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  1. Western Chick

    Question on housing males with females for laying

    Chicken veteran but quail noobie here! I've built a 2x6 cage and I'm starting with 12 coturnix quail (hopefully this weekend ). Would it be okay if 2-3 of them were males or would they fight in there? Do females kept for laying need a male around at all? I would like to eventually save and...
  2. Western Chick

    Do I have Fibromyalgia? Post your you cope..

    Let me start by saying...I know I need to ask a Doctor, I plan to. But I understand that Fibromyalgia is one of those conditions that is not well-undersood by general practitioners so I want to have some background. I've searched some health websites for symptoms of FM but all the info seems...
  3. Western Chick

    2 beautiful Buff goose eggs (SOLD)

    I have these all packaged up and ready to go do to a non-payer. I'll sell them for $15 (postage included) to the first one to post "sold" and PM me for paypal info.
  4. Western Chick

    For those who get a kick out of waiting for goats to kid...

    Okay, after following along with Helmstead's Scarlet who successfully kidded last night I'm sure there are some of you wondering where you're going to get your waiting-for-a-goat-to-kid fix. Well here you go: Meet Promise. She's a four-year-old Boer and about 200 pounds right now. When this...
  5. Western Chick

    American Buff Goose Eggs $25 for 2 (includes shipping) from MN

    I'm in my third year raising these docile beauties. I had great success with their eggs last year. PM me if you're interested. Geese have a very short laying season, once they go broody I'll have no more to offer. My girls are into their 2nd week, there's no telling how much longer...
  6. Western Chick

    Monday Morning Surprise

    I'm not too sure how this happened, I must have set a few eggs and not written it down. I know I set some the beginning of February but they were all thrown out due to wild temperature fluctuations in the 'bator. I had been candling these but had it in my mind that they were due next weekend...
  7. Western Chick

    New house or chickens?

    Okay, so this is a little bit of a venting thread but maybe someone out there has been through this and can offer some advice. Since DH and I got married 8+ years ago we've said that someday we'll build a house on a 6-acre piece of land less than a mile from where we live now. We love where we...
  8. Western Chick

    Hova-bator not holding temp like it used to...suggestions?

    I just fired up my Turbo-fan Hovabator for the third year in a row and the temp seems to be fluctuating more than it ever has. The past two years it ran nearly constantly from spring to fall with little to no adjustment in the thermostat, I have a LG still air that I use for hatching so the...
  9. Western Chick

    For Sale/Trade-Bourbon Red Turkey Trio- MN-pick up only

    I've decided to part with the last of my turkeys. I have a gorgeous tom and his two hens. Tom is two years old, one hen is two, the other is one this spring. Both will be laying soon. I hatched many poults from the older hen and tom last year with great results. My birds originally came...
  10. Western Chick

    seven kids in three days (goats)

    Okay, so this may not be a big deal for some but I sure am proud of it. I have seven beautiful babies...Lots of pics on my blog posting: They're all full-blood boers
  11. Western Chick

    Acaia Slim...BEWARE!!!

    Okay, so I don't even want to admit that I tried it but I did. I fell victim to a "free-trial" offer and along with it came some of the dirtiest marketing tactics I've ever experienced. Let me share and hopefully save someone from making the same mistake. Let me preface by saying I've never...
  12. Western Chick

    Thinking about a pony for a Christmas present

    Okay, so I know it sounds like a fairy tale story. It's the Christmas present I always wanted but never got. I found someone near us who has a pony for sale and I'm thinking about getting him for my four-year-old DD. The pony is a 13 YO, 9.2 h gelding. He's been used with kids, riding and...
  13. Western Chick

    The mink killing my chickens are coming from my neighbors!

    Help, I'm in a sticky situation and I need to know, what would you do? I've raised chickens with few predator problems for the past 5 years. Occasionally a raccoon goes on a rampage but I can deal with them. They're easy to trap. About two months ago my 20 brooder chicks were killed when a...
  14. Western Chick

    Mink infestation...HELP!!!

    I knew I had a problem when the three new salmon faverolles I brought home from a swap had their heads pulled under the divider in my quarantine cage. I thought maybe a skunk or raccoon since we have many of those around and have trapped and poisoned many. The next night there was a massacre...
  15. Western Chick

    Does anyone mix their own layer feed?

    I'm looking for ways to cut the cost of feeding my chickens this winter. We farm a couple thousand acres of corn, beans and wheat and it seems ridiculous to have to buy an over-priced mixed ration from a feed store when we have semi-loads of the stuff right in our yard. I currently pay about...
  16. Western Chick

    This is my job...County Feedlot Officer!!

    I was reading the threads about Alex's chickens with great interest because this is what I deal with on a daily basis. I work out of our county zoning office as the animal ag specialist or better known as- Feedlot Officer. Yup, I'm the bad guy! Actually, I think everybody should have a few...
  17. Western Chick

    Checking for interest...Blue/Black/Splash Orp chicks?

    I've had a few requests from here and on my website for shipping live chicks. My little incubator can't handle the numbers needed to make shipping a viable option but I've been considering an upgrade. My PO is willing to work with me on it. I'm just wondering how much interest there would be...
  18. Western Chick

    Blue Orpington eggs available

    Whew! I've been watching all the posts about people wanting Blue Orpingtons and just about jumping out of my seat waiting for a password to get on here. I've been selling on ebay and eggbid so I'm not completely new to this. I'm just getting fed up with the extra fees and people bidding but...
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