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  • Users: Donette
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  1. D

    Any guess on breed for these baby turkeys?

    Anyone have a guess about what breed these three baby turkeys are? One week old today. TIA
  2. D

    Wing issue?

    I have 3 turkey babies at one week old. Two darker babies and one significantly lighter in color. The lighter one has this weird way of hanging the bottom parts of her wings. It’s like this all the time, whereas the other two keep their wings closer to their bodies. Is something wrong with the...
  3. D

    Black alstrop cockerel or pullets?

    These are supposed to be black alstrop from TSC. Three 1/2 weeks old. Is it too early to say if cockerel or pullet? Different photos but they include the same 2 birds. TIA Edit to add that I made assumptions. These chicks are from my son’s very small flock. Picture has been added. He got these...
  4. D


    Barnyard mix (some combination of birds in this flock) 3 weeks. Roo? It’s the only one with a comb this pronounced and it’s a salmon color while the others have yellow combs.
  5. D

    Candling frequency

    I’ve read you should not candle your eggs more than 2 or 3 times during incubation as it reduces viability, but doesn’t the mama bird get off the eggs on occasion and go eat? What’s the difference between her getting off the eggs for a few and me taking the lid off the incubator for a few...
  6. D

    No clue what I have.

    9 chicks. 2 are from my blue Brahma with red splash roo X light Brahma hens. The other 7 are from my son’s flock (pictured). My chicks also pictured from above and individually. Chick 1 & 3 have clean legs, all others have feathered legs. Hatched on 3/13 & 3/14. Any insight on which is which breed?
  7. D

    Unpipped eggs

    A dozen eggs went into the incubator and 9 chicks came out. I’ve moved the nine chicks to the brooder this afternoon (yesterday was day 21 and they hatched yesterday and this morning) I opened the incubator very briefly to remove the chicks and put the lid back on, brought humidity back up...
  8. D

    Candling question

    I tried to candle my eggs at day 5 using a flash light that was inadequate. I bought a candler. Is it ok to try again on day 6, or is that too soon to open the incubator again? Sort of this seems dumb. First time incubation.
  9. D

    Adding to the nest

    I want to add some eggs from my son’s hen to my girl’s nest when one goes broody. Question: when my girl starts sitting on her eggs, how fresh do the eggs from my son’s hen need to be so they will all hatch around the same time? In other words, if they’ve been on his counter at room temp for 4...
  10. D

    19 week Brahmas

    I have Brahma girls that are 19weeks. They are still on starter crumbles with scratch for treat. Free range several hours a day. One roo. At what age should I switch food and to what food? I read that you shouldn’t use layer feed bc it’s bad for the roo to eat. Is this true? So much info out...
  11. D

    Vinegar in water

    I keep seeing that people put vinegar in the chicken water: what kind? how much? …and why? Thanks!
  12. D

    Can I feed this to my chickens?

    I have Brahma pullets at just a few days shy of 3 mos old. I also have a Brahma rooster at 5 months old. I’ve got a big bag of Dumor starter crumbles 20 or 22% protein and a big bag of gamebird starter 30% protein. I also accidentally bought a big bag of gamebird scratch because it looked like...
  13. D

    New roo

    I have some Brahma pullets that are right at 10 weeks (6 of them). I had thought there would be a rooster in there but all the forums I’ve posted their pictures to agree these are all girls. I am getting a 6 month old Brahma roo this weekend and am wondering how to integrate him safely. I have a...
  14. D

    ISO docile, mature rooster for small flock.

    I have a small (6) flock of 9 week old light Brahma pullets. Looking for a mature, people-friendly rooster for these girls. Does not have to be Brahma but should be a similar sized and temperament breed. In Yadkin county NC but willing to travel in NC or VA for the right bird. TIA pic of some of...
  15. D

    Integrating a roo

    I have 6 nine week old pullets. I’ve posted on multiple forums and all agree they are ladies (light Brahma from TSC). What is the best time to integrate a roo? I know the challenges with a rooster, but my girls free range during the day and we live in the country so I want an “alarm” and some...
  16. D

    Light Brahmas 9 weeks

    Are these all pullets? Nine weeks and two of them are always bumping chests. I’m confident 5 are pullets but posting my whole (little) flock for reference.
  17. D

    Light Brahmas 8 weeks

    Still wondering about this one, although it’s comb is no longer significantly pinker than the others. Pullet or cockerel?
  18. D

    Probably still too early to tell but…

    It’s probably still too early to say, but here goes. I posted a couple weeks ago and now we are just a little past 6 weeks old. Light Brahmas from TSC and this particular one has me worried. So different from the rest, in that it’s bigger and it’s comb is much more pink than the others. No super...
  19. D

    Light Brahma pullet or cockerel

    4.5 weeks and one is different from the others. It’s bigger, and mostly white except for the neck and a bit under the wings, whereas the others are black and white throughout. Also the comb is getting pinkish whereas the other combs are still more yellowish. I bought all 6 together at TSC. Is...
  20. D

    Free range

    We moved our 5 week old light Brahmas (6 of them) in to the coop/run Tuesday afternoon. Coop is 4’ x 6’ and the run is the same size because we plan to let the free range. I was trying to find out how people get their chickens to come back into the coop at night and keep reading that you are...
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