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  1. leeyuh

    red puffy eyes but no other issues

    Midget White poult. Anyone recognize this problem? Turkey is otherwise eating, drinking, acting fine. A few of them have the same symptoms but this one is the worst. We've been treating with colloidal silver with antibiotic treatment around the eye, and a 1/4 - 1/3 cc of Tylan 50. Just started...
  2. leeyuh

    Egg bound or something else?

    So, we had two barred rocks that we got as day old chicks. They were great layers. In the fall, however, we found one of the barred rocks dead in the nesting box (age 1 1/2). We didn't really investigate the cause of death, I thought maybe she was egg bound since she was in the nesting box, and...
  3. leeyuh

    Campine egg laying behavior?

    We've got a young flock, about 8 months, and our Campine is the smallest and she is kind of a loner. Flighty and nervous. Near the bottom of the pecking order. And she spends a good amount of time foraging in our neighbor's yard (which is about 1/3 of an acre of compost piles, wood piles, etc.)...
  4. leeyuh

    Culling... To eat or not to eat? the bigger picture...

    Quote: Yes, no rabies, but good question! It may seem wasteful to just take the breast and thighs, but, I HIGHLY recommend making chicken stock from the less meatier, unpopular chicken parts and carcass. Necks, wings if they are small, etc. Me and the boyfriend both agree we have never had...
  5. leeyuh

    Culling... To eat or not to eat? the bigger picture...

    Quote: I would recommend watching a video about it first. That's what I did, I feel like it made it easier. This is what I watched, there's two parts to it: Also it helps when you have someone helping you, like in the above video. I think once you...
  6. leeyuh

    How do you know when to butcher a light brahma chicken

    I don't for sure know the answer to this, but I just slaughtered my almost-5-month old buff brahma and she was very small. She looked huge but it was mostly the feathers. We could barely get our hands into the body cavity to pull out the "stuff" inside. She was on an organic feed and allowed...
  7. leeyuh

    processing question

    We just had to slaughter one and we cut the artery and let it bleed first. We have a friend who raises and processes tons of chickens by hand, he also agrees to do it this way. When it came down to the moment, i watched this video and they say the same thing: Something about the way it...
  8. leeyuh

    Culling... To eat or not to eat? the bigger picture...

    We had to cull our first hen two days ago to put her out of her misery, following a nasty dog attack. Before we did the deed, we knew we would have to eventually, but we had hoped our first slaughter would be our mean, meaty rooster and not a young, beautiful, sweet hen. I held her while he...
  9. leeyuh

    Dog attack! Neck!

    Actually, the missing one did come back! So we still have 5 laying hens, so that's not bad. we got 8, because we figured between dogs, raccoons, and hawks, we would loose a few. such is life i guess...i do feel a little wiser today for making the right decision. When we plucked her, we...
  10. leeyuh

    Dog attack! Neck!

    Thanks for the advice everyone. We decided the best thing would be to put her out of her misery and cull her. The vet said she would definitely need surgery and antibiotics. The infection risk is very high. The antibiotics would render her meat and eggs useless. And it would be "iffy". And it...
  11. leeyuh

    Dog attack! Neck!

    Our vet does, in fact, see chickens, so we might go with that option...just because there is so much skin that needs to be "put back". Our vet is pretty good about recommending stuff that can be purchased at Tractor Supply for cheaper, so hopefully it won't cost an arm and a leg. She's still...
  12. leeyuh

    Dog attack! Neck!

    THANK YOU for your speedy reply. So you think going to the vet to get antibiotics is worth it? I'm worried the vet will say she's too far gone, or something, and that I should put her down. But all these success stories I've been reading sound like she will make it. My dogs have been...
  13. leeyuh

    Dog attack! Neck!

    I came home to a chicken massacre today. 1 roo and 2 hens dead, 1 badly injured. 4 safe, and 1 missing (although I'm almost positive she flew over the fence). The injured one was standing in the garden when I found her. She seemed to be in shock...the back of her neck was completely removed...
  14. leeyuh

    Escapee - should I be concerned?

    Interesting story! My neighbor has a high fence around his garden so I'm not worried about her getting he has 5 hens and a bantam roo, who he lets free range. So far no encounters between the two flocks...but what would happen if they did encounter? Fight?
  15. leeyuh

    Escapee - should I be concerned?

    She mostly leaves when I'm not home, so I have no idea if she's running or not. She just comes and goes as she pleases. BUT, when I AM home and she gets out, she is quiet, I don't hear the clucking from her like I do when other chickens lay (I don't even know if she's old enough to lay -- 19 weeks?)
  16. leeyuh

    I just can't do it

    I'm in the same situation with our rooster. He was an "accident"...but he consistently digs up grubs and other treats for the hens. Just make sure you give your neighbors plenty of eggs for putting up with him and all should be fine
  17. leeyuh

    Layers in a Texan summer?

    I live in Central Texas where it's been, on average, 100 degrees everyday since early June. Just wondering how many of you out there live in similar conditions, and how do your chickens fare through the heat? What are your best layers in the heat, and how many eggs per week do they lay when...
  18. leeyuh

    My first EE egg is getting closer!!!!!!!!

    I'm unfamiliar with "the squat." Mine hardly lets me near her. However, we have a flock of 8. Now, at 18 weeks, she is the first to lay. Her first egg was a beautiful green double yolk egg You have a lot to look forward to!
  19. leeyuh

    Can a chicken lay 2 eggs at once?

    Check out this link -- maybe she IS laying two!!!
  20. leeyuh

    Can a chicken lay 2 eggs at once?

    whoops...I'm unfamiliar with white leghorns! Thought they laid brown eggs.
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