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  1. dadsdeercamp

    i think my Doctor is trying to kill me

    Ok a year ago this past Easter I passed out and had a seizure then was rush to the hospital where I spent the next four days because my blood pressure was to low my heart stopped three times in the ER now yesterday I passed out and broke my ankle once again my blood pressure was way low. my...
  2. dadsdeercamp

    pigs and cedar

    Is it safe to use cedar chips in my 4 1/2 month old pot belly pigs cage? I've heard cedar is not safe for any animals. Just want to be safe
  3. dadsdeercamp

    RC brown leghorn vs. pearl white leghorn

    I have a hard time keeping white birds too many eagles hawks and :( around here so how does the Rc brown compare at egg laying?
  4. dadsdeercamp

    Incubating Muscovy eggs

    Can anyone give me a quick easy rundown on incubating Muscovy eggs I've never hatched duck eggs of any kind.
  5. dadsdeercamp

    Set up my incubator again

    Well I broke my ankle a week ago and I'm stuck in bed with my foot up on pillows so I set the incubator next to the bed picked up a dozen eggs from a wonderful lady and got a few from my girls I'm going to set them at noon tomorrow and hatch some more chicks anyone want to join me I need some...
  6. dadsdeercamp

    Bloody wing clipping

    I just clipped my ducks wing and now its bleeding what do I do now?
  7. dadsdeercamp

    What is it?

    I've never seen a comb like this.
  8. dadsdeercamp

    Black giants egg laying age?

    How old do black giants have to be before they start laying?
  9. dadsdeercamp

    hatchery's take paypal?

    Do any hatchery's take paypal?
  10. dadsdeercamp

    Chicken poop in the garden?

    Can I till my spring clean out from the coop straight in my garden or do i need to compost it first
  11. dadsdeercamp


    Anyone have some knowledge to share? I'm open to any advice.
  12. dadsdeercamp

    mixed ages

    I have 3 two week old Cornish x and just got 27 more day olds can I put the day olds in the same brooder as the two week olds?
  13. dadsdeercamp

    I may have cancer

    Today I went to the ER for some pain & got a CT scan and it shows a 3 cm growth on my left kidney. Well I see some special Dr. on the 15th to find out for sure . I don't know what to,expect and my mind is making me nervous as heck. can't eat or anything any advice would be of great help to me. :(
  14. dadsdeercamp

    Thinking about getting some goats

    We want to get 2 or 3 milk goats and need to know what are the best kind to get? how much space per goat? how high of a fence? how much do they eat? how much milk does a goat give? and how expensive are they to keep? Thanks for any and all help.
  15. dadsdeercamp

    pumpkin seeds

    How do you cook pumpkin seeds? please help.
  16. dadsdeercamp

    Franklin mint guns that won the west

    25 pewter mini guns in a lockable wood,display case. I paid over $500 . $20.00 shipping paypal [email protected]
  17. dadsdeercamp

    How early can i order chicks?

    I live in central mn and want to order some RC brown leghorn chicks and need to know if it would be safe for them to be shipped in feb or should I wait ?
  18. dadsdeercamp

    need a good chicken soup recipe

    I just butchered a young roo and need a recipe for a skinless chicken soup that my gf will like she has not ate a fresh chicken as of yet so I wanna make it as good as possible.Thanks
  19. dadsdeercamp

    hatching rough eggs

    One of my EE hens has started laying rough eggs is it ok to set them in my incubator?
  20. dadsdeercamp

    All blue and black EE's

    I have hatched over 50 eggs from my EE's and all the chicks are blue or black is this even possible my roo is a SQ blue Americana will try to post pics later
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