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  1. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    I've been busy working at a new school district. General maintenance and bus driving.
  2. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Howdy and good evening to all. getaclue sorry to hear about you going to have to get chemo.
  3. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning! I don't know about ya'll but I'm losing track of time.
  4. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    I'm a little late but Happy New Year!
  5. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

  6. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning!
  7. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Yeah I haven't been around much. I miss you all. Full-time farming long as my get up and go hasn't got up and went.
  8. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Howdy folks!
  9. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    It's been so dry that there was no standing water afterwards.
  10. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    WE GOT RAIN! From October 1st, 2021 toJune 26th of this year we got 5.8 inches. This Monday and Tuesday we got 5.01 inches and it's raining again!
  11. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Doing alright. It's just hot and very dry here.
  12. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning y'all!
  13. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Nope. Been here for 28 years. I'm now semi-retired and gone back to full-time farming plus driving busses for the school district.
  14. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    Good morning all. Bright and sunny at cool 32 degrees here in the Texas coastal plains.
  15. JD4570

    clean random funny posts

  16. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    This is a test, this is a test of the old fart confirmation system. If you are able to identify the characters in this are an old fart.
  17. JD4570

    The Old Folks Home

    I must be getting old. I at first thought that fire was coming out of her butt....until I unfolded the sticker and realized she's riding a broom
  18. JD4570

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Something to lighten y'alls mood.
  19. JD4570

    *sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

    Or anything else.
  20. JD4570

    🔥☣️🏒The Sin Bin🏒☣️🔥

    Not just myself. My wife also got her license yesterday.
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