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  1. AngryRooster

    Help! Chicken Coop Too Small??

    Well, I would recommend elevating the nesting boxes. It's what I do for my hens, and I've never done it any other way though I've seen it work online. Whatever works best for you, depending on where you live, etc. Also, something I forgot to add is that chickens like to perch. My hens perch...
  2. AngryRooster

    My chickens don't read the chicken book!

    Got to admit, my hens don't like apples too much either. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that chickens generally like the fresh foods. Really, anything that's green or has seeds. I used to have a small lawn but...they ate it. When it comes to treats, it's best to give them something...
  3. AngryRooster

    Help! Chicken Coop Too Small??

    If your chickens are using the coop for sleeping purposes only, then you should be fine. In my experience, chickens do tend to “snuggle” together sometimes. However, if you're leaving your chickens in the coop for long periods of time, then I would recommend looking into getting yourself a...
  4. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    Thank you all for your help! I put antibiotics in my chickens' water and she got better. Once again, thank you!
  5. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    Status Update: She now refuses to come down from the area I've put my nesting boxes and she is pooping out solids, with a little yolk-like substance. I've tried to feed her and provide water though shes only taken a sip and pecked only one time at the food. I'm just wondering, but if shes...
  6. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    My RIR's vent looked poopy a few days back and she had yogurt all over her face from when I fed my flock some as a treat so I decided to clean her up by giving her a bath then drying her with a towel and hair dryer. It still is slightly poopy but not that much.
  7. AngryRooster

    Need some Help

    Definitely extra calcium. Think about buying oyster shells to feed her at your local feed store. Also, feed her treats such as corn, lettuce heads, or fruit such as watermelon.
  8. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    Her crop wasn't swollen. Here's a few pictures of my RIR. Also, if you want to see her as she was before, look at my profile picture. Thanks again for all the help!
  9. AngryRooster

    New home for my birds

    Generally, I like to use a 3x3 ft area for my chickens, but it also depends on how much space you have in your yard. However, I would probably add more space for the RIRs since in my experience, they seem to be a bit on the wild side. Just buy some concrete, you don't need much, and dig a few...
  10. AngryRooster

    4 Hens not laying

    My some of my hens aren't too old, only two years, and they don't lay at all. It's normal, though you may need to feed your hen more nutritional foods or treats (oyster shells, ect.). I find that chickens love fruit, corn, or anything green, really. I feed my chickens fresh corn three times a...
  11. AngryRooster

    Do hens crow?

    All of my hens are extremely noisy. An example is this easter egger I found crowing on youtube!
  12. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    Thanks! I'll be sure to do that tomorrow!
  13. AngryRooster

    Our dogs are killing our chickens! We lost 3 last night. Help!!!

    I would suggest an electric fence that goes around the run and coop as well as a good ways below the surface. Another idea would be to dig under the coop a few feet down to lay concrete before filling the hole you dug up with dirt or whatever you use to layer your coop's floor. And definitely...
  14. AngryRooster

    Any idea what predator would do this?

    Most likely some sort of dog or some sort of large cat. I'm sorry for your loss.
  15. AngryRooster

    Animals to keep to help protect chickens from predators

    Dogs are definitely creatures that can protect your flock, provided they don't chase the chickens around. I read a book about raising chickens a while back and I remembered that the author mentioned keeping a pig with her hens.
  16. AngryRooster

    why wont my red sex link chickens grow?

    A picture of the dot, if you have one, would be helpful too.
  17. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    As I said above, my RIR is three years old. Both her abdomen and her crop is swollen. She does not lay eggs, though she has lain soft shell eggs a few times (not too many). As for the picture, I'll see if I can get one. Thanks for the help!
  18. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    My RIR hasn't been laying for a while so I don't think she's egg bound. I read online that hens die shortly after becoming egg bound but I'm not sure if this is true or not. Her poop ranges from solid with a little red stuff to diarrhea (liquid only). My RIR is about three years old...
  19. AngryRooster

    Sick Rhode Island Red

    My Rhode Island Red seems extremely tired and has a swollen stomach. Her comb is also drooping to the side (it was once straight). She is also much skinnier than before. What can I do to make her better?
  20. AngryRooster

    Funny Americauna

    Just a video I found on youtube.
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