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  1. ChickEngineer

    Comment by 'ChickEngineer' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I have been using play sand in my coop, more expensive but less dust. I still have to add grit. With sand you have no odder and few flies. Change it about twice a year, my neighbor puts the old sand on his lawn. Use shavings in the hutch area with boot trays under the perches, once a day...
  2. ChickEngineer

    Can somebody expain Diatomaceous Earth?

    Could well be an "old wife tail", I mix a small amount in the nest boxes and the coop sand.
  3. ChickEngineer

    Talk me off the Ledge... $2000 for a chicken coop!

    I built mine, saved all the receipts, someday I will get brave enough to add them up.
  4. ChickEngineer

    Official BYC Poll: How Often Do You Clean Your Coop?

    I have boot trays under the perches, scrape them off into a bucket each morning. There are actually two trays. Change the shavings in the coop twice a year.
  5. ChickEngineer

    Poop boards

    I use boot trays under the perches, scrap them off into a bucket every morning, take them out and wash about once a week, easiest, quickest method I have found.
  6. ChickEngineer

    Comment by 'ChickEngineer' in media 'canine reception'

    I did this with my Belgian Sheep dog, put the chicks in the box after checking for pasty butts each morning, of course he had to check them out, now they consider him "their dog".
  7. ChickEngineer

    Comment by 'ChickEngineer' in article 'The Complete List of Boredom Busters for Poultry'

    Regarding the article on Chicken Toys, I tried the jar with the scratch inside. Took a plastic peanut butter jar and drilled four 3/8" holes, took them a couple of days to figure it out, now they chase it all over the coup. I also have a wire hanging basket that holds a head of cabbage, last...
  8. ChickEngineer

    Comment by 'ChickEngineer' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    I have used play sand in the coop and wood shavings in the hutch. The base is paver stones. Change the sand once or twice a year, my neighbor puts the used sand on his Bermuda grass lawn. Sand is easy to keep clean, no smell, no flies and the girls like to take their dust bath in the sand...
  9. ChickEngineer

    Explain what being broody is to me.

    I have used the dog grate method and it worked in about 3 days. I did give her a roost she sat on almost the whole time. My first flock were Americana's (5) and they never did get broody, have (6) Australopes and have had two go broody?
  10. ChickEngineer

    What do y'all do with older hens?

    I think letting them live to their natural end is the payment for years of great eggs, a fair trade off.
  11. ChickEngineer

    Poultry pampering?

    We use a dog nail trimmer also. We have had Ameraucanas and Australorps, only one Ameraucana has had to have her nails trimmed, I hold her and the wife does the trimming.
  12. ChickEngineer

    Nesting boxes made from removable dish bins?

    I have used the plastic dish bins for a while now, work great, the girls seem to be OK with them.
  13. ChickEngineer

    My hens are losing their feathers and it isn't molting

    As an aside, not part of your problem, but that is the ugliest water dish I have ever seen. Would suggest you replace with something like a Harris Farms Plastic Poultry Drinker, 5 Quart and add a tablespoon of ACV to it. You can not put the ACV in a metal container.
  14. ChickEngineer

    My hens are losing their feathers and it isn't molting

    I was wondering about the DE dusting as well. I do not have a rooster, but could have some mites.
  15. ChickEngineer

    Noisy hen!

    I have six that look just like that and have all started laying, so no roosters. One is very noisy, more of a scream/squawk, starts about 6 am. I am afraid she is going to break the windows or the neighbors will wring both our necks. She is the friendliest of the flock, hate to have to re-home...
  16. ChickEngineer

    square or round perches

    I got them at Home Depot, I believe they are called joyce? brackets, I bent them to the shape of the trimmed perches.
  17. ChickEngineer

    Predator safe floor ideas needed

    Have not had a rat problem in the coop. It is on pavers covered with sand. All the wire is 1/2 hardware cloth. We have rats, possums, raccoons and an occasional coyote, never had a problem in five years. See "Lil Red Chick Palace".
  18. ChickEngineer

    Calcified egg?

    Thank you for the link, very informative. I will keep an eye on her.
  19. ChickEngineer

    Calcified egg?

    Found the attached in the tray below the roost this morning. Believe it came from our RR that has not laid in at least a year, she is about 5 or 6 years old. She does not appear to be in distress, eating and moving around. The print is from the paper.
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