Help with Bourbon Red Turkey

    Thanks Steve, that was the first thing I done was check craigslist. I didn't find any on there so I then came here to see what BYCers thought. I have no idea. We don't want another tom because he got very mean. Now she is getting an attitude also. I don't know what else to do. She has been...
  4. Gloria

    Help with Bourbon Red Turkey

    Hello, I have a Bourbon Red Turkey hen. She lost her tom so now all she has are the chickens and ducks for friends. I was thinking about maybe selling her. How much should I ask for her, does anyone know? She is just over a year old. Thanks for any help you can give me. Gloria
  5. Gloria

    How many days for a broody Bourbon Red turkey?

    lol I figured you would be knee deep this time of year. As for a road trip I would really love too, but haven't talked hubby into it yet. We lived over on Kings Mountain for awhile a few years ago. I loved it there and would really like to move back someday. Maybe someday it will happen again...
  6. Gloria

    How many days for a broody Bourbon Red turkey?

    Thanks for your help. Problem is solved. We took the nest out yesterday and I don't think it even bothered her very much. Thanks again.
  7. Gloria

    How many days for a broody Bourbon Red turkey?

    Thanks Steve, I didn't know what to do. She started sitting on 15 eggs and they are all gone except the 5. I gave her this extra week thinking maybe they were the last ones laid and needed more time. She is the only one in that pen right now. We had to split up her and the tom because he kept...
  8. Gloria

    How many days for a broody Bourbon Red turkey?

    I was wondering if she might be smashing them when they hatch. Will she eat them too? Because I can't really see anything in there other than the egg shell pieces. The 5 eggs she has left are really nasty. Are they okay or should I toss them? Wow, 60 days is a long time without much food or...
  9. Gloria

    How many days for a broody Bourbon Red turkey?

    I have a one year old (May2nd) Bourbon Red hen. She has been setting on eggs since April 24th and is down to 5 eggs from 15. Should I try to make her get up because they are not going to hatch or should I just leave her alone? May 22nd was her 28 days. Have I read that right, 28 days for a...
  10. Gloria

    Help with pecking roo

    Thanks for all the help everyone. I appreciate it.
  11. Gloria

    Help with pecking roo

    I didn't think it was normal because he's never done it before. He also doesn't do it to any of the other hens either.
  12. Gloria

    Help with pecking roo

    Nope, she is next to the littlest one out there. So no dominance thing going on other then him. No one has any other ideas?
  13. Gloria

    Help with pecking roo

    My BO roo is about 3 yrs old and for some reason he keeps pecking on one of my hens head. It just seems to be the one hen, she is a one yr old BO. He chases her down and doesn't try to mate with her, just pecks her head bloody. This isn't normal right? I don't know what to do about it...
  14. Gloria


    Quote: I'm north east of you Washburn & Mt. Morris. Out by Buttercup Beach. Not too far away. I'm closer then Chickflick, I'm at Mt. Morris & Henderson. Howdy neighbor! How cool is that? Bluemoon The sun finally made it here to Otisville/Davison too! Yay!!!!!
  15. Gloria

    Another turkey mating question

    Cool! Thanks Steve, I was just a little worried about it. It's nice to have BYC to get an answer quick. When do you think I should get another one? I'll probably just get another one next spring. I don't want more than a couple, but I also don't want to have to worry about any problems because...
  16. Gloria

    Another turkey mating question

    I have a pair of Bourbon Reds. We decided not to have them for the holidays. So we can have babies next spring. I'm not sure if they are brother and sister or not. Does it matter? I was told you can't mate siblings when it comes to turkeys. Is this true or not? Thanks guys!
  17. Gloria

    Need turkey help, please!

    I'm sorry to hear about your turkey. Do you think she might have got a chill from being in the mud? Maybe Steve or someone else with more knowledge will come along soon. Good luck with your Honey.
  18. Gloria

    Super Easy Crock Pot Apple Butter

    Quote: Scrambled- I can't believe you had a 5 gallon bucket too! My dh brought home a 5 gallon bucket the other day that a customer brought in to where he works! LOL How many apples did you use to do a batch? Or did you just fill up the crock pot and go from there? This is probably my 5th...
  19. Gloria


    MJ, seems to be doing fine, minus two fingers that is. She came over Friday night and brought my new baby duckies! I was worried that the mom and dad was hurting them because I kept finding broken shells. And I had to bury one of the babies. So I gathered up the eggs and took them to MJ, she...
  20. Gloria

    First Timer Looking For Hatch Buddy!

    Everyone, I would like you to meet my new baby duckies! This is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday! LOL Until I come up with better names. They were born last week, Monday thru Thursday.
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