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  1. CTYankeeVA

    Help! We have a bully hen

    We're having the same problem. Our middle-ranked sex link has been feisty with our Wyandotte who I found standing on the ground below the hen house at 4am (I'm guessing because the sex link wouldn't leave her alone). Our buff is the flock leader but doesn't seem to care. Not sure if this is...
  2. CTYankeeVA

    My chickens won't go in out of the rain or hail

    It's Hurricane Sandy and my three girls don't really care about the rain. I put some plastic sheeting up around two ends of the house but they seem fine and uninterested in the rain.
  3. CTYankeeVA

    hens not using nesting box

    We raised our three girls (buff, sexlink, wyandotte) from chicks. We've had them for three months now. They're still not laying though I've read that maybe they're still too young. However, I'm interested in the idea that they might not like their nest since it has a window on the front of it...
  4. CTYankeeVA

    Question about leaving 6 week old chicks outside *EDIT*

    My chicks spent last night outside in their house for the first time. They are 5-6 weeks old, the temperature was down to 37, and they had their heat lamp in front of their box. They were fine and seemed adjusted to the cold when I let them out of their house and into the coop this morning.
  5. CTYankeeVA

    Temperature and grit for 1 week old chicks

    Our chicks are on their fourth week now and have been spending the days outside. I changed the bulb in the brooder from 100w to 65w today. They have almost all their feathers. Should I start leaving the light off at night? The temp just in the house from the hot days we're having is pretty high...
  6. CTYankeeVA

    Bringing Home the Babies

    We finally got ours today. One of each: Buff Orpington, Black Sex Link, Silver-laced Wyandotte. Can't tell if our dog wants to baby them or eat them when he's licking his chops. Very excited! Good luck!
  7. CTYankeeVA

    Comment by 'CTYankeeVA' in item 'Orpington'

    I'll be headed back to the States in three weeks and the first thing on my agenda for home projects is completing the chicken coop so we can get our Buff Orpingtons from the country store. I was considering Australorps but your photo project convinced me. Thanks! I'll show this to my wife and...
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