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  1. Backcountrychickens


    Hello all!! I have been incubating eggs, and some babies are pipping. One of them is from a blue copper Maran hen who was crossed with my buff orpington rooster. I am particularly curious to find out what the new baby will look like, and what its characteristics (egg laying quality and egg...
  2. Backcountrychickens


    Hi all! I was wondering if anyone had any insite: I have a day old chick who had s pretty unfortunate run-in with a barn cat and has some scraping along her back and under her wings (not too severe and is being treated with vetricine plus, disinfectant and anti microbial spray) but she also has...
  3. Backcountrychickens


    So I am seriously considering getting my first batch of ducklings, and I was wondering if I should offer them free choice feed like I do with my hens, or feed them in the mornings and evenings. I can't find any info anywhere on it!! Also, I have a VERY small spring fed pond (that is about 6ft...
  4. Backcountrychickens


    I have no idea how much expirience anyone on here has on ducks, but I considering getting my first batch of ducklings, and I have one major question:): I have a small spring-fed pond behind my chicken coop that I thought would be perfect for the ducks, the only issue is that there are frogs and...
  5. Backcountrychickens

    Dead chick

    I got 8 chicks delivered by mypetchicken on tuesday and one had already died. We have had great expiriences with them so far and understand that there are risks with shipping. The only thing is that this chick was thriving not even 24 hours ago and was extremely weak when I went to check the...
  6. Backcountrychickens

    Dead chick

    I got 8 chicks delivered by mypetchicken on tuesday and one had already died. We have had great expiriences with them so far and understand that there are risks with shipping. The only thing is that this chick was thriving not even 24 hours ago and was extremely weak when I went to check the...
  7. Backcountrychickens

    What to do with chickens you don't want

    I was thinking about maybe doing a few breeds with my backyard flock, but I realized that I can't keep them all, and if no one wanted the chicks what could I do? Lots of sights say butcher them. I cannot do that as my partner is vegetarian and is very against that. any ideas?
  8. Backcountrychickens

    Breeding Questions

    I had an idea to get a few roos and keep them together in a separate coop away from my hens and cycle the different roos in a breeding coop with some hens every so often to get different chick crosses. I realized that this might make the rooster who just finished his time with the hens more...
  9. Backcountrychickens

    Scissor beak issues

    I have a 9 week old scissorbeak EE who has been really struggling to grow. Just 2 days ago, I made her a blend of itty bitty bread chunks, milk, water, chick feed and a raw egg. She found this INCREDIBLY easy to eat (thank god) and after 2 feeds of this, her eyes are much brighter and she has a...
  10. Backcountrychickens

    Winter prep

    I have always used plastic sheeting to keep out the wind during our cold winters, but I recently heard from locals that this isnt necessary. It has always worked well for me but is a decent amount of work to set op, obtain and take down. should I put the sheeting up this year? Also, on a side...
  11. Backcountrychickens


    I know its very early to even be thinking about this, but I just get so excited! So I have a beautiful buff orpington roo, (as seen in profile pic) and this will probably be his last viable breeding year (he is either 3 or 4, we rescued him so not sure) and I have a variety of hens. (17 to be...
  12. Backcountrychickens

    Hen house renovation

    I am renovating my coop and am considering making a covered dust bath so that it can be out in the run without having to worry about exposure to the elements. (I live where the winters are long and cold and the springs are cold and wet, so I'll take any ideas that I can get), as my hens have...
  13. Backcountrychickens

    What is this hen??

    I have a hen that I rescued and we never found out her breed can someone help me out? i think she might be a welsummer?
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