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  1. chicken1234

    Full Sun Exposure Coop - First Timer

    I would remove the solid door, add a screen door and cover it with hardware cloth with fencing over it. You could also get a tarp and make a shade canopy. It is looking really great though, nice job doing it yourself!
  2. chicken1234

    Building and selling chicken coop like Carolina coop

    I'd "think" as long as you aren't advertising them as Carolina coops, building them exactly from their plans
  3. chicken1234

    New and need help sexing 5 week old chick

    I will let you know I just ordered 6 RTL for June :highfive: I am wondering if they are a breed that gets along well with others, can't seem to find much info on them.
  4. chicken1234

    Trespassing neighbor with dog chasing chickens

    If you don't want to call the police or call bylaw I would get some chalk, draw a line and write a message at the end of your driveway basically saying if you cross this line you are trespassing or you are on camera or get a rope and string it across your driveway. I would nip this in the bud...
  5. chicken1234

    what breed of goat is this?

    We decided to wait and see more babies posted. Thank you for the replies
  6. chicken1234

    what breed of goat is this?

    I saw this ad posted for goats for sale. I'm assuming its a breed of dairy goat? I contacted the owner asking breed mix and size range and all he replied was the kids are with their mom which doesn't help me. I don't want to bother him but if someone knows the breed I can look it up to see if...
  7. chicken1234

    should I stain?

    Its rough cut pine, not sanded. My husband milled the lumber from our acreage. I think you have given me some great points to consider.
  8. chicken1234

    Pressure Treated vs Kiln Dried? Anyone tried Shou Sugi Ban/Yakisugi?

    My husband charred and oiled the bottom timbers of my chicken coop. Its new but I think anything you can do to help it last is the way to go.
  9. chicken1234

    should I stain?

    Thank you, yeah its funny seeing them looking through the plexiglass at me lol. Here are some pictures of the coop and my girls. My 6 year old girl passed away yesterday so I am down to only two girls now.
  10. chicken1234

    should I stain?

    The inside of the coop is painted but I am wondering if I should bother staining the outside? It won't be exposed to the elements. The outside that is exposed isn't stained yet either but its still too cold.
  11. chicken1234

    myotonic goat doeling wanted Ontario Canada

    Looking for a myotonic goat breeder in Ontario for a 2024 kid. Does anyone know of a reputable breeder? Thanks!
  12. chicken1234

    Central Florida Coop and Run (in progress)

    Beautiful coop you have nailed it! Looks amazing
  13. chicken1234

    My theory on why my hens suddenly stopped laying

    I wouldn't drink pond water unless you are boiling it?
  14. chicken1234

    Giving up on free ranging chickens

    My girls live in Fort Knox now and they are fine. I am enjoying zero predators to worry about and zero rodents can get in to steal the feed now so I am saving $$ and my nerves. I am down to 3 girls now after preditor attacks and I am looking forward to this August when I bring in 6 RTL to add to...
  15. chicken1234

    My theory on why my hens suddenly stopped laying

    I imagine it depends on where you source them from I'd avoid buying them from neighbours if you think they could have been exposed. Are you sick from exposure?
  16. chicken1234

    My theory on why my hens suddenly stopped laying

    Mine quit laying when I moved them to a smaller temporary coop while we tore down the old coop. Then they were moved to the new permanent coop. I've had zero eggs in months. My girls are also older though 4 and 5 years of age. If you think yours were contaminated by toxins maybe it is time to...
  17. chicken1234

    concrete sand??

    We used granite screenings from a gravel pit. Our hens have spots to get off the sand and onto shavings and straw and perches plus grit to eat in a container. It doesn't smell and drains fine and mine don't have sore feet. The dirt pens I found packed solid where the sand they will dig in it and...
  18. chicken1234

    Coffee Club

    Having a coffee and reading the forum then off to work. More snow here but I am hoping the roads will be plowed and sanded for my drive to town.
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