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  1. critters


    My hen house is pretty secure but I’ve lost 4 hens in the last few weeks, during their night time lock up. The birds were eaten, sides, necks wherever it seemed. Is it possible I have a or several killer birds? Unsure what’s causing their deaths but is it possible? Another thought would be...
  2. critters

    Cedar chips/flakes

    Can I use cedar flakes/chips for young chicks? My fella came home from the feed store with 26 baby chicks. I have cedar flakes on hand but am unsure if it was safe for them. Never used cedar on my baby guineas as heard they were bad for them.
  3. critters

    Lame young Guinea

    I have 8 three month old Guineas that I snatched up when momma Guinea strolled thru the front lawn showing them off. Had a family death that took me out of town for several weeks, leaving my critters in my fellas care. One of the young Guineas was wobbling around in the brooder, both knee...
  4. critters

    Muscovy duckling won't keep head up

    Day old Muscovy duckling can't seem to keep its head up. It is the last egg left in nest from momma.. Others hatched and momma got off nest to care for them, leaving two unhatched eggs... One died during hatch and then this ones neck is 'off'.. As if it can't lift head, no cant keep head up. Any...
  5. critters

    Duckling in brooder die...

    My Muscovy hen hatched out nine duckling.. That evening three got out from under momma and were close to death.. I put the three in my incubator and they warmed up and were thriving. That was Sunday morning. I had put two eggs that had not hatched yet in the bator and Monday morning they had...
  6. critters

    Muscovy duck not on nest

    Had to move one of my Muscovy ducks nest and now she is upset. She was in neighbors out building. She hasn't sat on her eggs since.. This was around 2pm and it a bit after 6pm now.. How long do I give her before I need to put them in the incubator?? Worried the won't be viable ..
  7. critters

    False pregnancy in bloodhound

    My one year old bloodhound had her first full heat 2 months ago... putting her into a false pregnancy and her 'due' date last Saturday. Well that night she threw up ( nothing but clear fluid) and had one episode of the runs when she went out to do her business. She turned her nose up to any...
  8. critters

    Color question...

    Ok I've read and the-read but still not sure... If I bred a Silver Pied Peacock to an India Blue Peahen what 'color' would I expect to get? I thought maybe a Silver Pied Split to IB but again maybe reverse , IB split to Silver Pied? I don't know... Read Leggs peafowl but got more confused...
  9. critters

    Update regarding dog in split heat:

    A few weeks ago I posted that my young bloodhound was in what may have been a 'split' heat ... Meant to update you sooner but anyways the vet did confirm she was coming in heat ... A full blown heat... He thought the previous one in October was a false heat not a split heat... Since I never...
  10. critters

    Dogs in heat... I have a question...

    My 9 month old blood hound came in heat in October but now , 2 months later she is showing signs of a second heat. Is this possible? I've raised dogs all my life and breed some of them over the years but have never been faced with this....? Is it possible? My males are all over her, so I've...
  11. critters

    What sexes do I have??

    They all will be 6 months come next week... Thought I had three pairs but now wonder...suppose to have IB, Cameo and Purples...
  12. critters

    Worming dogs

    I have many dogs...we live ad midst an apple orchard with peafowl, Guineas, ducks, chickens and 10 dogs. Is there a goat or horse wormer that can be given to the dogs to prevent or control worms? Dosages too please ... The dogs range from a chihuahua, 3 poms 3 boo-shuns 2 bloodhounds and a...
  13. critters

    12 week old hurt leg ...

    My Peachick was in its small pen within the peacock pen when last night everyone went to hollaring.. Went out to check and found one of the Peachicks hanging off the side of its pen by its toe/foot.. Unsure which as I was holding a flashlight with one hand and trying to free her with the other...
  14. critters

    Peachicks getting blue neck feathers...

    Is this an indication they are males? One born 6/23/15 and the other 7/3/15 and both are India Blues.... They are getting blue neck feathers in so is this telling me anything????
  15. critters

    When can I add a Peachick to ...

    The other young Peachicks? I have 6 Peachicks ranging from June and July hatch dates to a 7th hatch in August... The older ones are all together but Andi, the month old, is alone... When can I put him/her in with the others? He's about half their size and only a month old but I don't want...
  16. critters

    Sick Peachick...

    Ok... I have a 15 day old IB Peachick... Drinks and eats ok, a bit picky but eats... Gets medicated starter feed .. Still in brooder by himself as he was a late hatch and has lamp on him/her... I clean the brooder every 4-5 days as it is just him... Yesterday cleaned box and did not notice...
  17. critters

    Peacocks on porch railing... Keeping them off??

    I have 3 free ranging peacocks that have started going to a neighbors house and sitting on their porch railing... He says they are scratching the railing and of course pooping... Any ideas on what we can do to ward them off his porch?? He's the only one that complains of my birds but if I can...
  18. critters

    Peahen got off eggs...

    And has been calling out... Kinda making a honking cry/scream? She's in an enclosed pen and her nest was secluded from the others... Just a normal move on her part or any ideas ? Don't want to jump the gun and go to worrying but that seems to be what I do! I got the eggs even though they were...
  19. critters

    Ok... Got scales so now what?

    Ok.. I have 6 beautiful Peachicks and got scales to weigh them with ... So what am I doing? What am I watching for? 2 of my Peachicks are from my own stock and both are IB one being a month old and weighed 44 ounces and the younger at 21 days weighed 26 ounces.... Are they in normal range and...
  20. critters

    Momma Muscovy and youngins

    Just wanted to share... I got this Muscovy hen from a friend adding her to my flock...I have a black and white male and his son a silver and white so don't know who fathered these guys but either way got some pretty babies!
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