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  1. S

    Do my chickens have mites!

    My chickens have bare patches of missing feathers and keep scratching and pruning…I have examined them a few times but don’t see anything at all on them! What could this be🙁 It’s as though they have invisible bugs. Please help!
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    Egg eating chicken

    Should I cull my hen who is eating the eggs? We’ve tried everything from fake eggs to rollaway boxes. She’s actually digging the eggs out of the rollaway box to eat them and grabbing the eggs from under hens while laying! There’s nothing missing in her diet and I have grit, oyster shells...
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    Found injured hen!

    Help. My daughter found an injured hen at the park and we brought it home to try and save it. The hen appears to have both eyes missing with trauma to the head. We offered water by spoon in which she did drink a little. She remains in the nesting position as we haven’t seen her walk. We put her...
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    Moved chicken feed

    I moved my chickens feed into their upstairs coop but they do not appear to be going up to eat (I’ve been keeping an eye through the camera) Do they know to go to the new location since they sleep and lay eggs there? I moved it out of the run due to rodents…the coop is secured tight giving no...
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    How to break a Broody hen

    My Buff Orpington won’t come out of the nesting box even though there are no eggs. She won’t come out to eat or drink and it’s very hot weather. I’ve tried moving her out of the coop but she goes back in. If I close the coop door blocking access to the nesting boxes, then the other chickens...
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    Dust bath

    I’m setting up a dust bath and learned to use builder’s sand however, there’s different types so which one do I use and where do I buy it? Thank you in advance!
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    Rehome Rooster

    I have s rooster that needs to go 😕. I’m struggling with how to find a good home for him vs putting him down. We bought what we thought were all female baby chocks (from tractor supply) but one turned out to be a rooster. We’re not allowed to have a rooster in our community and he’s crowing...
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    Advice on my Brahma

    So for the past few days, my Brahma hen has been keeping her mouth open and appears to be panting. We live in Texas along the coast so it’s hot and humid here. This is my first time raising chicks so not sure if there’s something wrong with her? The others chicks are fine…I have a total of 4...
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