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  • Users: navychick
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  1. navychick

    Finding raw egg in nesting box but never any broken shell????

    Hi, Lately I have been finding raw egg in nesting box but never any broken shell. We offer a healthy diet which includes fresh veggies, yogurt, and oyster shell. This spring we added 3 Peking ducks to our flock and I have observed on two occasions this summer an occasion where they will step on...
  2. navychick

    Splayed leg and curled toes PLEASE help I need advice ASAP

    I had a chick hatch today with curled toes AND a splayed leg.. I made the chick shoes and the leg splint but she is miserable and keeps falling over. I then placed her legs and feet in the correct position and taped her feet (still in shoes and splints) to a paper plate which puts her it a...
  3. navychick

    I need Broody advice please!

    I have 11 hens almost 1 year old. They share the same coop/run. One of our BO's has been showing signs of "going broody" for a while. Four days ago she was in the nesting box when I secured the coop at night and I lifted her off the nest and placed her on a perch for the night. This...
  4. navychick

    Why is she so Fluffy?

    Each night I check on the girls before they settle in and I noticed one of my BO appears huge. She is all fluffed up. Today they are all out and about and I noticed she is still fluffier than the others. As a note, 10 days ago it was 90 degrees and yesterday it SNOWED. Is this something I...
  5. navychick

    Urgent! Please Help, I'm afraid I'm losing her.

    Wednesday late afternoon I stopped at the tractor supply for supply's and came home with 2 baby Peking ducks. They had a small duck that was set aside because she was getting trampled and picked on. I know, I know but I couldn't leave her/him. They gave me her AND another small duck to be her...
  6. navychick

    What was I thinking? Duckling can't stand up:(

    Today I stopped at the tractor supply for supply's and came home with 2 baby Peking ducks. They had a small duck that was set aside because she was getting trampled and picked on. I know, I know but I couldn't leave her/him. They gave me her AND another small duck to be her friend. The little...
  7. navychick

    Should we adopt a roo?

    We have 12 hens that have been laying for a month or so. ( 3 BO, 3 BR, 3 EE, & 3SLW). They are friendly, pampered pets. They free range during the day and return to their secure coop at night. With so many people looking for homes for their young roos we have been approached several times. Are...
  8. navychick

    Emergency???Combs turning purple after I applied vasaline.

    About 2 hours ago I applied vasaline to my 3 barred rocks combs and wattles as it is a cold day and I was trying to prevent frostbite. Now I just noticed they are turning dark purple. Please advise!!!!
  9. navychick

    Does snow confuse chickens?

    We live in Michigan and it has been very cold and sporadically snowy. Every morning I let our flock out to free range. On cold snowy days i shovel a path from their coop/run to our large covered back porch where they hang out for the day. If the weather warms they wander if its cold they...
  10. navychick

    HELP I found yolk frozen on my patio

    I need your advice. We have 12 hens 6 months old. 3 EE, 3BR, 3SLW & 3 BO. Just before Christmas an EE and a BR layed their first eggs. Last week another EE & BR layed. And as of today I believe all 3 EE's and BR are laying. On two occasions in the last week I have found the reminant of an...
  11. navychick

    My Chicken's made Christmas Shopping easy for my Husband.

    I hope everyone on BYC and your families had a Blessed Christmas. My husband had a ball shopping at TSC this year and I had the BEST Christmas EVER! No Mall and fancy jewelry stores this year -lol. I will be dressed in PINK Schmidt from my cameo barn boots to the top of my head. He even...
  12. navychick

    What to fill blown eggs with?

    I'd like to blow out our first eggs and make Christmas Ornaments out of them (as suggested by a BYC member). I'd like to fill them with something so they are are less fragile. Any suggestions?
  13. navychick

    Are there EGGS in my future? YEAH! WE HAVE AN EGG!!

    We have 12 girls just over 5 months old. We live in Michigan and I assume the cold, cloudy weather plays a role in egg laying. YESTERDAY, when I let them out to wander our yard as I do each morning, they ran up to our house for their treats as they always do BUT 2 of my Barred Rocks (which are...
  14. navychick

    Please say it isn't so.....

    A neighbor stopped by yesterday (he has chickens too) and told me that my hens won't make it through their third winter. We live in Michigan and my girl's are 20 weeks old. He kills his in the fall before their third winter. He said that they will be too old to tolerate the cold weather and...
  15. navychick

    It's Beginning to look alot like Christmas

    We got our first snow last night. My girl's were very confused and didn't want to come out of their coop. I shoveled them a path and they finally came out. If you have snowy pics and want to post about here. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays BYC friends.
  16. navychick

    What Time of day do they "usually" lay there eggs?

    My girl's are 16 weeks old. Each morning they exit their coop and wander in their run until I let them out in the yard. I opened up the nesting boxes a few days ago to let them explore them and placed a golf ball in each as a hint. Even when it rains they don't go back into the coop until...
  17. navychick

    For Chicken Lovers who KNIT

    Oh My! I just found this Wonderful book at JoAnn's. We are expecting our first grandchild, (a girl) in february. I completely annoyed my daughter when we went to BabiesRus to register for her shower and I commented on how much CRAP was marketed toward children. I told her I'd prefer not to...
  18. navychick

    Winter free ranging, What are they eating?

    It's getting pretty cold here and my flock loves wandering our yard. They faithfully return to their run each night and then to their coop where they are locked in for the night. They are eating much less crumble (and love foraging thru the leaves and such. We sprinkle their scratch near...
  19. navychick

    Tiny ferrel kitten hanging out with my girls.

    In the morning, when I'm home I open the run door and let the girls roam our yard for the day. Last week I found a very tiny kitten inside their run while they were not. Today the kitty is back, kinda just hanging out in the yard with the girls. They don't seem to mind her presence and I...
  20. navychick

    is this pecking order?

    Our 12 pullets are about 14 weeks old and seem to all get along wonderfully. One EE always stays back when I am passing out treats and sometimes makes no effort to get a treat. I do everything possible to share with her often with no luck. If I pick her up she won't take one from me. If I...
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