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  1. AmooseReally

    When should I banish my 5 week old chicks to the outside realm?

    Just wanted to know when I should let my Light Brahma Chicks out. They do mature slower as I know they're a bigger breed but, they’re already getting big at 5 weeks old. When should I take them out of the brooder?
  2. AmooseReally

    Sexing Light Brahmas and how big can they get?

    So I have 8 light brahma chicks and I wanted to know is it possible to sex them even at the young age of 1 week? And secondary less important question is how big can they really get and how long does it take for full size I know they mature earlier than they reach their full size.
  3. AmooseReally

    How to get my Buff Orpington to Standard of perfection

    I want to know what should I feed to help get my Buff orpington to standard of perfection? She's Around 4-5 months currently.
  4. AmooseReally

    Is this a golden laced wyandotte?

    When they were younger I assumed it was a GLW but now I'm not sure I know she's a wyandotte but what is she you can even tell me what breed both are but I know the second picture must be a GLW these are two different chickens in both pictures
  5. AmooseReally

    Barred Rock Broodiness

    Do barred rocks ACTUALLY go broody? She may just be laying an egg here. I've seen different articles say they go broody and others say they don't. Please someone clear this up.
  6. AmooseReally

    Hows my Golden Laced Wyandotte coming along?

    She's 13.5 weeks old
  7. AmooseReally

    Chicken got bit by a dog

    My chicken got bit by my neighbors dog, this chicken has always been scared of me despite all the time I've spent with it, so it decided to run away to the neighbors. I will cut its feathers after this! Will it heal or is it going to die. Any help appreciated
  8. AmooseReally

    7.5 Week old Blue Red Laced Wyandotte tucking head in wing

    So recently my pullet 1 out of the 6 has been acting a bit more less active? She only eats if I bring food to her she doesn't go to the feeder always like the rest of her friends, she seemed sleepy a lot every-time I grabbed her she'd just close her eyes, or i'd see her roosting somewhere on...
  9. AmooseReally

    My Chicks reaching 7 weeks old tomorrow.

    Should I post now to see what gender my Wyandottes are? I have Golden Laced, Blue Red laced, and Blue Wyandottes. They're all the same age and they're all supposed to be female. Is this an appropriate age to post their pictures to see whether or not they're all female? I hope they all are...
  10. AmooseReally

    Skunk in my backyard

    Yesterday I saw a Baby Skunk with its mom roaming around my backyard, and what's worse my chicks we're outside I'm so thankful to God that nothing happened to them. I want that Skunk out what can I do? Animal control is 200 to 600 dollars here and I'm not too sure about paying that much just to...
  11. AmooseReally

    Whats wrong with my chicken

    Just wanted to know What's this new bump on my chicken, she also has been breathing but she always sounds sick when breathing like when a person hasn't cleared their throat, she acts normal though and she's been like that ever since I got her (the one with the bump) I've tried a lot of things...
  12. AmooseReally

    I got a flock of 6 chicks and some of them are scared of me

    So I've had these wyandotte chicks their whole life and I did interact with them quite a lot, once they reached 5 weeks old though they started to not be too fond of being close to me I don't know why, I've never attacked them or hurted them. What can I do to make them friendly to me?
  13. AmooseReally

    Are Blue Wyandottes rare??

    Ok so recently I got two blue wyandottes and I didn't even know, because I've never heard of them until I searched up wyandotte variants. I search them up theres not too much info documented on them besides them just being a wyandotte varation and just a few scarce pictures, So I have two Blue...
  14. AmooseReally

    What breeds are these and gender.

    I feel as 4 out of the 6 are female. And I think 2 are golden laced Wyandotte and another 2 blue Wyandotte. Don't know what the other two are but probably just another Wyandotte laced variation. Please help me identify their breed and gender.
  15. AmooseReally

    What breeds are these and gender.

    I feel as 4 out of the 6 are female. And I think 2 are golden laced Wyandotte and another 2 blue Wyandotte. Don't know what the other two are but probably just another Wyandotte laced variation. Please help me identify their breed and gender.
  16. AmooseReally

    How long will it take for my barred rocks to reach close to full size? Currently they're 14 weeks old.

    I just wanted to know how long it'll take them to reach full size and start laying. Also do all Plymouth barred rocks have yellow legs? Because mine are grayish the roosters too. I have 2 hens and 1 rooster all are healthy!
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