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  1. King of the Farm

    Jumbo Coturnix vs. regular Coturnix?

    When I bought my first quail eggs it was a variety of colors, some where jumbo and some where not. Now I am wondering what is the best way to tell the difference.
  2. King of the Farm

    Advice needed for Coturnix Quail

    Last summer I started raising quail and now I have approx. 50 quails. I was feeding them Pheasant Breeder feed from Stevens Feed Mill, and now 5 weeks ago I started feeding them Small Game Bird feed from River Nutrition due to a different market for my eggs. About 3 weeks ago I started to notice...
  3. King of the Farm

    Barred Rocks Wanted

    I am looking for several full grown Barred Rock chickens and a rooster. I am also looking for a Buff Orpington rooster, silver sebright rooster, any color plymouth rock chickens & roosters, & fertile Maran eggs for hatching. I live in Lancaster County PA.
  4. King of the Farm

    Happy Birthday!

    @BesideStillWaters @chickencheerios @CommetMama @DarkWater1929 @Firsttimechickmom2
  5. King of the Farm

    Red Barred Rocks

    Is there still a breed like Red Barred Rocks?
  6. King of the Farm

    Heritage Turkeys

    I am interested in getting some heritage turkeys and thought maybe you guys could help me out a bit. What is the best breed for broodiness and good mothers? What is the best breed for a fast growing large turkey? How do you care for heritage turkeys? Thank You in advance!
  7. King of the Farm

    Show me pictures of your crossbreds.

    Currently I have: French Black Cooper Marans. Americana, Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island White, White Leghorn, Barred Plymouth Rocks, & Buff Orpington. I would like to see pictures of any of these breeds crossed, or also other crossbreds.
  8. King of the Farm

    Light for my Coturnix Quail

    I am needing to add a light to my quail pen, and am wondering which shade of light is recommended and how bright it should be?
  9. King of the Farm

    Heritage vs. Hybrid

    Could someone answer these questions as I want to learn more about chicken breeds. What is a heritage chicken? What is a hybrid chicken? Are all chickens either heritage or hybrid?
  10. King of the Farm

    A Happy Surprise

    Last night when I was feeding my chickens one of my 23 weeks old pullet came walking by with 5 newly hatched chicks. I have no idea where she had hidden her nest!
  11. King of the Farm

    Mystery Rooster

    Do any one know what breed this rooster is?
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