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  • Users: cajunlizz
  • Content: Threads
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  1. cajunlizz

    Red Sexlink Roosters , HENS , and Pullets ???

    Anybody have pictures of Red sexlink Roosters ? Thanks ahead of time
  2. cajunlizz


    Don't know if I put this in the wrong place or not . But this has me very disturbed . Watch the video
  3. cajunlizz

    Prices of feed ?

    What is everybody paying for feed now a days ? Have ya'll noticed prices going up ? I use to pay 11.50 for 50 lbs. of purina Laying pellets and NOW its 13.50 . I am wondering when things get worse with shipments how much higher will it be ?
  4. cajunlizz

    found one dead and another acting weird

    Noticed yesterday , one of our RIR hens would not walk or move when I approached her .... she did eat and drink when I put feed and water close to her ... She just would not move , like she was hurt .... She was dead this morning . Noticed another one acting...
  5. cajunlizz

    medicated feeds ?

    Do you all use medicated laying pellets or unmedicated ? My DH picks up all our feed and says he always buys the Purina Medicated laying pellets
  6. cajunlizz

    going price for pure fertilized eggs ?

    I have never sold any fertilized eggs before . Anybody have any idea what the going price is ? I have several different breeds , RIR'S , buff orpington's , black Austrolorp's , barred rocks , black leghorns . All are mixed together in the same coop/run , except my...
  7. cajunlizz

    americana eggs

    I have an Americana that has faithly been laying jumbo green eggs , I went and picked eggs this morning and she said a medium size ..... Anybody can explain why the difference in size ?
  8. cajunlizz

    poop problem

    Just lately some of my chickens in the smaller coop 8x12 are pooping in the nesting boxes .... Any suggestions of how to stop that ?
  9. cajunlizz

    apple cidar vinegar question

    Can anyone tell me how much ACV to put in a gallon of water for the chickens ?
  10. cajunlizz


    I am born and raised in South Louisiana ( Lafayette ) Here is a little history lesson about the state Of Louisiana : FYI: not a joke & not religious. Just interesting stuff about our state. A Little Louisiana history lesson If Hurricane Katrina causing the levees to break in...
  11. cajunlizz


    I stumbled on this online and wanted to share with you all . With our world crumbling more and more everyday , we can not lose faith .
  12. cajunlizz

    run drainage problems

    I have added sand 3 times during the summer( like 6 yards ) each time to both my runs . everything looks perfect until it rains , then yikes ... Chickens are scratching making holes ( naturally ) when it rains , the holes are full of water and creates oders ...
  13. cajunlizz

    refrigerating eggs

    How long can we safely keep fresh eggs out of the refrigerator ? And once they are put in the refrig. how long will they be good ?
  14. cajunlizz

    OK ... lets have an EGG COUNT

    thought of starting a thread of how many eggs we all pick a day . OK .. I will start it off .... Its 12:00 ( NOON ) and I have picked 13 eggs SO FAR ....
  15. cajunlizz


    Well , we have close to 100 head in our flock . About 35 are really not old enough to start laying just yet . BUT the others are close to 9 months old and was only picking 3 - 5 eggs a day . When the weather started gettign cold , DH installed lights inside both our coops...
  16. cajunlizz


    well , a few weeks back out of close to 100 head in flock , we were only picking 3 - 5 eggs a day . DH put lights in both the coops and for pass few days were were picking 15 eggs a day ... YESTERDAY we picked 23 ...... I knew were were...
  17. cajunlizz

    raw Rice

    met a man yesterday that has a full flock of chickens and feeds them ONLY raw rice . This is rice thats still in the hulls . He told me thats ALL he has ever feed his fock and they are very healthy . He raises for eggs , meat and resale of chickens . Nice...
  18. cajunlizz

    Celery ?

    Can chickens eat raw celery ? I thought of chopping this up with the green from the stalks and feed it to them . Will this hurt them ?
  19. cajunlizz

    extra lights in the coop

    WELL , things are looking up .. DH added light in both our coops . 2nd. day we went from picking 3 eggs to picking 5 , next day picked 7 , next day picked 9 , and YESTERDAY picked 12 . NOW we have our empty egg cartons ready .
  20. cajunlizz

    What size bulb for Coop ?

    One of my coops I have added light to for extra hours , just not sure what size is better . Any suggestions ? this coop is 8x12
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