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  1. BackyardinWales

    Chicken wrangling!

    Is there a skill to catching your teenagers to put them to bed? Besides the chase! The older girls are grain oriented, the babies too, but the teenagers enjoy the freedom when the big girls have gone to bed lol. Chasing teenagers is tiring, though to his credit, tonight it wasn't the young...
  2. BackyardinWales

    My matriarchs ... what breeds please ...

    I have been asked to share images to find out what my girls are. They came from different coloured eggs, and they lay different sized eggs. I got them off ebay as 'various egg colours'. Ezzy, my no1 has the 'bad hair do' and 'golden necklace', and Mo my no 2, (and possibly mum to my last...
  3. BackyardinWales

    Lost baby

    I lost a baby this morning. His head was missing. Was this his siblings after death, or something else had it? Sorry, I'm still in some shock.
  4. BackyardinWales

    Anyone know what he is?

    I have now successfully hatched ten chickens, in three different batches. The first two batches of eggs were bought on ebay as 'various colours'. Indeed the eggs were different to 'normal' eggs from the store. This 'young man' as I believe he is, was different to his siblings (who were all...
  5. BackyardinWales

    Hen attacking young rooster ... is this normal?

    Can anyone explain to me why my 36 week old hen seems to have it in for my 8 week old 'rooster'. He along with his 3 siblings are in their own coop within the same run and have been for two weeks. When she sees him, she chases him and, whilst the youngsters were out in the run for the first...
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