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  1. J

    First time dealing with injury

    Any advice welcome here. I saw this morning one of our chickens has a wound on her head. I assume I should put Neosporin or Blue Kote on it but we are leaving town in two days for a long weekend. I don’t know if separation is realistic since we are leaving. By the way we have 5 hens in our flock...
  2. J

    Hole in egg- safe to eat?

    This seems like it would be a frequent question but I haven’t found it exactly. Sorry if so… Four chickens laid in the same box this morning before I could go collect eggs. I think someone stepped on (or pecked) one but not through the membrane because nothing comes out when I tip it over. Is...
  3. J

    Stray Chicken

    The past several days there has been a stray (I assume barred rock) hanging around my coop on the other side of the neighbors fence obviously checking out my chickens. I know the neighbors don’t have chickens so I don’t know where it came from but I’m wondering if I should take it in. I’ve...
  4. J

    Bug ID

    Can anyone ID these bugs? It may not be related to my chickens but every time I go out to the coop the last couple of days I come back with a few on my ankles or back of my neck so I assume they are getting on the chickens as well. Thanks for any help!
  5. J

    Coop and Cold

    Hello. This is my first fall/ winter season with chickens. We have freezing temperatures expected the next three nights where I am in Georgia. I am attaching a photo looking at the coop from outside the run, through the run, into the coop through a large opening with hardware cloth. The...
  6. J

    Introducing New Pullet not Vaccinated

    Hello. I am pretty new to this. I purchased day old chicks from a hatchery that were vaccinated for Mareks and Coccidiosis and have been raising them for 12 weeks now. I’d like to buy another pullet from a local place nearby that vaccinates for Mareks only. I have two questions. 1. Might I...
  7. J

    Whiting True Blue - Hopefully not a rooster!

    Hello. I’m a first time poster and new to chicken keeping, so sorry if this seems obvious to others. I have been raising four chicks that were sexed as females from Murray McMurray. They are eight weeks now. One of them is a Whiting True Blue. She’s our favorite and I’m hoping she really is a...
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