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  1. Atomic Ranch

    Are Gopher Snakes a Threat? (pics of the big guy)

    Greetings I've seen snakes in the yard-- garter, king, etc.. but not one of this size, nor one near my coop and run. It's about 4 1/2 feet long. It was in the drive, headed in the direction of the chickens. I don't have any chicks or bantams, so I'm wondering if it had bad intentions with...
  2. Atomic Ranch

    Weird tiny balls on EE egg-- what is this?

    Greetings peeps! Can't wait for spring to arrive! All smooth sailing with my new flock, which is now 10 months. But today, my EE laid THIS! They are fixed in place, part of the shell. Is it calcium? They are actually the shape of tiny eggs, so I feared a critter in her system, but I cut a...
  3. Atomic Ranch

    Buff Cochin Rooster 8 Months Needs Home! So Cal

    Big boy, pictured here at 7 months. I only have 10 hens, so I don't want them to get too much "rooing"! He finds food for them, sits out to guard them, has never been human-aggressive. I understand that they can change in nature if/when relocated, but this has been my experience with him thus...
  4. Atomic Ranch

    Feel a bit bad about killing a rat...

    Most might think I'm just being silly about this! Heard a commotion from the coop tonight so took a flashlight to check. Two fat rats munching the food!!! They ran off and hid in a narrow space between support beams. The chickens were freaked out. Most sleep on the roost, but a few prefer...
  5. Atomic Ranch

    I have to shed two roos. Please help decide?

    Hello, My chickens are all 20 - 22 weeks. 14: 11 hens and 3 cockerels. They are starting to lay and crow. As a chicken newb, I was hopeful that all of them would continue to get along swimmingly, and they were all raised together. I've been told that ONE rooster is appropriate for 11 hens...
  6. Atomic Ranch

    Pre-Egg-Laying Behaviors?

    What are they, in your experience? My Delawares began to lay about a week ago, with no noticeable pomp or circumstance. Just flirting with the cochin roo. The others (2 RIR, 1 Party Rock, 2 leghorns, 1 NH, 2 EE, 1 BO) are occasionally puffed, panting, vocal (including egg songs), and the Rock...
  7. Atomic Ranch

    Buff Orpy... I'm almost afraid to ask! (Verdict-- noisy boy!!!)

    About 4 months. Developed a comb early, but it hasn't grown in several weeks. Only a bit bigger than its sister's, but the shape is.... different. Okay, lay it on me! What's the verdict?
  8. Atomic Ranch

    Happy ending- Leghorn- 6 weeks, dizzy, head tilted, botulism?

    I'm at my wit's end here, and will likely have to conduct my first cull if I can't find something, ANYthing to relieve his symptoms. I've tried researching as much as I can, and am left to simply ask if anyone can think of anything I haven't. Perhaps it was cocci that he's had all along and I...
  9. Atomic Ranch

    My turn to be suspicious- male/female cochin? (drumroll.... BOY!)

    About 5 weeks now... I'm new to chickens... love this cochin! I've noticed an upright posture, some territorialism (though they all seem to be sorting themselves out right now), and a huge growth spurt this week. So, what do you all think? Too early to tell? Edit: I think it's more like 4...
  10. Atomic Ranch

    Small chick recovered from runny eye, first egg today :)

    Edit: In the event someone else is dealing with a runny eye (not bubbly) infection, here was my experience: I'm new to chickens. Got my first 14 about 3 weeks ago, including this one. Runty, but energetic and eating. Her eye started running about 2 weeks ago. A few sneezes here and there. About...
  11. Atomic Ranch

    Hello, I got my first chickens! Questions about coop security, etc.

    Nice to meet everyone. What a great community you have here! I'm in Southern California. I got my first 13 chicks about 3 weeks ago: 2 Delawares, 2 Buff Orpingtons, a Partridge Rock, 2 Rhode Islands, 2 Leghorns, a California White, 2 Ameraucanas and a Cochin. All seem to be growing, happy and...
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