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  1. S

    4 month silkie poops? part egg shell?

    4 Month silkie poops looks like egg shells are forming around them and are giant. Is this normal? Is she becoming a laying chicken? a woman? lol.
  2. S

    1 day old chick leg issue

    What is wrong with baby chicks leg or foot? Trying to upload a video. Hope it works. Basically, 2 day old chick will not put down its foot. Checked for tendon and nothing is popping in or out. Splayed leg or something else? super confused on what to do. Any and...
  3. S

    First time chicken parent!

    I’m brand new, just hatched 3 Silkies yesterday. I got a incubator on a auction site and over Christmas break decided I would test it out with Trade Joe eggs. Thank goodness nothing hatched. And I decide to seek out local silkie eggs. I got 5 eggs one never progressed an one beautiful bowtie...
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