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  1. key west chick

    What breed and gender am I?

    Just because a chicken has a pea comb doesnt mean that they will lay green/blue egg. They first need to have the background for colored eggs. Araucanas, Ameraucanas and EEs with pea combs are highly likely to carry the colored egg gene. If the OPs birds are Marans mixed with any of those, it is...
  2. key west chick

    What breed and gender am I?

    Your best bet for green eggs would be to pick the rooster with a pea comb, since he would be more likely to carry the colored egg gene than a single combed rooster.
  3. key west chick

    What are they?

    If they are both true Ameraucanas, and you breed them together, their offspring will still be true Ameraucanas, but not standard colors. You could call them non standard Ameraucanas or you could call them EE's. I would call them non standards though.
  4. key west chick

    Gun people again.

    That there is a magazine, or mag for short. ( not that I knew, i went and asked hubby) But I wouldnt be offended if you called it a clip. Or even one of those thingies that holds the bullets...
  5. key west chick

    New member from Atlanta, Georgia

    Welcome from Hall county!!!
  6. key west chick

    barred rock hen deathly ill smells funny.....

    Coryza smells like death, Ive smelled it and will never forget that smell.
  7. key west chick

    Help me win a bet - "Dances With Wolves" movia question

    Hubby and I were talking about it this morning. I too googled and couldnt come up with the answer. Some places said liver, others said heart. I wonder if it was the liver, but meant to represent the heart. Many cultures eat the raw heart of freshly killed game, as a way to "gain strength from...
  8. key west chick

    Who is your candidate?

    Interesting... I got Newt as my first choice. Not sure how much I agree with that. Ron Paul was my third. Hmmm. Really?
  9. key west chick

    Help me win a bet - "Dances With Wolves" movia question

    Im pretty sure it was the heart.
  10. key west chick

    Hatching Eggs in Bra

    I have hatched several in my bra, but only the last day or 2. Usually its after the mother gets off the nest and leaves 1 last egg pipping. I wear a sports bra while doing it, it stays nice and secure. Nights are a little tough. I actually put a tiny thermometer in there and the temps stay...
  11. Uploads


  12. key west chick

    A real valid reason for employers to .......

    Yeah, thats bad for us. No matter how hard I try, DS is always running late. If I get him up 15 minutes early, we are still a few minutes late. I am on time, its him I wait for. And what about the kids that drive themselves to school? How is that the parents fault if they stop and get a biscuit...
  13. key west chick

    Where do pet stores get their hamsters/gerbils?

    Hey Livinzoo, were you in Athens when SuperPet was there? There were 2. We were suckered into being partners in those until the original owner tanked the one in Gainesville and the other 2 tanked as well.
  14. key west chick

    Where do pet stores get their hamsters/gerbils?

    When we had our pet store, we got little furries from individual local breeders. Gerbils from one breeder, hamsters from another. Our feeders we had shipped in from a bigger "warehouse" type breeder. Hubby says places like PetSmart and PetCo probably do too.
  15. key west chick

    Your #1 Piece of Advise

    Build your coop 10 times bigger than you think you will need...
  16. key west chick

    Lethal Gene???

    Ameraucanas and EE's dont carry a lethal gene. They have muffs and beards, not ear tufts.
  17. key west chick

    Case of Bad Teen Mom - why aren't my pullets sitting on their eggs?

    yep, they will only sit on eggs when they are broody. If they just started laying, they are probably not broody. And not all breeds are very broody.
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