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  • Users: Glenmar
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  1. Glenmar

    Turkey hen is laying, now I have a question

    I have my turkey trio in a 12 x 12 horse stall that I have made predator proof. I have 2 truck tires with hay in them, which worked great for next boxes last year. One of my girls hatched 11 poults last year. This year she is laying eggs in a built in corner horse feeder that is about 4 feet...
  2. Glenmar

    Will hens fight?

    I have a pair together. I want to put a second hen in with them. She has been with them before, but not for about a year. will the other hen or tom fight with her?? Are they as bad as chickens??
  3. Glenmar

    I have a few healthy kittens in Virginia

    I am in Bowling Green VA. I know it's a slim chance that anyone is near me and willing to give one a home, but just in case.
  4. Glenmar

    Here's some photos from around my farm.

    Sebastopol Goose Nala and Elder the Nubian Buck Elvis the mini donkey and Bean the mini horse Nala Veg Garden getting planted around the chicken coop Greenhouse Libby my peacock Nala in the house Frog in yard pond Field Elvis the mini donkey Charity thr Scottish Highland Cow...
  5. Glenmar

    Talk about something that you always wanted to do

    I have always wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail from end to end. That is not likely to happen, so my next best thing would be to drive across the country from coat to coast on a 3-4 week vacation.
  6. Glenmar

    The Gift...

    I have a Narragansett turkey hen. She is raising 10 poults successfully. This is her first year laying. The babies are 1 month old. She has now started laying again!!! But these eggs are not fertile because I removed her and the young turkeys from the Tom's pen. So... now we get to try turkey...
  7. Glenmar

    Blackshoulder peachick??

    I had a yellow chick hatch today in my incubator. I had 2 eggs in there from my blackshoulder peahen. She free ranges with 1 blackshoulder male and anywhere from 1-4 IB males. Is this chick 100% blackshoulder. Can multiple males fertilize eggs? I am wondering if the egg that I am waiting for to...
  8. Glenmar

    Hen question

    I have 2 hens. I am sure that both contributed eggs to the nest that one hen hatched. There were 15 eggs in that nest. However, the second hen did not go broody. She tried sharing that nest for a day or two before I removed her. Right now she is back with the Tom. Will she mate, lay eggs and go...
  9. Glenmar

    Egg eater???

    I have 6 hens and 1 rooster in one of my coops. They started laying in Jan. I was getting 3-4 eggs starting in Jan, so I was happy with production and assumed it would pick up in spring. Now I am getting 1 egg a day and its usually on the coop floor. Do I have an egg eater?? Occasionally I...
  10. Glenmar

    Help urgent question

    I am letting the hen raise her own poults. Today is day 3. I took them out of the nest and dipped their beaks. Most took a long drink. Later I saw the hen throwing one of the babies. It was the second one she injured. Is it normal for hens to cull some of the brood??? There are 11.
  11. Glenmar

    How long do they sit on the nest,

    My hen has hatched all but 3 eggs. She is still sitting and keeping the brood warm. They need to get out to eat and drink. How long will she sit? Should I try to get her off the nest or take the remaining eggs away ???
  12. Glenmar

    Emergency turkey question

    I have a broody on 15 eggs. They are due to hatch around 5-3. I was going to take the second hen out of the coop tonight. When I went to get her, I noticed that she was broody along with the other hen in the same nest box. What should I do ??????
  13. Glenmar

    Let mom raise them or a brooder ??

    If my eggs hatch that the hen is on, will they have a better survival rate staying with her or in a brooder. If I leave them with her, I have a 12x12 horse stall with solid walls that I could move them to. I have a screen on the window so it gets plenty of light and is not drafty.
  14. Glenmar

    How close should I put food and water

    My hen is broody. She is sitting in a tire for a nest. She has her head buried. I have not seen her move for weeks. She is in a 8 x 16 ft coop with another hen. The food and water are at the other end. Should I move some near her??
  15. Glenmar

    Another question

    With my broody hen, I removed the Tom. Do I need to remove her hen friend also? If so, now or when the eggs hatch.
  16. Glenmar

    Questions about broody hens

    My hen is sitting on 15 eggs. I am sure the other hen contributed to that. The first day she was on the eggs, she got off at night. The second day she was on for good. Will that little interruption in sitting in the beginning of incubation hurt the hatch? What are the most poults your hens have...
  17. Glenmar

    Question about eggs

    One of my hens has 3 eggs in an old tire that I filled with straw. I removed the Tom today. Some eggs are partially covered in straw. Is this OK??
  18. Glenmar

    All 4 of my Sebbies may be boys.

    I don't know. I just know they are evil right now.
  19. Glenmar

    Lost him on 1/11

    On 1/11, I lost Shakkar. He was only 18 yrs old. I raised him from a baby. I trained him myself. He had colic. The vet said that the only cure was 10,000 colic surgery. I did not have the money. I had to say goodbye to my friend. I miss him so much.
  20. Glenmar

    One of my Sebbies is limping

    I don't know if they were being rough with each other, or if he sprained it jumping out of the kiddie pool. Should I do anything?? I have some liquid prednisone from another bird. I think it is 10mg/ml. Should I give him some of that for inflammation?? I checked the foot and webbing and could...
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