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  • Users: janjan1
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  1. janjan1

    HUGE unabsorbed yolk

    I’ve got one that had a HUGE unabsorbed yolk. There are several still unhatched eggs and one that successfully hatched and was wet but walking around. (I started with 40 eggs. 28 hatched successfully and are in the brooder. ) so, I opened the incubator , grabbed the one chick with huge...
  2. janjan1

    Injured hocks

    I’ve got a hen who seems to have injured hocks. She cannot walk but a few steps and balances herself with a wing. the roosters have piled on her multi able times the past month which I think contributed to her injury. I’ve kept her separated in her own large area of the coop along with a older...
  3. janjan1

    Refrigerator eggs

    I had two of my favorite hens slaughtered by a break in, either by neighbors dog or coyote. These two were the oldest of my flock and best layers. I have about 10 more spring pullets that laying too and one EE roo. The older hens layed larger darker colored eggs, (golden laced and a Maran)...
  4. janjan1

    Speckled sussex?

    Here is a possible packing peanut, but dont know the breed. Guess?
  5. janjan1

    New run

    Recently I had the old run pen torn down and another was added along with a roof. The coop is inside and hopefully my chicks will not be snatched from Hawks anymore. I had 6 clear panels put in the roof to allow for sunlight to come into the pen for more light.
  6. janjan1

    I have a really serious physical problem

    I have hatched out 6 guinea chicks, and two EE last week. They are all doing well, eating drinking etc. However the smallest guinea seems to always have pasty butt and I clean it daily. I have started adding just a little drop of oil to his rear, in an attempt to clear this problem up. This...
  7. janjan1

    Guinea sitting

    Ive got a guinea hen sitting on about 6 eggs. She started a few days ago. This is her first attempt so Im hoping that in about 28 days I will have some babies. Question, can I slip a few chicken eggs under her to hatch out? Ive got them, and my other hens aren't interested in going broody yet...
  8. janjan1

    Gotta fox

    After losing about 25 chickens we didn't know what or who. I hired a professional trapper to come out after seeing what looked like a young coyote or fox immediately after he killed my rooster. It was Sunday and he was catching his Sunday dinner. A fresh kill that he didn't have time to eat. I...
  9. janjan1

    Coyotes killing everything, ever heard of this method to kill the predator?

    Im at wits end. I have two flocks, both have roosters. One flock is free ranging at the barn (with 6 horses) and one smaller group( was 6, now 2) is in a 30 X 30 good fence pen with a really nice coop. (these use to be out during the day to free range also, but not anymore) I use to have about...
  10. janjan1

    Hawk attack today. Help identify this one please.

    I lost my first hen to a hawk attack today. Nice Easter Egger that laid blue eggs. I came upon this hawk still in my pen eating away. it looked like a young hawk and couldn't get out but stood there looking at me while I was taking pictures.It didnt seem afraid of me at times. And the pen is not...
  11. janjan1

    determined to be a mother....finally a good outcome

    I've had a little hen that has been determined to be a mother. She has sat for 44 days (two seperate sets of eggs) with no live chicks for her. Finally in despiration I went out and found her some babies to love as her own. I found 6 5 day old chicks and slid them under her last night while it...
  12. janjan1

    death by aspiration?

    I have been treating a hen for what I thought was prolapse. Her vent looked swollen and just alittle prolapse that was red. Her abdominal area/belly was swollen too and I felt around gently for perhaps a unlaid egg. Nothing was felt but her belly was still very swollen. I had been treating her...
  13. janjan1

    how much humidity is too much when pipping?

    I've got 11 eggs in lock down. I have 4 pipping as we speak. My temp is right on, my humidity has been great all along. It is about 80%. Is that too high? I don't want any shrink wrapped as I have had in the past. Last hatching, none made it. Two made it to pip but didn't hatch. Total loss on...
  14. janjan1

    strange air sack location

    I candled the eggs my broodie is setting on. All the airsacks look in the right place except one. It is in the middle bottom. Doesn't move. It's large, and everything else is dark. I'm about 18 days into this cycle. Will this chick have problems? TIA Jan
  15. janjan1

    Ah Houston, we have a problem...

    I hatched out over the weekend 7 eggs from my own flock. EE mixed. All 7 of the original 12 hatched. the last two that hatched have problems. One is almost "head heavy". Can not raise it's head, and it staggers backwards. I feel this baby will not make it. The other one, the very last one to...
  16. janjan1

    18 chickens lost today

    I got an emergency call from my yard man. Stray dog was attacking my chickens. Lost a total of 18. Dog is dead too. My 40 cal dropped him on the first shot. The next two shots were just because I was mad. Didn't make him any deader but made me feel better. Come to find out, it wasn't a stray...
  17. janjan1

    orphan chicks, now what

    I don't know what got my mama hen & 4 chicks, no blood, no body parts and no feathers. One night they were nestled in the barn stalls like always, the next morning they were all missing. I came down to the barn to feed horses & chickens and saw two little lonely chicks cherping there heads off...
  18. janjan1

    it finally happened to me

    After reading everyone's postings about losing their chickens, I couldn't really relate. Well now I can. Lost one of my first hens, naturally one of my favorites. It was a huge EE. I found the feathers this morning but nothing else. But while looking around I found the remains of her body. Her...
  19. janjan1

    hen walking like a duck, or penguin

    I have a second hen that has started walking upright, sorta like a duck or penguin. (I had another one a couple months past, older hen, she died) She is fairly young, just started laying. Is it likely that she has become egg bound so young? I've read other posts that this is a symptom of being...
  20. janjan1

    How to prevent one mother hen from attacking chicks of another hen?

    I have two hens. Both have chicks. The one hen has 7 chicks that are one week old. The other hen has two chicks that are only two days old. The hen that has the 7 attacked the two day old chicks severely pecking the head of one chick, almost to death. When I saw this I immediately seperated...
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