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  1. snazzyboots

    Jersey giant or australorp

    i bought this girl as a jersey giant but she’s 6 months and still very small. She lays a smaller egg too. Hers is the one on the right. Her feet are white as well. Any thoughts? Doesn’t really matter either way but we are curious. Thanks
  2. snazzyboots

    Jersey Giant hen or roo?

    Hi all We bought this bird as a pullet. It’s 16 weeks old. Within the last day or so the comb and wattles have gotten darker and larger. Also looks like the neck feathers are pointy. It’s been chest bumping the others too. I really hope I’m wrong in thinking roo. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks for
  3. snazzyboots

    How long does it take?

    We brought home four 10-12 week old pullets to join our adult hen. She has chased them some but no real pecking. My question is how long that phase will last. It’s been about the same every day. We let the new girls out of the run for a few minutes this evening and she still chased them. Will...
  4. snazzyboots

    New girls

    last week a fox killed 2 of our girls leaving a 3 year old Delaware by herself. We got some new birds today. All 10-12 weeks old. Got a jersey giant, Rhode Island Red, naked neck, and barred rock. We let the new girls explore the coop/run while the Delaware is free ranging. She went in a couple...
  5. snazzyboots

    very thin and lethargic hen

    i just got 2 new girls. i was told that they are 24 weeks. red sex links. one of them is doing very well but the other one is VERY thin and lethargic and stays to herself mostly. she was eating this weekend but not much now. i think she has laid an egg on sunday. i'm going to go get a wormer...
  6. snazzyboots

    my hen is crowing.

    i had 2 turken hens and lost one 10 days ago. now the remaining one is crowing in the morning. it is very different from her egg song. how do i make her stop? i live in the city and can't have "roosters" im afraid my neighbors will complain.
  7. snazzyboots

    introducing new birds

    we have one hen right now. her sister died a few days ago. i am going to be getting 2 pullets that are about 5 months old and i am wondering the best way to introduce them. i've heard that letting them meet while free ranging is best but i'm concerned about getting them into the coop at night...
  8. snazzyboots

    how to help a mourning chicken?

    we had four hens and a few months ago one died. it didn't seem to faze the others. then about 10 days ago another one died. we had a necropsy done and turns out she ate a piece of wire that punctured her stomach and she got septic. since then one of the remaining two has been depressed. i...
  9. snazzyboots

    how to stop a broody?

    i have 2 hens that have been broody for almost 2 months. i gave them eggs to hatch but they killed the babies. now they are sitting on nothing but won't stop brooding. i make them go out in the yard at least once a day but they are very thin and i'm worried about them. they are family to us...
  10. snazzyboots

    first time broody crushing eggs

    i have 2 first time broodies that are sitting on duck and chicken eggs both are in the same nest. everytime we try to separate them they move all the eggs back in to one box. they are due to hatch wednesday. today though we noticed a shell in the coop that looked like a baby had hatched but baby...
  11. snazzyboots

    34 weeks and not laying yet

    We have 4 pullets that are 34 weeks old now. They haven't started to lay yet. I know this is discussed at length on here but I thought by this age they would have started. They are happy healthy and spoiled. They free range my yard and I don't think they are laying in the yard. We kept them...
  12. snazzyboots

    Free range question

    We have 4 hens in the city. They are about 5 months old. Over the last month or so we started letting them free range in our yard increasing the time they are out. Now they are out all day and put themselves to bed at night. My question is with the days getting shorter they will be going to bed...
  13. snazzyboots

    chicks not using dust bath ?

    i have 4 pullets. one is 9 weeks old and the others are about 4-5 weeks. they are outside full time and have always "dust" bathed in the grass. i put a dust bath in for them but they aren't using it. it has been about a week now. do you think they will start or should i just take it out? no...
  14. snazzyboots

    blue salmon faverolle gender??

    this chick is 3 weeks old. i am thinking it is a boy but want to be sure. the past couple of days his comb has gotten pretty red and i see some dark feathers on his neck. his leg feathers are gray. there are some dark salmon feathers on it's back though. any help is appreciated. thanks for looking.
  15. snazzyboots

    black copper marans or black sex link hen?

    i have this bird that i hatched 8 weeks ago. i had eggs from several sources and they were all labeled. however most of them hatched while i was out so i don't know who is who. i believe this one is either a black sex link or a black copper marans. if it is a sex link it is from a bcm roo over a...
  16. snazzyboots

    speckled sussex 4.5 weeks old gender?

    i have a speckled sussex that is 4 1/2 weeks old. wondering about gender. i am thinking girl but after reading other threads i am not as sure. it has a lot of white on the chest but a longer tail and almost no comb development. it is still very yellow and i see no wattles yet. any guesses are...
  17. snazzyboots

    egg turning question

    i have some eggs in the incubator that are due to go into lock down sunday. my question is.. i saw some of the eggs wiggling. should i stop turning them now. the wiggling is the chicks getting into hatch position correct? they are lf polish mostly some banties but it was the large eggs moving...
  18. snazzyboots

    just had to cull a chick

    i just had to cull a chick that had intestines and maybe another organ(liver)? on the outside of it's body. first time i had to do that myself. really sucks but had to be done. on a happy note i do have 7 happy healthy babies to make me smile.
  19. snazzyboots

    easter egger cockeral and marans cross 4 weeks old

    i have an easter egger cockeral and a black copper marans cross. not sure of the sex on that one. it may be a bcm hen. they are 4 weeks old and super sweet. the ee always flys up to us and hangs out with us. i was really hoping he was a hen. i think he would make a nice addition to an ee...
  20. snazzyboots

    ee boy or girl? more pics added!!!!

    i have posted this chick before and was told pullet. i am questioning again since yesterday and today "her" comb has gotten bigger and more red. it has been significant change. what do you all think?? i would really appreciate some guesses although i'm pretty sure she is a he
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