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  1. Michaels1715

    17 week old. Gender and breed?

    rhode island red female instantly came to my mind as well.
  2. Michaels1715

    A Pillow Case tip to get chicks to sleep

    Fantastic tip! I personally use a broody hen for my chicks, but if I ever use a brooder again, I will definitely keep your tip in mind. Thanks! ~Sharon
  3. Michaels1715

    Chicken diapers???

    I had a red sex link who I tried a diaper with when she was injured and brought inside. She was not happy with it, and somehow seemed to poop outside of it occasionally. I probably didn't have it on correctly though. You might want to consider putting them in an area to roost at night where...
  4. Michaels1715

    Rooster abuse?

    It's not necessarily strange that only some seem to be affected. Some birds will naturally resist mites/worms better than others. Also, I have heard that mites prefer younger birds (although that was not my experience), so they may be more heavily affected. It's kind of like people - you know...
  5. Michaels1715

    Rooster abuse?

    Yes, permethrin. I just looked at the container. It is "Y•Tex GardStar Garden and Poultry Dust ...with permethrin" I didn't think I put it on that thick on any of them, but since it's been almost a year, and half the time I can't remember yesterday.... I do remember, however, that I paid...
  6. Michaels1715

    Wet eggs?

    Thanks everyone! I think I know what happened. Since it's been so cold out - I turned the temp in my fridge down. I just didn't realize that its "less cold" setting would be that warm! We had a couple of 50 degree days last week, so it was probably close to 60 in my shed - and the fridge must...
  7. Michaels1715

    Rooster abuse?

    Good luck with your hens. Was just browsing here while waiting (hoping) someone will answer my question. I wanted to mention though - I used "garden and poultry dust" on my chickens last year for mites. It seemed to kill the mites.... but it also killed my favorite chicken. She was a 4 yr old...
  8. Michaels1715

    Wet eggs?

    I have a mini fridge in my shed where I store my eggs. When I went to get some for my niece today, I opened the door and found that the ice that had been in the upper freezer portion was all melted – and there was water all over my eggs. The eggs in styrofoam cartons seem relatively dry, but...
  9. Michaels1715

    Roundworm found in droppings - how to worm molting chickens

    Okay, this is what I did; 2 weeks ago today, I wormed with Wazine. Since I already had already purchased the liquid goat safeguard, I initially decided I would follow up with that after 10 days. However, come day 10, I changed my mind and decided that if I was going to have to catch all of my...
  10. Michaels1715

    Roundworm found in droppings - how to worm molting chickens

    Kathy, Thanks SO much for all of the great information! I had already read that for pacas, use 4x the goat dose of safeguard - but I hadn't looked into the Valbazen yet, so I really appreciate learning about the Valbazen warnings for pregnant alpacas, especially - since both of mine are...
  11. Michaels1715

    Roundworm found in droppings - how to worm molting chickens

    I know there's a whole lot of threads about this subject already, but the more I read, the more unsure I become. I have eight silkies and 11 mixed breed (sex-links, ameraucana, etc.) chickens. I found a roundworm in a goey pile of poo the other day - I think it was about 1.5" long. Also, I can...
  12. Michaels1715

    Please help! Cloudy has white foam coming from her eye!

    Unmmmmm... Yes? Actually, it's almost 3 1/2 years old. 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years, 3 decades or 3 centuries.... it doesn't matter when someone tells 3/4 of a story but never finishes it. I find it frustrating.
  13. Michaels1715

    Please help! Cloudy has white foam coming from her eye!

    I can't believe you never came back and said what it was or what ended up happening! I have a hen that had a little foam in her eye but now she seems fine. Sure would've been nice to see which way yours turned out.
  14. Michaels1715

    Pullet with broken leg - quick decision needed - PLEASE VOTE

    Thank you for taking the time to answer me! I really appreciate it!
  15. Michaels1715

    Pullet with broken leg - quick decision needed - PLEASE VOTE

    I have a beautiful white silkie pullet that is 5 months old who has a broken leg. She is very special to me. I am trying to decide what would be best for her. I found her Wednesday night unable to walk. I took her to the vet this morning and we discovered she had a broken leg. He said the best...
  16. Michaels1715

    Comment by 'Michaels1715' in article 'Commingling Chickens With Other Farm Animals'

    Which I have lost a few chickens *to*. Thanks for a great article, just please add alpacas to your list.
  17. Michaels1715

    Comment by 'Michaels1715' in article 'Commingling Chickens With Other Farm Animals'

    I recently got 3 alpacas, and put them right in with my chickens. My chickens were a little nervous on the first day - they wouldn't even set foot outside the coop. But in less than a week, by looking at them together, you'd think that they'd spent their whole life together. Chickens on, under...
  18. Michaels1715

    Second sick hen, won't eat or drink

    Peewee drank some water this morning, but will not eat anything - and I have tried to entice her with every goodie I can think of. It now looks like her diarrhea is yellow/brown instead of green, and not quite as runny. My brother reports the rooster appears better today - eating and drinking...
  19. Michaels1715

    Second sick hen, won't eat or drink

    "Here's my situation: I noticed mites (Northern Fowl) about 3 weeks ago. Treated with wood ash which seemed to do a good job. Few days later, I notice my top hen (Raven - a Black Sex Link) is not eating, has green diarrhea and a droopy tail. Then find swollen abdomen. Tried hand feeding and...
  20. Michaels1715


    @MO chick your post caught my attention. Here's my situation: I noticed mites about 3 weeks ago. Treated with wood ash which seemed to do a good job. Few days later, I notice my top hen (Raven - a Black Sex Link) is not eating, has green diarrhea and a droopy tail. Then find swollen abdomen...
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