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  1. R

    Bump on backs of legs

    Hi all! My almost 1 year old Easter egger hen has these bumps on the back of her leg. I was able to snag a pic of one of them. She has one on the almost exact spot on her other leg too just not quite as big. She has not always had these but I’ve just noticed them today. None of my other girls...
  2. R

    Elector PSP Question

    Hi all, I have an infestation of what I believe are Northern Fowl Mites. I live in Southeastern PA. I already did Permethrin treatment to my hens and their coop, but I am waiting on Elector PSP to arrive to use that sometime this week. I want to give each of my 4 girls an Elector PSP soak. I...
  3. R

    Black spots on comb/beak

    Hi ya'll, My girl, Daisy, has a crusty looking comb and black spots on it, too. There are also some spots on her beak. Daisy is almost 6 months old. Has anyone seen this before or have an idea of what it may be?
  4. R

    Concerning Poop? Baby chick

    Hi! I'm a new chick owner and have 4 one-week-old gals right now. I've found this super watery poo last night and this morning. Do either of these look concerning? I am reaching out to my vet as well but curious if anyone in this community has seen similar to this. Thanks!
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