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  • Users: Nambroth
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  1. Nambroth

    Hen with swollen sinus

    Hello all! I am normally someone that takes all problems to the vet, but this one caught me at a bad time and I was hoping to get some help here if anyone is able. My giant cochin hen, Mildred, developed a sudden swelling on one side of her face a day ago. I check each of my birds over daily...
  2. Nambroth

    Seeking info: EYP / Egg Peritonitis / Acities (not an emergency)

    Hi BYC folks! As some of you know, I'm a science and research nut. After one of my birds died from Marek's several years ago, I realized that information about the disease was scattered and hard to grasp all in one place, so I went on an unholy crusade to find and assemble all of the information...
  3. Nambroth

    7 Day old chick with vent prolapse

    Hello all! I have a group of 10 Bielefelder (large fowl) chicks that are now one week old today. One chick developed a prolapse this morning. She is one of the larger chicks, robust, active, eating and drinking very well. Her droppings are perfect, and well formed. The problem is that they are...
  4. Nambroth

    The Adventures of Featherdust Flock

    This introduction is for those that may not have seen the “Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles and Friends” thread; sadly a great number of the photos that were in that thread are now gone, so I’d like to post a little recap with some of the lost photos here. That thread was enormous, old, and...
  5. Nambroth

    (not an emergency) A visual aid to molting / pin feathers / blood feathers

    Sometimes we see new chicken keepers come on here in a panic, or worried about their birds. The feathers are turning into needles, or shafts, or quills. Some people have thought this to be a mite or lice infestation, or any number of other problems, when in fact-- it is probably just molting...
  6. Nambroth

    Not an Emergency - X-Rays from hen with ovarian cancer

    My sweet hen, Kua, passed away this July from Ovarian Cancer. She was a "Golden Comet" which is a fancy term for a sex-linked production hen (I didn't know this when I got her, I had only read that they made sweet pet hens). Though I never use supplemental light for my birds in winter, she...
  7. Nambroth

    Small original fowl painting commission - your chicken, duck, goose, peafowl (etc) in watercolors!

    Hello! As some of you know, I have been going through some costly veterinary treatments for my ailing rooster, Baron Rufflerump. I am hoping to sell a few little original commissions. I would be delighted to create a painting of your favorite hen, rooster... duck, goose, peacock, quail--...
  8. Nambroth

    Chicken and Poultry Artwork; Prints, Originals, Custom paintings

    Hello everyone! I am a professional artist by trade, and am happy to paint chickens as they truly are a passion! I am delighted to offer prints, drawings, and original paintings of our beloved backyard fowl. I have the following prints available: "Behold!" Golden Comet and the Cosmos -...
  9. Nambroth

    Chicken health info for those that experience Cat Attacks

    I've noticed several topics about cat attacks on chickens over the last few months here on BYC. This thread is not intended to talk about if cats attack, when they attack, how to prevent, etc... That is all discussion that is already happening in other threads. Check out the Predator and Pest...
  10. Nambroth

    The Well Composed Chicken -- Small prize offered!

    I thought this might be fun! There will be a first, second, and third prize winner. First prize: I will mail you a postcard with one of the chickens from the Derperella Gang to you, and put a little sketch on the back of the chicken you submit! Second and third: I will send you a digital...
  11. Nambroth

    Rooster with mass in neck, possible tumor, thymus response -- Marek's

    Hello folks, I am mostly making this post to document this situation in case anyone else has had a similar experience or searches for this problem in the future. I have a Large Fowl Cochin rooster, Trousers, approximately 10 months old as of writing this. I pay close attention to the...
  12. Nambroth

    Original Chicken Painting Barred Rock hen

    I have two chicken paintings currently for sale! Please note, that each painting is sold separately and for a different price. I've listed all details below! About me: My name is Jennifer Miller, and I am a professional wildlife and fantasy artist. I have been doing art for my whole life, and...
  13. Nambroth

    Pin-feather eating and possible solutions

    Hello all, This has been a problem long in the making. Background: Last year, I had an accidental rooster (1 roo to my 7 hens). He ended up being aggressively amorous, so to speak, and was harming the backs on my hens. I tried to give him a chance to mature to see what sort of roo he would...
  14. Nambroth

    Bad molt and cold temperatures

    I wasn't sure if I should put there her or in the diseases section-- really, molting is natural and not an emergency so I figured to put it here. My head hen-- a pet barred rock named Moa-- started a really bad molt last week and I am somewhat concerned. She's lost huge tracts of feathers and...
  15. Nambroth

    Partridge Plymouth Rock Rooster - To a good home

    Gullincambe is my Partridge Plymouth Rock rooster (still technically a cockerel). We bought him as a female chick-- and well, you know how that goes. I know that roosters looking for homes are a dime a dozen, but Gullin is a special fellow and so I hope someone can give him a place to live. It...
  16. Nambroth

    Undigested food in droppings, update on page 3

    I have a very sweet salmon faverolles pullet that I am worried about. Maybe about a week ago I noticed that her droppings were becoming very wet, and last night when I went to check on her she seems to have lost weight and is skinny in the keel bone. Maybe you have suggestions for me... 1) What...
  17. Nambroth

    Roo is a little clumsy, balding hens. Help?

    Okay, so you have some information. I hope this is the right place to put this... it's not truly an injury but more of a behavioral thing. Backstory: I have 6 hens, and one accidental rooster (cockerel still). My rooster is a very fine fellow... friendly with people (he likes me to rub his...
  18. Nambroth

    Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

    I have been posting about Derperella in my personal journal since the day she hatched, and have received a lot of comments on her, so I thought I would share here! Even though I present these in a story format, and embellish with the "thoughts" of the chicken (which we cannot truly know of...
  19. Nambroth

    Roosters and Puberty: a general question

    I have an accidental partridge rock rooster (actually still just a cockeral) from my group of sexed day-olds. I really didn't want a rooster, and thus ordered from a hatchery so that I could get pullets. Well, nature is what it is and I got a roo. After a lot of research, I decided that I am...
  20. Nambroth

    The (ongoing) story of Kua, the broken-beak pullet

    Edit: Last update is on page 4! I posted a bit about this in the emergencies section, but I thought some of you might enjoy this story (as alarming as it starts!). Meet Kua! She is one of 7 chickens I started with this year. She hatched on May 9th, and is a red sex-link (Golden Buff/Golden...
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