Search results for query: *

  1. teamsunbelt

    What Breed is this Show Winner?

    I / my daughter entered a couple chickens into a local county fair poultry show. They were both BLRWs. The pullet took 3rd in her division, and a cockerel took second in his. The winners of both divisions and Grand Champion Standard Cockerel and Pullet were next to them. The rooster is pictured...
  2. teamsunbelt

    Cage ????

    My mom picked up this little cage today at a yard sale. I am not real sure what it is for, but thought you guys could give it a once over. It is about the size of a rabbit nesting box, but has a pull out bottom and locking door. There is no name or markings on it. I would think it is poultry or...
  3. teamsunbelt

    Genesis issue with stuck chicks

    I have run a few hatches through my Genesis. The hatch rate is far better than i expected, all three ranging in the 75% range, my second hatch was about 90%. My problem has accurred each time, this time with 3 chicks. They pip and zip, and then hang around until they get shrink wrapped. I...
  4. teamsunbelt

    Crazy Egg

    Look what was found in the coop. I have a few different pullets starting to lay in this coop. I am guessing this is from a young EE who has been laying a lot of double yolkers.
  5. teamsunbelt

    Sick Rooster

    I think I have a case of Mareks, but I am not sure. I have looked through the other posts, and it seems to add up. Another opinion or 12 would help. I have a rooster, about 6-8 months old, large fowl, who has come down with something. He was fine last week, not good this week from about...
  6. teamsunbelt

    Death in the Brooder

    I hatched out 11 chicks last wed. 4 were EEs, 2 OEGB, 3 BLRWs, I Bantam Cochin and a Welsummer mix. So far I have lost 2, and one is looking weak. The first 1 died on Sat, the second on Tues. Neither one seemed to be eating or drinking like the others, and were smaller and lighter. I offered...
  7. teamsunbelt


    After a couple months of off and on production, moulting and who knows what else, I was presented with a little prize this morning. It weighed in at 106.5 grams. The biggest I have seen is 98 from my mom. The local feed store has a contest during the summer for big eggs, last years winner was...
  8. teamsunbelt

    New run score

    I just was DELIVERED two 10x10 chainlink kennels. A little dirty from an ex dog on two panels, but most look brand new. All for $140. I need a enclosed run for new ducks and maybe a run for some chickens. Looking at the coop pages for ideas.
  9. teamsunbelt

    Small Flock??? Really?

    Chicken math stikes again, and it was my wife and daughters fault. We went to a breeder yesterday to find an Ameraucana for my daughters Christmas present. Short story is we left with a Wheaton Ameraucana, a Blue Ameraucana, 2 BLRWs, a French Black Copper Maran, a Welsummer and a Lav Orpington...
  10. teamsunbelt

    What if you Crossed??????

    Just for future reference, and maybe one day a mutt chicken contest winner. I hatched these two little mutts 2 weeks ago. They are a cross between a Bantam Cochin Rooster, mostly white, with Golden Comet hens. Purely accidental cross, but why the incubator was running, why not. Hoping they are...
  11. teamsunbelt

    New Incubator Choice

    Currently working with a still air LG incubator. It has a turner. Got it for next to nothing at an auction, so it was the best deal going. I am looking to get a new one for Christmas. I am looking at the Hova models, they seem to get the best reviews on this forum. I will use the turner in the...
  12. teamsunbelt

    Breeding Questions

    Mom has some Bantam Cochins, with a nice white rooster named Roody. I recently hatched one little cochin from him and one of the hens. I just set a few eggs in the incubator. A few are from moms Golden Comets. The little Bantam Rooster has no problem breeding the comets, they are a little on the...
  13. teamsunbelt

    After hatch

    The learning center says to take out chicks 24 hours after they hatch, or up to 48. At what point can I open a window and pull out day old chicks with out harming the others?
  14. teamsunbelt

    LG Question before lockdown

    I am getting ready for lockdown. One question: My LG still air as been holding tempartures very well, considering all of my tinkering. I have been holding temps at around 100* at the top of the eggs. Wgen I remove the turner and put the eggs lower in the bator, should i raise the temp to...
  15. teamsunbelt


    I bought 3 hens from a guy who said they were Welsummers. He hatched them from bought eggs. Two of them have green legs, making me think they are not Welsummer, at least not pure. One is about 4 weeks younger than the other 2. The older one has feathers down her shanks. What breed could they...
  16. teamsunbelt

    Welsummer or what?

    I picked up a few new chickens a couple weeks ago. I was told I was buying Welsummers, but I only expected one to be. The other two I was not sure about. It was a package deal that included some hatchable eggs and 4 chickens. Never mind the Golden Comet in front, wrong coop during picture time...
  17. teamsunbelt

    First Run

    I set my first batch of eggs in my LG incubator. This is my first try at hatching. I set 8 Cochin Bantam eggs, 5 Blue Andalusian, 8 Sumatra, 15 Barn Yard Mixes and 1 Duck egg. I have a few dollars in the Andalusian and Sumatras, but the rest were free. I am hoping for a good turn out.
  18. teamsunbelt


    So there are 4 coops between my mom's and mine. Everyone is on the same layer feed except my one coop with BLRWs at about 16 weeks, they are on All Flock at the time. They all get out in the evenings for free ranging and they all return to the correct coop at bedtime. The problem is the food...
  19. teamsunbelt

    Upgrade question

    I just got a used Little Giant still air with the auto turner, for a steal at an auction. It all seems to work. It is missing a red plug and does not have an easy clean tray. I will probably buy both. Should I go ahead and upgrade with a fan kit? Does it make that big of a difference? I am...
  20. teamsunbelt

    Chicken Toes

    We have a few Bantam Cochins. we picked them up a few weeks ago from a lady who we have gotten other chickens from. They were all kept in a big coop and enclosed run. The run was dirt. I do not believe they were ever let out to freerange. Some of them have signs of leg mites, which we are...
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