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  • Users: Altairsky
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  1. Altairsky

    Chick with splay leg, elastic band method caused inflamed leg

    Hi, I have a chick born with one splayed leg. I followed the elastic band tutorial and it appeared to work. The chick was walking normal and looked happy, after 3 days the splint came off but the leg wasn't healed so I had to put it on again. Today the chick looked really sad and never came out...
  2. Altairsky

    Show me your legbar x anything crosses! (eggs and birds)

    I just had a batch of legbar eggs hatching and they're all roosters so let me see pictures of your legbar rooster x random hen Easter Eggers! Show me a pic of their eggs and tell me which breed was their mother!
  3. Altairsky

    Araucana with feathered legs?

    I got some blue eggs that should be araucana, but this chick has feathered legs (and splayed). What can it be?
  4. Altairsky

    Cream legbar babies, both males?

    I've checked some pictures online, and apparently these are males, am I correct? I got 4 eggs shipped, only 2 hatched. I need a legbar roo so this would be great.
  5. Altairsky

    Eggs died after day 17, malpositioned (warning necropsy photos)

    I had 6 out of 9 eggs hatch. At day 17 I candled and everything was looking great. Sadly 3 eggs didn't hatch. Many chicks pipped on the side of the egg and not in the aircell. One nicked a blood vessel, and the blood cloth got him stuck to the membrane - though I noticed the issue and...
  6. Altairsky

    Raw sourdough for chickens?

    Couldn't find a discussion about this. There is a lot of talking about the benefits of fermented food for chickens like yoghurt, sauerkraut, fermented seeds, but what about homemade sourdough? Can it be administered to chickens from time to time?
  7. Altairsky

    Lockdown, humidity won't rise

    Hello, I've started lockdown today. I always kept humidity at 30% by filling 1 tray out of 4 with water. This morning I filled 2/4 and got the humidity up at 45%. After a few hours, after humidity stabilized, I filled 3/4 hoping to get 55% humidity... But instead it dropped back to 30% and never...
  8. Altairsky

    Chick starter food out of stock, need advice

    Hi, I'll have a few chick hatch next week, but my supplier is out of chick starter feed and only has an all purpose for broilers that they eat from the day they hatch to the culling age. Is this food ok for my chicks? Or do I need to supplement them with something else? The food I have always...
  9. Altairsky

    Chicken making duckling noises

    She started making these weird noises a few days ago, she only do them when I'm around. Anyone knows what it means in chicken language? Video here, you might need to turn your volume up:
  10. Altairsky

    Lice treatment question

    I've seen a lice crawl on one of my hens, she is missing a few feathers on her neck so lices are probably the issue. I have this product at home, it's a spray that contains - piperonyl butoxide 10mg in 1 gram of product -...
  11. Altairsky

    Advice pruning a parsimmon tree

    I got a very young parsimmon tree shipped to me. I didn't know it would be basically a stick with no branches. Any advice on how to prune it so it will grow a nice crown and not grow as a sad bush? Should I cut all the lower branches/sprouts and leave only 4-5 on top if it? Thank you in advance!
  12. Altairsky

    Egg color change from one day to the other, why?

    Anyone know why a single hens can lay eggs of different colors? I have one hen that usually lay yellowish brown eggs, then suddenly she made an almost white egg. Can it be stress or overheating? Here is a picture, all the eggs are from just 2 hens: one hen laid the 2 middle eggs (smaller, mauve...
  13. Altairsky

    Are these temperatures viable?

    This is a continuation of my old thread about fixing an old incubator. Sadly all the eggs died (last chick died during lockdown). Now that the incubator is empty I could add a computer fan. I actually...
  14. Altairsky

    Jackpot, my first hen might already be a mycoplasma carrier.

    Long story short, I got my first coop and I bought my first 2 hens, already 1 year old. I didn't notice the problem at first, but now after reading online and watching pictures I think one of them might have chronic mycoplasma - which means they are both carriers. She has no symptoms at all...
  15. Altairsky

    Help fixing an old incubator

    Hello, my father in law gave me this 20 years old analog incubator, assuring me that it was perfect for chicken eggs. It's a good brand but it's old and it lacks some critical features. I told him that it wasn't good for birds but he's stubborn as a rock so I had to put some eggs in there and...
  16. Altairsky

    Hi everyone!

    Hello everyone, I'm from italy! I was born in a farm and I grew up with chickens, pigs and cows. Sadly I had to live in a urban area for many years, but now I have good amount of garden and I want a few chickens back. At the moment I only have 2 hens but I'm planning to add a 3rd hen and a...
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