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  1. catchthewind

    Pasty butt when under a hen?

    One of our hens surprised us with 14 chicks a couple of weeks ago. They are now over 2 weeks old and most of them are doing great. We are keeping them with their mama inside the coop in a large dog kennel, with water and chick starter. The kennel bottom has sand in it. This is how we've always...
  2. catchthewind

    Sick duckling

    Hi there, About 4 days ago my Muscovy hatched out 6 baby ducks, 3 Khaki Campbells and 3 Cayuga crosses. She was not nesting in our coop, so we made sure to put feed (unmedicated duckling feed with niacin) and water nearby. She ignored it and so did they, and she took them out walking around...
  3. catchthewind

    Do ducklings need heat?

    I have five ducklings that would now be four days old, I think. They're way sturdier, bigger, and independent than four-day-old chickens so I am wondering if the person I bought them from misled me about their age. One thing I have noticed is they don't seem to need heat. I had them with a...
  4. catchthewind

    Muscovy duckling questions

    If someone has a minute to answer a few questions, I would be so grateful. I will post some pictures tomorrow. feel free to post links to past threads. I tried to search but am on an iPad and it wasn't working that well for me. I realize this is long, so I bolded my actual questions. We just...
  5. catchthewind

    Ducks under a broody hen?

    Hi there, We just got some ducklings today and are hoping to put them under one of our broodies. We have three broody hens right now, and the one I was thinking I'd put them under has raised chicks before and was a good mama. The other two have never gone broody before. I know it's better to do...
  6. catchthewind

    Integrating chicks with mama

    I have three two-week-old chicks outside with their mama in the coop. Up to now, I have been keeping them mostly in a large dog kennel in the coop, though the last few days I've been bringing them out to another part of our yard that is fenced that the bigger hens can't get into. I let them run...
  7. catchthewind

    Raising chicks outdoors in Fall!

    A hen of ours went broody a few weeks back, and was very insistent so I gave her some eggs. Despite her going to the wrong nest a few times and the eggs getting cold, she has managed to hatch three so far! There are three more under her but some of the other hens had gotten into her box and laid...
  8. catchthewind

    Broody hen in the fall?

    I have a broody hen. I keep kicking her out of the nest boxes but she keeps going back in and it's been almost a week. So I thought maybe I'd give her a few eggs (I have a rooster) and see what happens. But I can't really bring her inside when they hatch, will I be dooming the chicks to freeze...
  9. catchthewind

    Silkie genders

    These guys are 24.5 weeks old now. I am almost certain I have two roos and a hen but I thought I'd double check before I try to sell/give away one since I'm still very new and I could be missing something. Also, these guys are siblings. I assume it would be a bad idea to try and hatch any of...
  10. catchthewind

    Teeny tiny green egg?

    I've tried Googling this and mostly just found that Silkies lay white or light cream eggs or sometimes a darker beige. We found a teeny tiny green egg in our coop a couple of days ago, and I can't for the life of me figure out who would have laid it. One of our EE's lays brown eggs, the other...
  11. catchthewind

    First time and a few questions (Warning: pics)

    We had to kill a rooster yesterday. We had been debating keeping him as our flock's rooster but he'd started chasing kids which is obviously unacceptable. We watched a bunch of YouTube videos and then just went for it. In some ways, it was easier than I expected (I think his recently started...
  12. catchthewind

    15-week-old Silkies

    Are these guys still too young to tell? I have no idea what I'm looking for as far as knowing the gender, but I'm hoping to downsize any roos sooner rather than later. I know that may be wishful thinking with Silkies, but even some ideas would be helpful. Silkie 1: Silkie 2: This last...
  13. catchthewind

    Trading chickens

    Just wondering if it's possible to "trade" chickens. I'm not sure how chickens identify each other. For instance, we ended up with two Belgian D'Uccle roosters, but a good friend of mine has some D'Uccle hens and said I can have one. I know her well and have visited her farm many times, so would...
  14. catchthewind

    Flock dynamics if head rooster is removed

    I have 22 chickens, and pretty soon we're going to have to figure out which rooster(s) we are keeping and which we are rehoming or sending to freezer camp. I am leaning towards a particular rooster to stay, as he has gorgeous, unique colouring, and he seems to be pretty calm and docile. Thing...
  15. catchthewind

    Thoughts on why my chicks didn't go into their coop tonight?

    My older group of chicks has been in their coop for 3+ weeks now, and have been free ranging for at least two and always gone back in the coop at night. Usually a lot earlier than I expect (sometimes as early as 6:30 I've gone in and found them roosting already and it gets dark here around 9:30...
  16. catchthewind

    Chicken jail and integrating two flocks

    I've been trying to integrate my two flocks. One group is 8-10 weeks old now and the other is about 13-19 weeks. I did a lot of things suggested here (about a week of having the babies in the run in their own spot with older ones able to see them, then another week or more with babies in the...
  17. catchthewind

    Mille Fleur Belgian D'Uccles - Both cockerels?

    I think both our little Belgian D'Uccles might be cockerels. I'm almost positive I heard one trying to crow this morning, though they are among our youngest chicks (at 9 weeks old) so funny if they are the first trying to crow. It sounded like something being strangled. I wasn't actually looking...
  18. catchthewind

    RIR - cockerel or pullet?

    I'm almost 100% positive this has got to be a cockerel. He is about 9 weeks old now. Shiny feathers, green in the tail, comb much redder than my other RIR, and he was much slower to feather than my other one. Those are all signs right? (I actually had him pegged as a potential roo at about a...
  19. catchthewind

    Help with genders please

    I posted these two at 4 weeks and was told probably both boys due to wattles and redness, at 8 weeks I was told the Australorp was likely a pullet and the Wyandotte was probably a roo, now they're 12 1/2 weeks and wondering what the thoughts are. No crowing from either yet. I'm starting to think...
  20. catchthewind

    Input on integrating two groups of chicks

    Would love some input on the way we are going about integrating our two groups of chicks. One group is nine chicks, 11-17 weeks old. The other group is fourteen chicks, 7-9 weeks old. The oldest two are Orpingtons and the youngest three are Silkies, so as you can imagine there is quite a big...
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