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  1. SheppFamilyFlock

    First time hatching - one egg left not pipped

    We put 9 eggs in the incubator, so far everything has gone swimmingly. 2 eggs pipped on day 20, and yesterday on day 21 all have hatched but one. The only egg left does not have an external pip, but I haven't opened the incubator to candle it. Last night before I went to bed there was one...
  2. SheppFamilyFlock

    Vitamin treatment for paralysis... dosage?

    I have an 8 week old chick who was starting to show some signs of leg paralysis a few days ago. I think it's a vitamin deficiency.. the bird is not showing any other signs of Marek's which was what I was most worried about. The only poultry vitamins I was able to find at my local farm store...
  3. SheppFamilyFlock

    7 week old chick showing some leg issues

    I went out to let my birds out this morning and noticed one chick walking on its hocks. I usually spend a good amount of time in the mornings watching everyone to make sure they're all good, and today was the first time I noticed this. I tried to take a video but couldn't get one, I can keep...
  4. SheppFamilyFlock

    What to do about randy rooster

    I have 3 chickens that are just about a year old. We got a batch of 8 chicks last summer, 6 were roos and 2 were hens. We kept one roo and processed the rest. It's been going fine until the past few weeks, one of my poor girls has lost almost all her feathers on her back. He seems to only like...
  5. SheppFamilyFlock

    Power outage & reintroducing chickens to cold

    I live in Northern Alberta Canada and we are experiencing some pretty cold temps right now. It's our first winter on our homestead, and only our second winter in the north, so we are new to this. Our 3 birds have a heated mat, and when temps started approaching -30°C (and now -40) we added a...
  6. SheppFamilyFlock

    Left kidneys and lungs in bird by accident - just made broth... Will I die if I eat it?

    Ok I'm being dramatic, I know I won't die. My husband and I are new to chickens and when we processed one of our birds we seem to have left a few organs behind. I didn't notice until I was straining the bones out of the soup broth. I'm grossed out and afraid to try the soup now as I've read...
  7. SheppFamilyFlock

    What to do about rooster:hen ratio?

    I'll just start off saying I am quite new to keeping chickens. My family has a small flock of eight birds, they are just about 12 weeks old. We've come to the realization that we likely have 6 cockerels and 2 pullets on our hands 🤦‍♀️ we will be removing 5 of the cockerels once we know for sure...
  8. SheppFamilyFlock

    ~11 week old BYM

    Hi there! I'm new here We got some 10 day old chicks from a homestead back at the end of June. Didn't think to ask what breed they were (maybe someone has an idea of what they might be?) and I've been agonizing over what sex they might be since they started growing feathers 😂 We have one...
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