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  1. BubbaBubbles

    Father/daughter mating. Should I let them?

    Hope I chose the correct thread! So, I have Trifle (head roo of the entire flock), his main girl Truffles, and their daughter Mable. Mable will be 1 yr this year. Trifle's already started dancing for Mable and Truffles acts very possessive and gets jealous when Mable wants to lay near him...
  2. BubbaBubbles

    Can't catch runner

    Need help figuring out a good way to catch a duck. I've tried cornering, treats, using my jacket, etc. To try and bundle her in. Nothing works, especially with her flock so protective and shielding her. Is there a way to catch her or should I leave her be? It's hard, even with her by herself in...
  3. BubbaBubbles

    Duck huddling in himself

    So, my Blue Swedish, Stitch, has always been a healthy and happy boy. But as of 3 months ago, he has started to tuck his neck and lay his head down above his breast area. He seems to only do this when I let them out to forage all day. It's chilly here and the kennel their coop is in has heat...
  4. BubbaBubbles

    Feels like my BO won't stop growing!

    I'm genuinely wondering how large Orpingtons are supposed to be. Sunny will be 1 year old soon. And he's MASSIVE and I swear he just keeps growing! We don't know his exact weight since he's hard to catch but in the rare instances we've grabbed hold, he is HEAVY! Anyone else have a massive...
  5. BubbaBubbles

    Should I let my hen raise a duck?

    Hello. So, I was discussing with someone about possibly allowing my girl Mable raise her babies for the first time. My other roosters are a bit too aggressive for her, so I would rather her end up breeding a second generation with her father, Trifle. However, I also want our broody ducks to have...
  6. BubbaBubbles

    Anyone else's BO run like a goof?

    No chickens were harmed in this video! Anyone else's Orpington have this goofy run?? Trifle was in the middle of putting Sunny in his place lol, neither are hurt. They settled it pretty quick. Just wondering if anyone else's Orpingtons run like this or if my boy is just special 😂
  7. BubbaBubbles

    Can a hen lay one egg at a time?

    So, I am thinking of letting mama Truffles have another chick. But we think one would be best. But is this an option? I read about using fake eggs so she thinks she's doing a whole clutch but I don't know for sure if it would work. Truffles has been a mama before. She stays in a separate pen...
  8. BubbaBubbles

    Can't catch aggressive rooster

    Hi all. I have a very aggressive rooster. He's almost a year old, barely weighs a pound but will fight like he's the biggest bird ever. He constantly flies at everyone and only backs down when he's fighting another rooster like my big boys. I've tried a lot of things. Kicking, yelling, scaring...
  9. BubbaBubbles

    How do genes work?

    So, as a lot of y'all know, Trifle and Truffles had 6 chicks (5 sold off now that they're grown, kept Mable, their daughter.) All of the chicks, however, came out having Trifle's markings only. I was hoping at least one would have Truffles' beautiful red coloring but none of them did. I couldn't...
  10. BubbaBubbles

    Drake trying to drown hen for first time.

    Hi all. So, I have 4 ducks. Lilo (blue swede), Stitch (blue swede), Bubbles (pekin), and Winnie (runner). Stitch is the only drake of the flock. For a long time, he was the sweetest gentleman to all his ladies. Taking wonderful care of them, guiding Winnie when she first arrived and was scared...
  11. BubbaBubbles

    Super sweet rooster suddenly aggressive?

    So, this is my rooster Zazu. A beautiful welsummer bantam with his own ladies. No fights with the other roosters. In fact, everything's in order for them all. His main lady is Bambi, same breed and age. Both full grown. Bambi is broody and gets upset when I collect her eggs, of course. She...
  12. BubbaBubbles

    Meet Winnie!

    My sister's fiance gave me an adorable, gorgeous Indian Runner yesterday. Her name is Winnie and I wanted to show her off! She's very shy but polite and gentle, and absolutely lovesick for her man Stitch. She's obviously still adjusting but she's already been wagging her tail about everything...
  13. BubbaBubbles

    New duck! What should I expect?

    Hi all. My sister's Fiance got me a beautiful Indian Runner today (yet to name her but the name Winnie has my heart!) and she met with the rest of the flock! It went ok and she was accepted pretty fast, and of course Stitch is relentlessly mounting... Will this lessen over time? His other 2...
  14. BubbaBubbles

    Help ID this pullet please

    Can anyone identify this pretty gal my sister has? She's gorgeous and almost reminds me of a quail.
  15. BubbaBubbles

    Caught Zazu's special crow

    Just want to show off this silly guy's crow. Anyone else's sound like this? I've never heard a rooster crow like this! I was very surprised and I ALWAYS laugh when I hear him. 😂 Goodness, I love him.
  16. BubbaBubbles

    Why is my rooster so bad at dancing?

    Sooo... All my roosters of my little flock are super gorgeous when they dance. My welsummer, Zazu, is all handsome and flashy when he dances for his sweet Bambi. Trifle does a cute shuffle for ol' Truffles, etc. But my Orpington, Sunny... When he dances, he does it very a quick second. Only...
  17. BubbaBubbles

    Rooster won't stop mounting duck

    Hi all, so my boy Sunny has finally reached full size which was exciting... Until he started exhibiting aggressive behavior toward my duck hens. He has his own hen, Goldie, who is the exact same age as him but he will not mate with her! There are also my other 2 hens, Truffles and Bambi...
  18. BubbaBubbles

    Rooster choking on blood?

    Hi all. Just this afternoon my roo, Trifle (2lb egger bantam), got into a fight with the neighbor's roo (5lb stand. egger) through the chainlink fence. He ended up with an injured wattle, which I successfully treated, and am letting him stay indoors overnight to make sure all is clear for him to...
  19. BubbaBubbles

    Hen wont stop yelling

    Hi all. My hen Truffles recently started laying again after having her chicks a few weeks back. But ever since yesterday she's been a lot more vocal and clingy. She follows me around which is normal for her but she makes this long groan/yell. She does it when my other roo Sunny is nearby but he...
  20. BubbaBubbles

    Roo trying to mate again too soon

    Trifle is almost a year old now and is some sort of EE bantam cross, so I was told. He mated with his lady Truffles a month ago and now they have five 4 week old chicks. Anyways, Trifle is already trying to mate with her again but she isn't having it. At first, it seemed to be a one-time issue...
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