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  • Users: djwingo
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  1. djwingo

    cant put new chicks in pen with older!!

    ok tried to put my 3 or 4 week olds in with my 7 or 8 week olds and didnt work they pecked them alot had to take them out any suggestions?? also i have 3 roos and only want 1 where to get rid of them?? any ideas here either? thanks in advance
  2. djwingo

    i want a couple of ducks but cant tell them from geese any way to tel

    ok me and my son want a couple of ducks but cant find any everyone has geese for sale i cannot tell the diff in a baby goose and a baby duck any idea on ways to tell or any pics i could show my son? thanks
  3. djwingo

    How Does A Chicken Spur You?

    ok ive heard everyone talk abt spurring but havent had this experience yet thank god lol what is it exactly???
  4. djwingo

    Can you over feed chicks?

    i have 5 chicks 1 is a layer hen another is a dyed easter chick and 3 are german spitzhaubners just got 2 today they are in a tub w/ a heat lamp inside they are abt 2 and 3 weeks old and eating a TON!!!! just today they have went through 2 full feeders already its a small round on with...
  5. djwingo

    What are everyone's chickens names and why?

    i need names i have 8 so far and am adding abt 1 a week lmao i am addicted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! would love to hear ur names for your chickies and the reason why hey are named thet!!
  6. djwingo

    bird treats for chicks? also what exactly is grit and when to feed it

    ok i was wondering can i give my chicks bird treats like for parakeets and stuff? and what is grit where do u buy it and what is it actually used for i have nc on this and am curious .....thanks all!!
  7. djwingo


    I always wondered how they dye them ? anyone know? i know its mean but they are cute!
  8. djwingo

    I need ideas on treats for my chicks ...........

    Any good ideas for treats? i really dont wanna go digging for bugs or worms lol I've heard you can feed them some people food but i have nc as to what exactly i kinda figured fruits and veggies well im not sure abt fruits and what types of veggies do they like or are healthy for them...
  9. djwingo

    Where can i find info on german spitzhaubens?? pic included

    ok i think my new baby is a geman spitzhauben does anyone know wherei can get some info on them? i googled it and did aol search with no luck or does anyone know anything abt them? thanks for the help yall
  10. djwingo

    FEATHERED SPIKE? What breed is it? Pics included

    ok i went to the feedstore again lmao i am addicted to chickens We got one from the assorted rare breed tub......he is so cute i love his little spike! I even names it spike:) any ideas what breed he is?
  11. djwingo

    please help ma asap supposed to snow wil chicks be ok???

    ok it is supposed to snow here tommorow or sunday i have 5 chickens that are abt 6 weeks old maybe 7 im not sure they are in a pen inside a stall that is enclosed except abt 3 inches around the top i put hay and cedar shavings in there i have no electric out there so cant do a heat lamp...
  12. djwingo

    Pictures Finally!!!! Help me sex them please???

    ok this is a couple of them 1 have 6 all together i think i have 3 roos and the other 2 i am not sure any ideas?? what breed do they look like to you guys?? (more pics coming in next hr or so) omg sorry if the pics are really big!!!! ok heres more they are all the same age abt 6 weeks...
  13. djwingo

    What is Candeling??? did i even spell it right? lol

    Would someone kindly explain candeling to me? i keep seeing it and have no clue what it is thanks
  14. djwingo

    I need advice on assorted bantams are they for egg laying?

    ok i am learning as my chicks grow lol and i need yet again more help: i have assorted bantams that are abt 5-6 weeks old are these good for egg laying and if not what are they good for? i know this sounds bad but i figured i should start out with the cheap ones in case i couldnt do it...
  15. djwingo

    HELP!!! Dog got 2 chicks 1 died what to do with other???

    HELP!! my dog got a hold of 2 chicks my easter chicks that were in lil blue one died instantly now the pink one is acting fine no blood or puncture wounds i know i need to watch her i held her for a while and calmed her down ...........any suggestions on what i need to watch...
  16. djwingo

    Oklahoma Anyone???

    i would love to find a buddy to talk and help me with my chicks i am fairly new to this i have had my chicks for like a month and i am the only one who cares for them and i have so many questions lol is there anyone from oklahoma on here??? i am in kellyville
  17. djwingo

    pictures of my new baby gals :)

    wow i finally got a pic on here will add more later now that i know how t do it ok so i added 2 more babies they will be 2 weeks old on wednesday:) went to co op today to look for a duck or 2 and no ducks but dyed chicks were on sale for $1.50 so i couldnt resist i got 2 a blue one and a...
  18. djwingo

    do i have a rooster?

    ok i may sound silly but how in the world do i know if i have a rooster. We bought mour chickens at atwoods and all it said were mixed bantams, they dont have "red" combs yet but i think almost all of them have combs.......see? lol i have no clue...i have heard roosters have bigger feathers...
  19. djwingo

    what exactly are mixed bantams??

    ok so like i said in my first post i am new to this and this is the first chickies i have had.......all doing well moved outside now with no heatlamp...growing like a weed.... but my question this time is this.....what exactly are mixed bantams? is it cross breeds or just watever u get...
  20. djwingo

    just bought my first chickens need help!!!

    hello everyone!!! i just bought my first chickens they are babies and i have no clue how old.....i need advice on keeping them warm...well fed....clean and nice {i have a 2 1/2 yr old son} please help me!!! thanks i will post pics asap!!
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