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  1. M

    updated pictures on what gender am I!

    I posted my chicks a couple of weeks ago about their gender. Well, now they’re a little older I’m pretty positive I have 3 pullets but I’m still unsure of the 4th one. The buff (Brahma or Cochin or mix) is just a couple days over tens weeks and the Wyandottes are 9 weeks today. (My original post...
  2. M

    What gender am I???

    Hi all! We got these 4 chicks from a family member this week and I am having trouble determining a definite sex. I took my dad with me to pick them out since he has years and years of experience with chickens but even he had a bit of trouble given their age. There’s a buff Brahma and the other...
  3. M

    I’m new.

    Hi I’m new here! This page always pops up when I’m looking up information on my chickens so I thought I’d just join. We always had chickens while I was growing up (parents still do) and my kids absolutely love them so we decided to get some of our own. We just got 4 chicks approximately 8 weeks...
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