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  1. GhostRider65

    Help with clean up of my Profile page

    Is there a way to delete threads I no longer watch or read, some of them haven't had posts in a year, so I would like to remove them from my profile page so I don't have to scroll through 50 times to get to all the threads I do watch daily........ If there is a way to do this Help would surely...
  2. GhostRider65

    Hen ripped open by!!!!

    My 4 hens have been in with my rooster a little over a week now, and yesterday he must have slipped getting off, and his spur ripped her side open under her wing, I didn't find it until today, so couldn't get it stitched up, I did clean it up well, an sprayed her good with Vetracin.SP? anyway...
  3. GhostRider65

    How long before eggs are fertile, when adding a roo?

    I have had my Hens and roos, separate for about a month now, I want to hatch some Delaware chicks, EE's and Wyandottes after I add my Roosters to the breeding pen along with 4 girls, how long must I wait for fertile eggs? I would think that he must breed them a few days before the eggs are...
  4. GhostRider65

    3 died at about lock down What Happened? Pictures included

    Well my 8 eggs are done that I set on March 5th, got 5 cute fuzzy butts, and had 3 quit close to lock down....... I opened them this morning to see what could have happened, well 1 had a severe deformity of the beak, so I know why it didn't make it, It could nto have pipped if it tried...
  5. GhostRider65

    1st Hatch many Questions, Brinsea Mini Eco HELP Yesterday!!!!!!

    Hey everyone I have some questions I didn't even think about till now I set my 9 eggs on March 5th at 8am adding 21 days thinking Monday the 26th will be hatch day???? well tonight I checked and counted calendar days and low and behold Sunday is Hatch day? Is this correct, or do I not count...
  6. GhostRider65

    HELP !!!!Northern Fowl Mites..... Can 1 chicken have Mites and the others don't?

    My rooster got in a small fight today, so I brought him in too patch him up and while inside all of a sudden there appears about GoZillion mites crawling all over his tail..... talk about freak out , I haven;t seen any on my hens but they are dark colored, and are handled daily. is it possible...
  7. GhostRider65

    HELP PLEASE...Is my Hen about to go Broody?

    My Barred Rock peaches is being very strange the last 3 nights at roosting time she gets in her nest box and stays there all night long, at 6 am she is out eating then seems normal most of the day, but she stays in the nest box after she lays her egg for hours............ and I can't collect...
  8. GhostRider65

    Help deciding on a turkey coop

    I have been planning to build another chicken coop so I can separate my pea combs from straight combs, but I figured if possible I would divide the coop approximately 16 foot diameter circle, post and beam, cordwood coop...... which would give me 2 sides approximately 8 by 16, I plan to get a...
  9. GhostRider65

    New Chicken Mom wants to hatch eggs.....but I need a map LOL!

    Ok guys and gals, I'm new to chickens raised 43 hatchery day old babies last spring first batch in March, second batch in May, anyway ended up with 16 hens, kept 4 roosters to breed them come this spring. I eventually just want a mixed flock for eggs and meat, but I'm short my favorite breeds...
  10. GhostRider65

    Is this a fart Egg? Help please

    Ok I have heard of and seen some strange looking eggs, with some interesting sounding names BUT what the heck is this? One of my Dels. layed this today I also got one around Xmas timel, whats up with this? is she sick? is she having some female troubles? should I be worried? I cracked it open...
  11. GhostRider65

    Rose Comb Wyandotte Rooster, Meet Fred

    Does anyone have need of a very nice well mannered White Wyandotte rooster named Fred? You must put your ad in the proper section of our Buy/Sell/Auction area, please.
  12. GhostRider65

    Does anyone feed there chickens Mash?

    Our local co-op has a mash they mix themselves that they swear is much better for the chickens than the commercial feed mine are currently getting. My problem with trying it is this......... its dust? I can not get my chickens to eat the bottom dusty crumbles of feeder crumbles how am I gonna...
  13. GhostRider65

    Raptor chicken made of wood?

    Hello all, I painted a raptor chicken out of a piece of wood cut down from a big branch that over hung the new chicken run, and to me it looked like a chicken so I painted it as such. I Hung it on the coop and want to make a sign saying protected by But I don;t know what to call it, so...
  14. GhostRider65

    Chicken saddle pattern to share?? Help Please my girls need 1 bad

    Does anyone have a pattern for the chicken saddles ? My poor babies are getting their feathers pulled out by the roosters............. winter is coming and they will be bald and frost bitten if I don't make them something....... Ive seen them for sale but hubby lost his job 2 months ago and we...
  15. GhostRider65

    Strange Question about cannibalistic ducks?

    My neighbor raises turkey ducks and buff ducks, well anyway why do the male juveniles kill the babies,? everyday I'm up there I see a young male killing a baby? is this normal? are ducks so cannibalistic? I thought about maybe raising a few next year, but not if this is what they do? Has anyone...
  16. GhostRider65

    OK What Kinda crazy egg is this? Pictures included

    My White Rock hen, Ms Prissy approximately 6 months old, from my first babies Born March 25th Layed the strangest egg today. What's going on ? did it get stuck in the oviduct? is she getting too much calcium? not enough something..what?????? I'm very worried about her, its also a huge egg never...
  17. GhostRider65

    Ok Stumped need Idea's? HELP

    My babies are now 16 weeks there pen has been opened between the littles and the big girls, they scratch around together all day long, but at roosting time they go back to there pen and the big girls and there 2 roosters go to the coop. I was afraid they would fight, but so far just a squabble...
  18. GhostRider65

    Help Rooster feeding when with the flock? Getting soft shell TOO?

    Hello everyone, as many know I'm pretty new to owning chickens, have had my own since March and now my flock is down to reasonable rooster ratio's I'm wondering what and how to feed my roo's who run with the flock of 10 hens? I'VE HEARD/READ EXTRA CALCIUM IN LAYER ISN'T GOOD FOR THEM? IS THIS...
  19. GhostRider65

    Most unorthodoxed way .to lay an egg??

    Ok so my Buff Orpington hen Henrietta layed her first egg today!! YAHHH, but in the craziest way imaginable. She finally decided to come outside into the run because I was out there feeding greens to the others. Well she was so totally up my behind I was tripping over her while racking the...
  20. GhostRider65

    HELP SLW intermittent layer? Whats up? or Normal

    My SLW started laying a week ago or so didn't right it down dummy me....... anyway she lays 1 egg then don't lay another for a day or 2 then 1 then nothing for a couple more days........Is this normal for a new pullet? Or is something wrong with her? Should I be worried about egg laying issues...
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