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  1. Peaches Lee

    Rosecomb Bantam?

    This little hen is now about 8 years old. It's taken me that long to become curious about her breed. She came from TSC's bantam bin. I think she's a Rosecomb Bantam, but I'm not sure. She's definitely not show quality, but I think she fits the description? Reading up on their history, I...
  2. Peaches Lee

    Why Did You Become A Chicken Breeder?

    Looking for chicken breeders to share some of their wisdom. What made you decide to become a chicken breeder? How many eggs do you incubate or place under a broody hen? Birds that don't make the cut, do you sell or give them away? Do you have to show your birds? What is showing typically...
  3. Peaches Lee

    Pepper Plants Help--Yellowing Leaves

    I started my pepper plants in January and they were looking amazing. But last week I noticed they were yellowing and dropping their leaves. I'm new to using grow lights so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, or if it's from overwatering. I keep my grow lights on 24/7. Should I...
  4. Peaches Lee

    Found in a Field/Animal fur or ?

    So my mother was mowing in a back field and came across this dark fur. We are thinking bear (or the more obvious, Sasquatch), but what do others think? One of these pieces of fur had skin attached. The hair is about 3 inches in length and light brown at the root, and black on the ends...
  5. Peaches Lee

    What do you see? EE/Orp?

    So this is Princess. She was a single chick hatched by an enthusiastic black Jersey Giant hen. She will be one year old in June. As you can see, she is blue with some golden feathering on her neck. If you look (very) closely at her feathers, there is slight golden lacing on them. Her legs...
  6. Peaches Lee

    Random Dead Raccoon

    Ever find a dead raccoon while doing your chores? I put my horses out last evening, and during cleaning their stalls I noticed in my pasture beneath the fence a deceased animal. It was far away and I assumed it was this old Opossum that's makes its journey through my farm every so often. So I...
  7. Peaches Lee

    Safety of Whole Grain feed...

    Just perusing some chicken feeds and came across some whole grain chicken feed. So, the grains are not ground into a fine powder like meal but rather left as nature intended. Having had two of my hens develop crop impactions, I'm a little gun shy about certain feeds. I love the idea of...
  8. Peaches Lee

    Guess the Predator

    Yesterday I came home to a missing Silkie rooster, my favorite. Found a clump of feathers in the Lilac bush, his favorite napping place. Was a little alarmed but tried not to jump to conclusions. Well, jump away because follow the clumps of feathers and you’ll find a whole bunch of feathers and...
  9. Peaches Lee

    Will My Rooster Ever Accept New Hens?

    I have a 1 year old Orpington rooster (Kingsley) that is the sweetest most bestest boy ever! But....he doesn't like the 3 new Orp hens that have moved in. He himself is a Jubilee, his original flock consisted of 1 white Cochin, 1 Swedish Flower, 1 Jubilee Orp and 1 Blue Splash Orp. The new...
  10. Peaches Lee

    Help ID this plant

    Any ideas?
  11. Peaches Lee

    Supplement Recommendations

    What supplements do you feed your flock? And what are your reasons? I've started researching and have come across Brewer's Yeast and sea kelp. What does the Brewer's Yeast accomplish? And if garlic is added is this safe? Thanks for any input!
  12. Peaches Lee

    Any Tulip Fanciers Here?

    Spring is here and that means tulip time! I love flowers of all kinds but I think my favorite is the tulip. My first foray into tulips was in the little bags you find at Wal-Mart. Those did pretty good and were a welcome sight after a long winter. Last year I got brave and bought a large...
  13. Peaches Lee

    Labored Breathing in 6wk old Chick

    Three days ago chick started with labored breathing. Acting normal, eyes bright and clear, no mucous discharge from nostrils or eyes but a slight sniffling was noted, color seems good. She is currently on medicated chick starter with access to water. Haven't seen her eat, noticed her pecking...
  14. Peaches Lee

    Goat Joint Supplements?

    My goat is 15 years old about, not really sure, as she was a rescue. Before I had her she was attacked by a dog or coyote (never got a straight answer) in the shoulder/wither area, anyway, she has some stiffness in her limbs, a bit of a limp and snapping sounds in her joints. Is there any type...
  15. Peaches Lee

    Black Bantams?

    These little brats are my little mystery chicks. Very flighty, energetic and quick. They have black feathers and black legs. White earlobes and a single comb. Can you help me and tell me what they are? They came from TSC back in April (Easter Saturday to be exact). Thanks for looking.
  16. Peaches Lee


    This is my first attempt at fondant making! I used a recipe containing marshmallows and the result was beautiful! I was quite amazed that I could pull this off. The texture is chewy, a bit like gum but breaks down easier, and it has a sweet, marshmallow taste. Cake was just a store brand...
  17. Peaches Lee

    Bantam Breed Chick Guesses?

    These guys are 5 weeks old. I have no idea on breed, so here I am for help. Thank you for any guesses.
  18. Peaches Lee

    Mystery Chicks from TSC!

    I'm not very good at identifying breeds, especially bantams, so here I am. I got these guys Saturday because of this little one nicknamed "Squinty" who appears to have an abnormal eyelid (it looks like the lid is too small for the eye). He wasn't doing so well in the bantam bin at TSC and had...
  19. Peaches Lee

    Chocolate Wafers?

    What exactly are chocolate wafers? I am looking at recipes for holiday dinners and of course I look at the delicious cheesecakes and found one that called for chocolate wafers for the crust. But, I'm not sure what type of "wafer" I'm supposed to use. Graham crackers, oreos, some other cookie...
  20. Peaches Lee

    Pelleted Feed and Impacted Crops

    This winter I would like to make the switch from mash to pelleted feed to keep the water bowls cleaner. However, it seems like every time I have tried pelleted feed, my birds end up with crop impactions. I was wondering if anyone else had this problem and the best way to deal with it?
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