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  1. TheSpiceGirls

    Chicken squat while eating?

    Can someone tell me what's going on here? This is a 11 month old Partridge Cochin. She's very food obsessed and loves to eat. Otherwise acting fine and laying eggs. But I caught her last night at the feeder taking several big gulps of food and then flaring her wings out like she was...
  2. TheSpiceGirls

    What do you put inside your treat ball?

    If you use one of these, I'm curious what you put inside? I have a hen w/ fatty liver disease so I prefer not to put in seeds or fatty treats. I like rolled oats and dried meal worms. But the girls kick them all out in about 15 minutes. I'm trying to make it harder for them to get the...
  3. TheSpiceGirls

    Need ideas for costume for a chicken

    Anyone dress up their chickens in costumes? Yes, I know. Some of us have too much time on our hands. But my vet's office has a pet costume contest and it kills me that it's all dogs and cats when they are avian specialists. One year, I got a clean bucket from KFC, cut out the bottom and...
  4. TheSpiceGirls

    Chickens eating rice hulls

    I have my hens split, two in one pen and two in another. They can see each other through the fence. I did this because one was pulling out the pin feathers on another who is molting hard. Well, no one was happy being separated. So I picked up a bag of rice hulls and dumped it in the run...
  5. TheSpiceGirls

    Chickens pulling out pin feathers

    UGH, one or all three of my BO's are pulling out the pin feathers on my Jersey Giant. My JG does an ugly molt and is covered in pin feathers. I just got a good look at her and she's got some totally bare patches that are bloody from the pins being pulled out. I can't have that. I've read...
  6. TheSpiceGirls

    Staph infection in comb

    1.5 year old BO was totally fine Sunday morning. Even laid an egg. Around 11am, I noticed she was very sleepy and just nodded off standing up. I removed her from the flock of 3 other hens and put her in a dog crate. When she didn't improve several hours later, I took her to an emergency vet...
  7. TheSpiceGirls

    Need Worming Advice

    I've had hens for 4.5 years. One of my 1.3 year old BO's was just diagnosed as having a type of Protozoa and a nematode (roundworm) by a vet. And I'm totally freaking out. Do I just need to get over that and accept the fact that chickens get worms? The hen is acting fine so I told the vet...
  8. TheSpiceGirls

    Dry dropping board vs using Sweet PDZ

    I see some dropping boards just raw wood or covered w/ linoleum. And I see others that have several inches of Sweet PDZ. What are the advantages or disadvantages of either? I can't decide which one is right for me?
  9. TheSpiceGirls

    Thoughts on this Poultry Fount

    Does anyone use these Poultry Founts? Do you like them? Or dislike them? I'm looking for honest feedback. I have one hen that will NOT use a nipple waterer so that's out for me. And hauling the 3 gallon waterers out for cleaning and refilling is starting to hurt my back. It will require...
  10. TheSpiceGirls

    Crop Issue - what would you do?

    My 6 month old BO has eaten something that is not clearing from her crop. I noticed last week that she was going to the grit bowl more often. And when I felt her two days ago, her crop was bigger than the other hens. So yesterday morning, it wasn't totally empty. It had maybe a 1" lump in...
  11. TheSpiceGirls

    Giant Rooster in CO

    If your summer travel plans take you to the Denver, CO area, specifically, Boulder, be sure to swing by Alfalfa's Market, 1651 Broadway, in Boulder and check out Alfie. We were in Boulder several weeks ago and driving to find a drug store. My husband was looking down at his phone reading the...
  12. TheSpiceGirls

    Should I worry that my hens don't roost?

    I have two adult hens who roost in one coop. And then I have 4 14-week old Buff Orpingtons that I raised and integrated w/ the two adults who sleep in a separate coop. They all share a big run, feeders and waterers and get along just fine. But the little ones won't roost. They sleep in the...
  13. TheSpiceGirls

    Switched from layer to chick starter and getting soft shelled eggs

    Looking for some advice/guidance. I have two adult hens and four babies. I'm getting ready to move the chicks out into the run with the big hens. So two weeks ago, I switched the adults to a 50/50 mix layer/chick starter. And a few days ago, I filled up their feeder with just chick starter...
  14. TheSpiceGirls

    Good Poo / Bad Poo???

    This is from a 4 week old Buff Orpington chick. I'm raising 4 in my garage in a dog crate. They were all on medicated feed for the first three weeks of their life. Once they finished, I mixed the remaining bit with regular chick starter and that is what they are on today. All are acting...
  15. TheSpiceGirls

    What breed is this?

    What breed is this hen? This is a photo from the MannaPro catalog that just came in the mail. I'm asking because when I was a kid, I had a hen who looked EXACTLY like this. Comb so big and floppy that she couldn't see out of one eye. Was hysterical to watch her run and see that thing flop...
  16. TheSpiceGirls

    HELP, Hen eating leaves and getting sick

    I have a 2 1/2 year old Buff Orpington who is the sweetest chicken in the world. In December she got an impacted crop and I had a vet do surgery on her and she removed a bunch of Pistach leaves from her crop. We have four big trees on our property. I also have a Jersey Giant and an...
  17. TheSpiceGirls

    Broken Toe Nail

    My Andalusians keep breaking their toe nails. I've never experienced this with any other breed. Just the Andalusians. They are aggressive scratchers and I think they are just catching it on a root or something in the garden. I'm not seeing ANY blood in the coop or on their logs or any other...
  18. TheSpiceGirls

    Do you get chicks vaccinated for Coccidosis?

    Do you get chicks vaccinated for coccidosis or do you feed medicated starter for the first few weeks? Curious what people do? The only reason I'd lean towards getting chicks vaccinated for coccidosis is to make it easier to prevent the big hens from eating the medicated starter. Or how big...
  19. TheSpiceGirls

    Egg Photos

    I've had chickens for over three years now and I just love my fresh eggs. I didn't think my husband really cared. He won't go collect eggs from the coop once he discovered that there's only one "output" hole on the backside of a hen. ;-) Anyway, last night he's telling me about this snack...
  20. TheSpiceGirls

    THANK YOU for this awesome resource

    I just wanted to say a huge thank you for creating this awesome website. I use it all the time. Mostly for social stuff. Today, I was trimming my hen's LONG toenails and cut one too short. It was bleeding all over the place and I called the local feed store to see if they had some stuff to...
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