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  1. N

    Introducing a lot of chickens to a few hens

    I would love some advice. We have a flock of nine hens that are a year old. We ordered 25 new chicks but the hatchery sent 47! Only one passed in the first day so we now have 46. Our coop is 100 square feet with a 480 square foot run (predators in the area). Is this introduction going to be...
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    Baby Chicks - Possible Disease

    In December we had a less than year-old bird die. The flock had coccidiosis but not a heavy load, so we treated her for that but she never got better and died (possible Mareks or head trauma - avian vet gave no definitve diagnosis). We are getting baby chicks in June. Since whatever that...
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    I previously posted about a chicken that went down last Thursday. The vet was concerned about worms, coccidiosis, and she never excludes Mareks. She immediately began treatment for worms and antibiotics because the vet knew of the farm we got them from and said she had seen parasites in their...
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    Sick Golden Sexlink Chicken - Need Ideas on Cause

    We have a Golden Sexlink Chicken that is at least 30 weeks old. She was purchased as a "coop-ready 6-11week old" chicken back in June. We noticed she would sleep on the floor of the coop while the other chickens slept on various levels of the roosting bars (more than enough space for everyone...
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    4-6 month old Buff Brahmas died - new chicken owner

    Hello, Our family recently started keeping chickens. The mixed flock has a 480 square foot run and 100 square foot coop for 11 chickens. Three geese also sleep in a divided section in the coop but don't stay in the run. Today, we left the house for a few hours and came back to our Buff...
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