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  • Users: Tracyree
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  1. Tracyree

    6 week old puffed up and doesn’t feel good

    So I noticed one of my 6 week olds standing puffed, not really interested in what was going on and just seems off. Poo looked good. She is standing like “cocci chicks” I’ve seen online. I have Corid in my kit, but have some complications 1- I have 2 chicks with B vitamin deficiencies that...
  2. Tracyree

    Hardware cloth on bottom of run…?

    I made a 4x8 run for my 6 week old chicks while we wait for the big run to get finished. I was going to pin mesh around the outside and stake it to the ground, but have seen others put hardware cloth on the bottom of the actual run. I am hesitant to do that as it seems like it would hurt their...
  3. Tracyree

    Is this safe or needs beefing up?

    I’m building a pen for chicks outside. Is this hardware cloth attached safely or do I need to put wood over the washers?
  4. Tracyree

    Is this the right sand?

    I was told it was construction sand.
  5. Tracyree

    Do I need to glue flooring down?

    I’m laying a rubber mat type flooring over the coop wood floor. Do I need to glue it down to prevent bugs from living under it?
  6. Tracyree

    Best weatherproof auto feeder for 6 week old flock

    We are going out of town for 4 days and I’d like a feeder i can keep in the run that is weatherproof and safe for 6 week olds. A lot of auto feeders say for 12 weeks and up because they ports are big enough to get inside and get stuck.
  7. Tracyree

    How find a “chicken sitter” while away & biosecurity

    Hello. Trying to figure out how to find someone to feed/water my chickens when we are away, but anyone with chicken know-how will most likely have chickens and I’d like to keep bio security in mind. Dont want someone wearing their chicken boots in my coop and others, you know?
  8. Tracyree

    Is it safe to feed store bought eggs?

    Is it safe to feed your chicks store bought eggs (scrambled/cooked) or can that expose them to disease even though cooked? (Have a struggling chick I’d like to feed egg to but have no laying hens)
  9. Tracyree

    Can’t walk, 3 week old

    I have 11 three week old chicks. Never been outside because it’s rained every day for weeks. All seem fine aside from one slow grower and now this one that suddenly can’t walk. She seems bright eyed and poops normal, but she’s barely eating or drinking and can’t walk. Her legs are not...
  10. Tracyree

    Feed waste

    Hello all. I’m wondering if this is normal or something I’m doing wrong. When I fill the feeder, the chicks work at it until it’s empty and waste so much. I out the feeder up on hardware cloth tray and after about 1/2 hour there’s an inch deep of feed in it. (Pictured my little wry neck gimpy...
  11. Tracyree

    Coop delivered, help me customize?

    Hello all. My 6x8 coop was delivered today. We put it in the shop so I can add some things like a board across bottom of doorway to hold deep litter in, a better roost system and cut a chicken door (I wanted to be sure and put it where I wanted so asked the builder not to cut one) What would...
  12. Tracyree

    Extra chicks shipped

    Got my first chicks since taking a 10 year break while living in a neighborhood. Ordered 7 chicks and got 11 😮. I knew they sometimes ship an extra or two, but sure don’t expect FOUR. Guess I’m diving right back in head first. I stupidly assumed that the order minimum meant that was the...
  13. Tracyree

    Buy local and get no mareks vaccine or worth ordering?

    Hello. I am just getting to keep chickens again after a ten year break. I can buy my chicks locally, but the local hatchery doesn’t offer the mareks vaccine. I’m considering ordering online instead so that they can get vaccinated. Worth it? They’re going in a new coop on new property, but...
  14. Tracyree

    Chicken can't walk, long term

    So I have a white rock gen that is about 5. She used to be in our flock of 12 but we moved to a neighborhood and I had to give my flock away. I kept the white rock because she couldn't walk well and was always beat up by the others. They scalped her twice! We still own the country home and...
  15. Tracyree

    Only at "farm" on weekends, egg collection??

    We are moving. But keeping our "farm". We will live about and hour away and visit on weekends. My feeling is that I have to get rid of my hens. :( I can't see how to manage them with only being here on weekends. Feed and water are possible, but eggs. Any ideas?
  16. Tracyree

    Aluspray and eggs

    I'd like to try aluspray on a hen with a large wound. I'm concerned about the other hens pecking at it and their eggs. Anyone know if it's safe to eat eggs from chickens treated with aluspray?
  17. Tracyree

    5 weeks. Genders?

    Two chicks. One is an Easter egger. One is a blue isbar. Both 5 weeks old today. Gender guesses?
  18. Tracyree

    Grower crumbles for pulleys (layers)??

    I ordered some pullet developer but received broiler grower crumbles. I was going to return it but life intervened my daughter broke her arm we just got busy Now it's too late to return it is there anything I can use it for ? I have layers, not meet birds
  19. Tracyree

    Flake vs fine pine shavings

    So after busting my butt scooping out coop today I go to put in the pine flakes I always get from tsc. It was practically saw dust. Tiny little chips. I can't imagine it's going to hold up well or last long. I couldn't get back to town to exchange it so just had to use it. Arg. So...
  20. Tracyree

    current set up too much work -advice for new coop?

    We will be getting a new coop in the spring and I'm torn about going BIG or downsizing. My current coop has a 4x8 interior, a 8x10 cover pen with deck floor, a large fully enclosed run and access to pasture with electric poultry netting. I like the set up, but it's a lot of work. We were...
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