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  1. TheChickenChaser

    Can we take off heat lamp?

    Hello guys! My chicks are now 3 and a half and 4 and a half weeks old now. We have a heat lamp about 2 feet above their brooder, and that has worked good, though they are quickly outgrowing their brooder. Are we allowed to take the heat lamp off them? The low during the nights are 60 or so, and...
  2. TheChickenChaser

    Chickens fighting

    Hey guys! I have four chicks, two Jersey giants around 4 weeks old and 2 barred Plymouth rocks around 3 weeks old. Whenever I bring them outside, they flap around and bum rush each other and fly at each other constantly. Is this normal? It’s mostly a Plymouth Rock chick that I think may be a...
  3. TheChickenChaser

    Giving away coop design

    Hello! We bought a coop design, but ended up buying another one instead. Is anyone interested?
  4. TheChickenChaser

    Is this normal

    Hello! I just got a batch of chicks, and one of my Jersey giants is standing stooped like this. Is this normal?
  5. TheChickenChaser

    Getting baby chicks!

    After a long wait, this afternoon I will be picking up 3 baby speckled Sussex chicks from rural king. I will send pictures of both the brooder and the coop. I am so excited! I am planning to hang out with them in fifteen minute spurts separated by a couple hours. Does this sound good for the...
  6. TheChickenChaser

    Getting baby chicks

    Hello! I know it's been a while since I have last posted, but my birthday is next weekend and I will be getting 3 baby chicks from rural king! I have some questions though, what should I look for in a healthy chick? Can rural king sex them? And finally, what are some good bonding experiences I...
  7. TheChickenChaser

    Vacation and chicks

    Hello guys! I am planning to get chickens in early May, but as soon as summer starts, as early as June 10th or so when school let's out, there will be lots of vacations. I really want to bond with these guys and spend as much time as possible. How old should they be before I start going on...
  8. TheChickenChaser

    Raising my little chickens

    Hello guys! When I get my baby chicks, how early should I attempt to harness train them if I would want to? And besides taking them outside in covered areas, letting them on my chest and search my basement, are there other activities I should do with them?
  9. TheChickenChaser

    Should I get chickens?

    Hello guys! I am very conflicted on whether or not to get baby chicks. I used to love them so much when I was a kid, but now, a couple years later, I was thinking about getting more. I want to raise them as pets and hope they will be as friendly as possible, but I tried that with quail, but...
  10. TheChickenChaser

    Taming baby chicks

    Hello all! Thank you guys so much for your help and support and answering my many questions. I was wondering, how do I get chickens to come when called? Would I give them treats as babies and say a phrase while doing it, making that phrase eventually work? Would that work? Thanks!
  11. TheChickenChaser

    Chicken activities

    Hey guys! I was wondering, I am getting chickens for my birthday in may, and I was wondering, what are some activities that chickens would like? I will allow them to roam the yard, give them treats, cuddle with them, try the chicken leashes, and maybe occasionally let them inside to play? Any...
  12. TheChickenChaser

    Breeders near Central PA

    Hello! I am looking for someone to sell hatching eggs in central PA? I am looking for possible jersey giants, speckled sussex, or buff orpingtons. Thanks! :)
  13. TheChickenChaser

    Hatching Eggs in PA

    Hello! I have joined backyard chickens for advice on raising chickens. My parents have said that I am allowed to get chickens for my birthday in May. We used to own chickens but a neighbors dog would keep killing them, so we got rid of them. Now that the dog is much older we are more confident...
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